Installing WebSphere Server Advanced Edition Version 3.5

WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition V3.5
Installation Guide

Note:The drive with the installation files will be referred to as drive X. Please substitute this drive letter with the appropriate CD or network drive letter. If the required files were downloaded from a website and placed into a temporary installation directory, substitute this drive letter for the temporary installation directory.

Note:You cannot use ghosting or disk imaging to install this software. You must install the software on each machine separately.

Step 1.Install WebSphere Application Server.

  1. If you have not already done so, log on to Windows as wasadmin (password: wasadmin).
  2. Insert the CD labelled WAS35ADV.
  3. From X:\, run ibmwebasv3_quick_trial.exe.
  4. You will see the Unpacking IBM WebSphere Application Server window as shown below.
  1. Choose English as Setup Language, and press the OK button.

  1. In the window below, press the Next button.

  1. In the window below, press the Next button.

  1. In the Security Options window, enter:

wasadmin for the Username
wasadmin for the Password and Confirm password.

Click the Next button.

  1. In the Product Directory window, specify the Destination Directory and IBM HTTP Server Destination Directory as below, and click the Next button.

  1. In the window below, press the Next button.

Wait for the installation to finish.

  1. When you see the window below, the installation is complete. You have also installed JDK1.2.2 and IBM HTTP Server (Apache). Deselect Yes, I want to view the README file now, and select the Finish button.
  1. After installation, restart the computer and log on again as wasadmin.

Step 2.Verify the Installation.

Take these simple steps to verify that the installation has taken place properly.

  1. IBM HTTP Server.

IHS can be affected by the host name setting. This is especially the case if you have installed the software from a disk image and later changed the host name.

Open IE or Netscape. Enter the URL and make sure you can see the home page as shown below:

  1. WebSphere Application Server
  2. Start the IBM WS AdminServer service from the control panel.
  3. Start the administration console. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs -> IBM WebSphere -> Application Server 3.5 -> Administrator's Console.
  4. The WebSphere Advanced Administrative Console should open without error.

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