GMCVO Talent Match Sessions

September 13th 2012

Talent Match Target Group Suggestions

A range of suggestions were made. The ones that fall within the Big Lottery criteria have been grouped into the following categories:

1Open approach

- The willing

- Anybody who feels “far away” from gaining employment

- Person centred approach - don’t put young people in boxes

2Multiple barriers

- Young people who live in areas of multiple deprivation

- Multiple barriers: housing, debt, health (physical/mental/emotional), skills, offence, substance mis-users


- People with negative experiences of education: those who were high truancies/low to no GCSE’s or further education

- Demotivated young people

4Young people who are ESA Claimers/JSA Claimers

- Employment and support allowance customers

- Work programme with additional needs

- Cyclical unemployment: No support until 12 months (If you restart a fresh claim in this period it means you are at 0 again – have to wait another 12 months for support)

5Young Parents

- Young single parents

- Young families (both parents unemployed with young child): both parents can receive help and support them to receive a job and sustain their own family

6Those not already engaged with support services

- Hidden employment: May not be on benefit/JSA (These people you have to go and visit in their environment)

- Those young people who are not claiming benefit for whatever reason (e.g. parents worrying it may affect their benefits)

- Young people who are into low level crime

- Lost in system

- Working class qualified who are unable to get a job and too embarrassed to apply for benefit

7Target the whole family

- Young people who have parents and grandparents who have never been employed: no positive role models. These young people don’t see employment as a natural progression.

- Young People without strong family/peer network support (or negative influences/networks)

8Young Carers

9Care Leavers

10Housing problems

- Poor/Unstable housing (Can be difficult maintaining work, if living situation is unstable)

- Homeless and hidden homeless (e.g. sofa surfing) young people

- Chaotic home life

11Young offenders

- Young people in Criminal Justice System

- Young offenders, offending (or those at risk)


- Specialist knowledge of young disabled people

- Learning difficulties

- Moderate disability

13BME young people

14Young people with mental health issues

- Those with low self esteem and low confidence

- Drug and alcohol users

- Young people with low emotional intelligence

- Young people with mental health problems


- Those not engaging (more on the street)

- Those who are happy to be on benefit

- “Playstation generation”

16Age group target

- 21-24 year olds: because of being “left out” of existing provision and funding