RiccartonNursery School

May 2012

This month is going to be extremely busy and we have lots of fun things planned. Please keep a note of all the important dates so your child doesn’t miss out.

Outdoor Music Area

A big thank you to all the parents and grandparents who have helped make instruments to use outdoors. We hope to purchase a large play panelled stage for outdoors with a variety of fixed instruments attached to the back panels. We are holding a Race Night on Saturday 2nd June to raise funds for this and hope you will support us best you can. Tickets are on Sale at £5 each, and include The Race Night, buffet and Disco and will be held in the Riccarton Bowling Club 7.30 pm. We are looking for donations of Raffle Prizes to be handed in and tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis.It should be a really good night.

Home Link Bags

The response from both children and parents was extremely positive on our home link initiative. Responses from parents are displayed in the corridor. We will continue the maths bags next year and we also hope to introduce literacy bags.

This month we are focusing on the importance of reading stories to young children and Karen (community Learning & Development) will provide half hour Book Bug sessions every Tuesday morning( 8th until 29th May) starting at 11.30am. Parents are invited to come along and participate in these popular sessions with their child. We hope as many of you as possible will attend.


This month we will be learning about creatures that live in the garden. We have purchased Insect Lore this will allow the children to see the caterpillars develop and turn into butterflies. This will develop an understanding of life cycles, food chains and a positive attitude towards the environment and living things.

Walk To School Week

Schools all over East Ayrshire are taking part in the annual walk to school week and we too will take part in this event From Monday 21st May until Friday 25th May, a daily walking theme has been created to encourage children to walk.

We are seeking your support for this campaign, and hopefully you will join in by walking your child to nursery for all or part of the week. If you need to travel by car then you can still take part—leave home 5 minutes earlier and park away from the school and enjoy walking a little distance. That’s all it takes to join in.

Monday: Walk to school wearing a hat

Tuesday : Walk to school wearing odd socks

Wednesday: Walk to school with funky hair

Thursday: Walk your favourite teddy to school

Friday : Walk to school wearing sunglasses

Football Coaching

Gary Seymour the active schools co-ordinator will provide football coaching sessions for the Pre-school children on 21st and 28th may.

Queens Diamond Jubilee

Each child will be issued with a template to design their own commemorative plate at home. Please ensure the designs are returned by Friday 25th May in order they can be displayed and judged for our celebration day on Thursday 31st May.

On 31st May, parents are invited in to join their children in groups to celebrate this special event with a cream tea. Group times for parents will be displayed in the cloakroom prior to the event.

Eco News

Thanks for all the Tesco vouchers you have handed in so far, please keep them coming over the final two weeks. We are looking for a new parent rep for the Eco Commitee. The group meets up every couple of months and a big thank you to Carol-Anne who has been a great help this year. If you are interested or would like to find out more about it, please speak to a member of staff.

Parent Visits

Very soon you will receive an invitation to come into the nursery and discuss your child’s progress with staff. If the date or time does not suit please do not hesitate to ask for an alternative day.


The nursery will be closed on Thursday 3rd May for the election. We are closed Monday 7thMay for the bank holiday and on Friday 1st June, Mon4th and Tuesday 5thJune


Finlay, Kirsty, Caitlyn, Scott, Eve, Tomas, Ashton and Sofia