Early Childhood Teachers’ Association
20 Hilton Rd, Gympie 4570
Tel: 0418 157 280
Email: Web: www.ecta.org.au
ABN 31 930 635 743
Membership Application/Renewal Form 2018
Membership commences from date paid to 31 December 2018
(Complete details, save to your computer then send to ECTA via email as an attachment)
TODAYS DATE:Are you a previous ECTA Member? No or Not sure or YES Membership Number if known:
Please assist ECTA to build a relevant information database for serving member interests
Individual, Organisational, Graduate, Student*, Student EYC*, or Concessional* Memberships fill in this section
Contact Details
Preferred Postal Address
Street # & Name:
State: Postcode:
Preferred Email for enews**:
Preferred email for invoice:
Note: ECTA uses email to contact & inform members
Preferred Telephone:
Work Sector/s (multiple choice allowed)
App. Kindy Program Provider FDC LDC
Non-State School OSHC State School
Tertiary N/A
Other – give details
Age range taught (multiple choice allowed)
Babies Toddlers Pre- Kindy
Kindy Prep Lower Primary Upper Primary
Secondary Tertiary N/A
Other - Give details
Organisational Memberships also fill in this section
Organisational Name:
ECTA Contact Person: / Individual, Graduate, Student EYC*, Student* or Concessional* Memberships also fill in this section
* Must supply a copy of your student ID or concession card
Personal Details
Preferred First Name:
Workplace Name:
Workplace Postcode*:
Training Details
Teacher Registration or Student Number:
University/Training Institution:
Year Graduated:
Position/s (multiple choice allowed)
Admin Assistant Educator Lead Educator
Director Educator/Teacher Student
Tertiary Educator Retired
Other – give details
Highest Relevant Qualification
Certificate Diploma Grad Diploma
Degree Bachelor Masters Doctorate
Other - Give details
Please allow two weeks for processing. Once processed you will receive a welcome message via email which will contain your username and password to allow you to access the many resources stored in our Members Centre. You will also receive a MYOB PDF receipt for any payment made. All ECTA Membership runs from January to December. Those joining late in the year will be sent copies of any journals and DVDs already distributed.
* Essential information - please ensure these items are filled in
Payment Details
Membership Category Sort: see below for details and costs of categoriesOrganisational - $210 Individual - $95 Graduate -$60 *Concessional - $20 (Copy of Concession Card)
*Student - $0 (Copy of full-time student ID) *Student/Concessional-EYC - $60
*A copy of Student ID or Concession Card must be supplied with application.
Postage of Journals outside Australia requires a $100 extra fee. Do you require this? Yes No
Applicant’s Signature
If completing on computer and emailed typed name recognised as signature
Payment Method (check box below) / Date: / Amount Paid $
Cheque/Money Order Enclosed (Please make payable to Early Childhood Teachers’ Association Inc)
Direct Deposit to ECTA Bank of Qld BSB 124 001 A/C 20354221
Direct Debit Payments MUST send Membership Application Form via Email or Post to ECTA
Credit Card Payment - (If concerned about security we recommend you post this form)
Card Type / Bankcard / MasterCard / Visa
Card No
Cardholder Name / Expiry Date / /
Cardholder Signature / C V V
Membership Categories
All those interested in early childhood are invited to join ECTA. You do not have to be a qualified teacher to join ECTA.
All Members regardless of category receive: access to the Members Centre of the website which stores PDF copies of past journals, links to streamed recordings of online & some conference presentations and conference handouts and reduced ECTA conference registration and regional group PD registration. Up to eight no-cost webinars per year (EQ staff need to apply to EQ IT to unblock GoToTraining and GoToWebinar to access webinars or use personal non-EQ email and equipment),
Organisational Membership: $210 per year (Includes GST) School/Education Centre/Organisation/Professional Association/Libraries
Group/Organisational members receive one copy of each of the three issues of journal along with access to the Members Centre of the website for all staff, ECTA QLD rate at all regional PD, and two fully discounted ECTA Annual Conference registration fees and partially discounted fees for all other staff. All staff can register for webinars from home or work at no cost.
Individual Membership: $95 per year (Includes GST)
Individual members receive three issues of the Educating Young Children (EYC) journal. Note: Teachers who provide ECTA with their registration number are eligible to vote at the AGM and nominate to join the State Coordinating Committee after 3rd year of membership.
New Graduates: $60 per year (Includes GST)
New Graduates may apply for a membership discount the year following their graduation. They receive all benefits including voting rights if a registered teacher. Mid-year graduates should apply for student membership in their graduating year and then apply in following calendar year for graduate membership.
Concessional Membership: $20 per year (Includes GST) Low income earners holding a Health Care Card or retired teachers wishing to stay connected to the early childhood field. Benefits similar to Student Membership below.
Send a photocopy of your Health Care Card / evidence of retirement.
Student Membership: no fee charged Full-Time Early Childhood Student ONLY Student members are provided with a password to access website resources, including a digital copy of the journal and may apply for discounted student conference registration.
Send a photocopy of student ID card showing current full-time Student ID **
Student/Concessional EYC Membership: $60 per year (Includes GST) designed for those on a low income who wish to receive hard copies of the journals and all benefits of an Individual Member. Send a copy showing current Student ID or Health Care Card
ECTA is an incorporated association with Commercial insurance