Kenmore West

High School

College Information Guide


We educate, prepare, and inspire

all students to

achieve their highest potential

Many resources are available to you through the KenmoreWestCounselingCenter. Please read the following information carefully and make an appointment with your school counselor if you have questions or items to discuss.

There are many factors involved in choosing a college that fits you well.

It is a decision that will involve prioritizing your needs, as well as your parents.

It is your responsibility to ensure you stand out to college admission representatives who have thousands of applications to review. This process is not only about what you prefer in a college, but what type of student colleges prefer on their campuses.

As a senior, you will be scheduled for a Senior Review in September or October. During this appointment, graduation requirements and future plans will be discussed. Ideally, before this appointment, you should have taken the SAT or ACT in the spring of your junior year. If you have not taken either of these tests, you should register to take them now. Materials for online registration are provided in the CounselingCenter and on the Kenmore West website. Either of these tests are a requirement if you plan to attend a four-year school (please see attached for additional information on SAT and ACT).

Enclosed you will find helpful information for the college application process

and a calendar of tasks to complete in order to successfully

navigate your way through your senior year.

What do colleges want to see in potential students?

Grade point average (GPA) and rank

Strength of your high school courses

SAT and/or ACT scores

SAT Subject test

(some colleges may require this)

Letters of recommendation from adults who know you well

Well-written application essay

Personal interview at college visit

Resume of activities, interests, & employment

How To Make an Informed College Decision

Things to Think About:

  • Location –out of state or in-state?
  • Class size/Student-to-teacher ratio
  • What majors am I thinking of? What high school and/or college classes are required for this major? What skills are required?

How to Make an InformedCollege Decision (continued)

Things to Think About:

  • Do I want to go to a public or private institution?
  • What am I able to afford?
  • What scholarships, grants or financial aids are available?
  • Do I want a large school or small?
  • Do I want a rural, urban or suburban setting?
  • Opportunities for activities/clubs/sports
  • Is there a CareerCenter to help me prepare for job search after graduation?
  • Do I want to live on-campus or commute?

How Do I Choose My Major?

  • Read about different careers; learn about projected employment rates, demand for skills needed within specific industries, salaries, etc. at (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • If possible, interview or job shadow someone in your field of interest and to see if you would enjoy the position
  • Gain experience: Try to obtain employment or volunteer at an entry level job in the career that interests you (Colleges appreciate students with VOLUNTEER experience!)
  • Use Naviance/Family Connection (see next page)

Naviance Family Connection

Go to Kenmore West homepage.

Look under Headlines. Click on College Search. On next page, click on College Search again.

Welcome to Naviance Family Connection.


Use Novell login information for username and for password, use “123456”.

Next, go to Manage my Account to change to your permanent password. For this, use your Novell password. If your password is only 5 characters, add a zero to the end. You now have your permanent log-in for Family Connection.


Use your Novell username and password. Remember to add a zero to the end if your password is only 5 characters.

Family Connection Welcome Page. This will feature messages from the KW Counseling Center.

Go to Manage My Account in upper right hand corner. Fill in personal information carefully. Include personal email address.

Go back to Family Connection Home. Walk through posted links (ACT, SAT, NACAC, SUNY, FAFSA, Common App.)

Go to Colleges tab and click. Under College Research, click on college lookup. Find a college of interest and add it to your list.

Again under College Research, click on college search. Complete the Advanced College Search questionnaire.

Go to About Me tab and click. Under Interesting things about me, click on resume. Go to add a new entry. Complete all sections as time allows.

With remaining time, explore the Naviance Family Connections program. Use account for college and career searches, registering for SAT and ACT, and be sure to update your resume by senior review time.

College Planning Calendar


Register/re-take SAT and/or ACT

(limited amount of fee waivers are available for those students

who qualify for free or reduced lunch)

Attend KW College Night

Thursday, September 27 @ 6:30 pm in Aud

Special education or 504 students:

See your counselor for test accommodation pre-approved

modification form to take SAT or ACT

Attend college fairs and open houses

Meet with college representatives in CareerCenter

**Most college reps give out fee waivers if you take the time to meet with them

Look at college websites to research admissions requirements

Visit college campuses for tours

Prioritize your college criteria

(Size, location, cost, program offerings)

Ask 2-3 adults to write you a letter of recommendation.

Give them ample time to compose a well-written letter before the application deadline

**Pay particular attention to colleges with Early Decision & Early Action deadlines


Start to work on college applications


October (continued)

Adhere to application deadlines

(especially if you are applying early decision!!)

Attend BuffaloCollege Consortium at Kenmore West

October 26, 3rd period in cafeteria

*Sign up to attend in the Career Ctr.

If participating in collegiate athletics, go to the NCAA website for eligibility:


Begin submitting college applicationsonline

(Submit them in early if they are complete!)

**If you have applied to a college online,

please print the Counselors section and turn it in to your counselor.

This page, along with your transcripts,

will be sent from Kenmore West to the college.

Sometimes the application fee is waived if you apply online by a certain date


Check the CareerCenter or Kenmore West website

for scholarship information

(Common scholarships: Ken West Alumni Assoc., PTSA,

Rotary Club, KTA, Ken-TonMiddle Schools)

Attend Financial Aid Night

Thursday, December 6 at 6:30 pm

KW Auditorium

Prepare to file F.A.F.S.A. form


File F.A.F.S.A. form after January 1

Complete supplemental applications from colleges

(if applicable)

March – May

Receive college acceptance lettersfinancial award letters

from colleges& finalize decision

Financial Aid Information

You can pay for college!

(Don’t get “sticker shock!”)

Very often, families looking at colleges/universities for the first time come away with “sticker shock.”

They look at an institution whose total cost is in the $40,000-$50,000 range. The first thought that comes to mind is: “There is no way we can afford this school.” The truth is the vast majority of college students only pay a fraction of the total cost of their institution. How much financial aid you qualify for and thus how much your family is expected to pay out of pocket depends on a variety of factors.

In order to sort out your options, here is a timeline to help you through the financial aid process. Follow this step-by-step and you may be pleasantly surprised!

Remember: In most cases you will NOT receive a penny of financial aid unless you follow this process and fill out financial aid forms.


It’s never too late to save. Even if you only save enough for books, your after-school-job money will give you a head start. Also, you should attend financial aid information nights like the one at Kenmore West on Thursday, December 6 at 6:30 in the Auditorium or offered at colleges around Western New York.


November– Apply for your pin numberfor your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Most schools require this form to determine how much financial aid you will need. The FAFSA form can be accessed at (please see attached page).

December– Attend our Financial Aid Night on December 6 at 6:30 in the Kenmore West Auditorium. The speaker will walk you through how to fill out the FAFSA form and answer any questions you may have about the financial aid process.

January– Start filling out your FAFSA form on line After January 1 you can submit your information. Hint: you do not have your taxes done in order to fill out financial aid forms. If you traditionally do not do your taxes until later, you should use estimates to fill out financial aid forms early, then go back and edit them when your taxes are complete.

*Check with your colleges to see if they require any additional forms to be filled out (CSS Profile Form or Supplemental Financial Aid Applications from the specific institutions).

February– February should be used to visit those schools you have not gotten to visit yet. It is not advisable to choose a school to attend unless you have been on campus and visited!

March – Review your SAR (Student Aid Report). You should review this report for all data submitted through your FAFSA for accuracy. This is also the time to update any current tax information (especially if you used estimates to fill out the FAFSA in January).

April– Watch the mail for your financial aid award letters. Compare award letters and then choose the best option for you and your family. If you have any questions contact the appropriate financial aid office or see your school counselor.

May– Sign and return your financial award letter. Don’t forget to decline award letters from schools you will not be attending. If your award does not cover all your costs and you may need to apply for an educational loan through your college/university or local bank. Contact your college’s financial aid office for more details.

Helpful Financial Aid/Scholarship Websites:

KenmoreWestGuidance & CareerCenter webpage: lists local scholarships every month. Applications for scholarships located in KW Career Center.

FastWeb – – Database contains information on 375,000 scholarships

College Board –

Savings 101 – –Free, comprehensive, independent and objective guide to financial aid from the experts

Higher Education Services Corporation – – Find out about state and federal aid and link to other college or lender websites

Sallie Mae – – Nation’s leading source of money for college loans, also answer questions on financial aid

New YorkState Financial Aid Admin. Assoc. – - Contains EFC (Expected Family Contribution) estimator, scholarship searches, NYS schools using the CSS Profile, a financial aid dictionary, and more.


SAT Information

Cost:Critical reasoning test$50.00

SAT II subject test$23.00

Late registration fee$27.00

Test center date change $26.00

Waitlist fee$44.00

Send scores to colleges$11.00 per school, first 4 schools are free

Test dates:Registration deadline:

November 3, 2012 October 4, 2012

December 1, 2012 @ KE onlyNovember 1, 2012

January 26, 2013December 28, 2012

March 9, 2013February 8, 2013

May 4, 2013April 5, 2013

June 1, 2013May 2, 2013

Register online at:

ACT Information

Cost:ACT with Writing section$50.50

ACT without Writing section$35.00

Late registration fee$22.00

Stand-by fee$43.00

Test day change$21.00

Send scores to colleges$11.00 per school, first 4 schools are free

Test dates:Registration deadline:

October 27, 2012September 21, 2012 December 8, 2012 November 2, 2012

April 13, 2013March 8, 2013

June 8, 2013May 3, 2013

Register online at:




Test Prep Info

Typically, test prep classes do not focus on improving your math and verbal skills. They do however, help give you test-taking strategies, and increase your comfort level with taking these tests. The time, energy, and money you put it to test prep is up to you. We have a variety of test prep recommendations, but they are meant to be a guide – not formal recommendation.

Atlas Test Prep courses)

Kaplan Test Prep


Princeton Review

ErieCommunity College851-1800



Barnes & Noble/ BordersTest prep materials

College Board website

Jantzi test prep courses


2012 College Visits


Students can obtain a pass in the CareerCenter to meet attend a meeting with the following college representatives:


21NazarethCollege11 am

21SUNY Oneonta11:30 am

24NiagaraUniversity9 am

26 ElmiraCollege9 am

26SUNY Brockport9 am

26CanisiusCollege1 pm

28ColgateUniversity9:30 am


1SUNY Oswego10:30 am

2SUNY Potsdam10 am

3St. John Fisher9 am

3GannonUniversity9 am

4DePaulUniversity8:15 am

12KeukaCollege10 am

16Medaille College1 pm

23SUNY Albany10 am

24Cleveland Inst. of Art8 am


Polytechnical Inst.12:15 pm


8SUNY Cortland10:30 am

Military Visits in Cafeteria

Navy 2nd Wednesday of the month

Army National Guard1st and 3rd Monday of every month

Air Force3rd Wednesday of every month

Marines2nd Tuesday of every month

Army1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month