A.M. Kindergarten News

March 4-8

Language Arts

This week we will be studying vowel E,e. We will be writing E, exploring the sound of E, and searching for E in words.

We will add weand wantto the word wall.

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, the children will bring home a few extra books next week that can go into their Book Boxes.

Special Activities

We will be creating a very special Mother’s Day project. It is top secret!!! The cost of project for processing is $7.00. I am asking each family to send in $7.00 by March 11 for the project. Please put the money in an envelope with your child’s name and labeled Mother’s Day project. If you are unable to send in the money, please let me know!

National Read AcrossAmerica Day on March 2. This is a special day promoted by the NEA that encourages everyone across the country to read. It corresponds with Dr. Seuss’ birthday! There are school wide activities planned around this day for the entire week next week. Other special events next week include buddy reading, mystery readers, a book swap! For the book swap children should bring in any books that they no longer read. They can exchange them for a different book that another student has brought in! Books can be brought in all week long.

Monday – Crazy Hat Day

Tuesday – Red and White Day

Wednesday – Pajama Day- Bring a stuffed animal along too!

Thursday is Tie-Dye Day

Friday – Dress-Up as your favorite Book Character

Mrs. Venesky the guidance counselor will visit our classroom for another guidance lesson on Thursday.

During the month of March, I will accept ALL Book-It months that you might have missed. You may right down 10 books that you read to your child or your child read independently on a piece of paper with the month marked.


Congratulations to PM Kindergarten for collecting the most Box Tops (362) in the school for the month of February!!!!! AM Kindergarten continues to be in the lead for over all total collection (2,070). We are only 112 Box Tops ahead of Mrs. Whitney’s class! PM has collected a total of 1,187 Box Tops. As you can see, it is a close race! Keep collecting! Tell your friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers to collect!!!!!!

Star of the Week

Kate L.

Important Dates

3/4February Book-It Paper Due

3/5 PTO Meeting 6:30PM in the library

3/11 $7.00 Due for Mother’s Day Project

See info above for all the Read Across America Activities!

P.M. Kindergarten News

March 4-8

Language Arts

This week we will be studying vowel E,e. We will be writing E, exploring the sound of E, and searching for E in words.

We will add weand wantto the word wall.

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, the children will bring home a few extra books next week that can go into their Book Boxes.


Special Activities

We will be creating a very special Mother’s Day project. It is top secret!!! The cost of project for processing is $7.00. I am asking each family to send in $7.00 by March 11 for the project. Please put the money in an envelope with your child’s name and labeled Mother’s Day project. If you are unable to send in the money, please let me know!

National Read Across America Day on March 2. This is a special day promoted by the NEA that encourages everyone across the country to read. It corresponds with Dr. Seuss’ birthday! There are school wide activities planned around this day for the entire week next week. Other special events next week include buddy reading, mystery readers, a book swap! For the book swap children should bring in any books that they no longer read. They can exchange them for a different book that another student has brought in! Books can be brought in all week long.

Monday – Crazy Hat Day

Tuesday – Red and White Day

Wednesday – Pajama Day- Bring a stuffed animal along too!

Thursday is Tie-Dye Day

Friday – Dress-Up as your favorite Book Character

Mrs. Venesky the guidance counselor will visit our classroom for another guidance lesson on Thursday.

During the month of March, I will accept ALL Book-It months that you might have missed. You may right down 10 books that you read to your child or your child read independently on a piece of paper with the month marked.


Congratulations to PM Kindergarten for collecting the most Box Tops (362) in the school for the month of February!!!!! AM Kindergarten continues to be in the lead for over all total collection (2,070). We are only 112 Box Tops ahead of Mrs. Whitney’s class! PM has collected a total of 1,187 Box Tops. As you can see, it is a close race! Keep collecting! Tell your friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers to collect!!!!!!

Star of the Week

Jeanni D.

Important Dates

3/4 February Book-It Paper Due

3/5 PTO Meeting 6:30PM in the library

3/11 $7.00 Due for Mother’s Day Project

See info above for all the Read Across America Activities!