If you haven't yet, take a moment to review the information related to becoming a member by clicking on the following links:membership informationandmembership fee structure.

What to do:

1 - Fill in this application form and save itto your computer

2 - Fill in the Membership Application Agreement Document (PDF) available here

3 - Send an email to with the following attachments:

  • This completedMembership ApplicationForm
  • The completed Membership Application Agreement Document
  • Your organisation statutes (or similar document/s. In English if possible).

If you encounter difficulties completing this form, please contact us at

We will be happy to help you.

We look forward to welcoming you as a new ISCA member!

Organisation Information

Please provide the information completely and accurately.
Organisation: / Click here to fill in /
Acronym/Abbreviation: / Click here to fill in / Year founded: / Click here to fill in /
Scope of the organisation: / ☐Local / ☐Regional / ☐National / ☐International
Number of members (est.): / Click here to fill in / Number of staff: / Click here to fill in
Address: / Click here to fill in /
Postal Address
Click here to fill in /
Postal Address line 2
Click here to fill in / Click here to fill in / Click here to fill in /
City / Postal Code / Country
Phone number: / Click here to fill in / Region of the world: / Choose an item.
Website address / Click here to fill in /
Facebook / Click here to fill in /
LinkedIn / Click here to fill in /
Other / Click here to fill in /

Contact Information

Please provide the information completely and accurately.
General contact full name: / Click here to fill in / Click here to fill in /
Last name / First name
General contact email: / Click here to fill in /
President full name: / Click here to fill in / Click here to fill in /
Last name / First name
President email / Click here to fill in /

Description of the organisation

Vision of the organisation:
(Describe the long-term change desired from your organisation’s work) / Click here to fill in /
Mission of the organisation:
(What is the purpose of your organisation, your objectives and goals? Who are your target groups? What are the benefits and values of your organisation’s work) / Click here to fill in /
Comments / Click here to fill in /
☐ / By checking this box,I, Click here to add your name, on behalf of my association, hereby certify that the information within the ISCA membership application form above is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that withholding or giving false information may result in a refusal at any stage of the application process.