Reg. No. 1991/005477/06


Advert /Publish Date / 19 Oct 2016
Availability of Documents /
Compulsory Site Inspection / Yes
Briefing Session / Not applicable
Closing Date / 31 Oct 2016
Closing Time / 11h00 AM


Please indicate whether this is the original or a copy by ticking the applicable block.



SAPO / South African Post Office Limited
BBBEE / Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
BEE / Black Economic Empowerment
JV / Joint Venture
RFP / Request For Proposal
CV / Curriculum Vitae
PPPFA / Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act
EME / Exempted Micro Enterprises
SCM / Supply Chain Management
ED / Enterprise Development


259 Govan Mbeki Ave

Port Elizabeth


Tel: 041 508 4373

Fax: 041 508 4036


RFP NO:RFQ 16/110/EC…………………………..


CLOSING DATE:31 Oct 2016at 11:00AM

Dear Sir /Madam


You are hereby invited to submit proposals for the provision of Generator maintenanceand Refilling of Dieselat South African Post Office Limited owned and leased buildings in the various areas within Eastern Cape Region for a period of three (3) years.

Your proposal should be addressed as follows:

Procurement (Supply Chain Management)

South African Post Office Limited

259 Govan Mbeki Ave

Port Elizabeth


Attention: Hans van Loggerenberg (Procurement)

The tender box is accessible to the public 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The measurements of the “tender box slot” are 450mm wide x 250mm high, and you must ensure that documents/files are not larger than the above dimensions. Files, which are too bulky (i.e. more than the above mentioned dimensions) must please be split into two or more files.

Please note that late documents will not be considered. The South African Post Office Limited shall not be bound to accept any offer.

The details for compulsory site inspection and Briefing session are as follows:





Mthatha Area Office,Sutherland Rd
Idutywa Post Office, N2, Idutywa
Contact Person / Name / Hans Van Loggerenberg
Telephone Number / 041 508 4373

All enquiries shall be addressed, in writing, to the attention of the above-mentioned South African Post Office official.

Yours sincerely





1.1.The SAPO Limited requires a bidder/s to provide Generator maintenance and refilling of diesel at SAPO owned and leased buildings at Eastern Cape Region.

1.2.The services are required at various (SAPO) offices, warehouses, mail centres and post offices where identified.


2.1To appoint a service provider/s for the provision of Generator maintenance and refilling of dieselin the various areas within a region for a period of three (3) years.

2.2To promote local enterprises within a specific region.

2.3To promote Enterprise Development (ED). SAPO intends promoting Exempted Micro Enterprise’s (EME’s) through this bid. However, entities other than EME’s are required to provide an ED plan to demonstrate their contribution to EME development, in accordance with the specification.


To appoint a service provider/s for the provision of Generator maintenance and refilling of dieselat SAPO owned and leased buildings in various areas within Eastern Cape Region for a period of three (3) years.


Mthatha Area Office / Sutherland Rd, Mthatha
Idutywa Post Office / N2 , Idutywa

5.1Bidders shall take into account that the SAPO total requirements may not be allocated to only one bidder.

5.2Bidders shall quote prices in South African Rand and Value Added Tax shall be excluded and shown separately.

5.3Bidders shall quote on the basis indicated in the Pricing Scheduleand as stated in the Proposal Questionnaire.

5.4SAPO requires an all-inclusive and fully transparent cost structure. Escalations must be included and the Percentage Price Breakdowns must be included in the format specified.

5.5Pricing of goods and services must be linked to the specifications.

5.6Bidders must indicate what portion of the total price will be allocated to each member of the JV or Consortium where a Bidder is constituted of more than one member.

5.7Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words and there is a conflict between the two, the words will prevail.

5.8The successful bidder shall commit to the programme of continuous improvement, which will result in cost-efficiencies during the currency of the relationship.

5.9Bidders must warrant to the SAPO and indicate that the pricing quoted is free of any errors or omissions and that the Bidder is able to deliver the contract on the prices quoted.


Bidders shall, as requested in clause 2 of the Proposal Questionnaire submit payment terms and details.


Bidders shall, as requested in clause 2 of the Proposal Questionnaire, indicate whether they offer any discounts.


8.1Bidders responding to this (RFQ) are deemed to do so, on the basis that they acknowledge and accept all the Terms and Conditions of this RFQ.

8.2No bids submitted by Facsimile, telegram, email will be considered. It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to ensure that the complete bid has been received by the Closing Date and Time. Postmarking before or on the Closing Date will not substitute for actual receipt. Giving the bid to a courier prior to the Closing Date without actual receipt by the SAPO by the Closing Date and Time will not excuse the late delivery of a bid.

8.3Proposal documents must be completed in ink and any amendments to the proposal documents, whether erasures or by means of correction fluid (e.g. tippex), must be initialled by the bidder.

8.4All documents and correspondence must be in English.

8.5Proposals must be compiled in the following manner:

8.5.1one (1) original proposal (marked ‘original’) must be submitted.

8.5.2four (4) copies of the proposal (marked ‘copy’) must be submitted;

8.5.3loose-leaf (not bound) proposal will not be accepted.

8.5.4if the proposal is submitted by a consortium / JV, each company forming part of the consortium / JV must complete the Declaration of Interest and Mutual Confidentiality Non-disclosure individually and submit it as part of the proposal;

8.5.5all Annexures, company profiles, CV’s, etc., shall form part of the ‘ORIGINAL’ as well as the ‘COPY’ proposals.

8.6 All proposals must be delivered sealed. The following information shall appear on the outside of the sealed proposal:

8.6.1Name of bidder;

8.6.2Description of proposal;

8.6.3RFP number;

8.6.4Closing date and time;

8.6.5Name of person for whose attention the proposal is intended; and

8.6.6The name and address of the Bidder must be written on the reverse side of the proposal/envelope.


Bidders shall consult, in writing, with the undernoted SAPO officials should there appear to be any discrepancy, ambiguity or uncertainty pertaining to the meaning or effect of any description, dimension, quality, quantity or any other information contained in this bid. SAPO undertakes to provide clarification in writing to all Bidders, provided that the request is received prior to the closing date and time for clarifications.

Officials / Location / Contact Details
Hans van Loggerenberg
(Procurement Specialist) / South African Post Office Limited
Supply Chain Management
259 Govan Mbeki Ave
Port Elizabeth
6000. / (041) 508 4373


10.1Bidders are encouraged to submit clarification questions to the specification, in writing to SAPO Officials mentioned above not later than 10h00 on 27 Oct 2016. No further questions will be entertained after this period.

10.2The SAPO will respond in writing to queries and distribute to all bidders within five (5) days after receipt of questions.

10.3Oral communication or instruction by SAPO or its representative shall have no standing in this Request for Proposal (RFP) unless and until they have been confirmed in writing.

10.4SAPO accepts no responsibility for the failure of any bidder not receiving notifications or correspondence relating to this Request for Proposal (RFP).


The period during which the SAPO shall have the right to accept a proposal without any right of withdrawal on the part of the bidder shall be one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date on which proposals are due. After such period a bidder may withdraw his proposal if he has not been notified of its acceptance.


Each Bidder shall bear all of its costs (of whatsoever nature) associated with the preparation or submission of its bid and of negotiating with the SAPO regarding a possible contract agreement and any other costs and expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with or arising out of the competitive procurement process.


13.1The South African Post Office Limited reserves the right to reject and /or disqualify any proposal:

13.1.1 Received without all the data and information requested.

13.1.2That fails the Gate Keeping Criteria.

13.1.3That fails to comply with the specification.

13.1.4That contains any information that is found to be incorrect or misleading in anyway.

13.1.5That fails to submit the correct number of copies and in the correct format.

13.1.6Such non-compliant bids shall be rejected without further evaluation, provided that South African Post Office Limited believes, in its own discretion, that the non-compliance is minor then South African Post Office Limited may continue with the evaluation, or seek clarification thereon or reject the bid.

13.2The South African Post Office Limited reserves the right:

13.2.1Not to award or cancel this RFP at any time and shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any bid.

13.2.2To negotiate with the Preferred bidder/s, and failing agreement to negotiate with all Reserved Bidders identified in the evaluation process, regarding any terms and conditions, including price without offering the same opportunity to any other Bidder who has not been awarded the status of the Preferred or Reserved Bidder.

13.2.3To accept part of a bid rather than the whole bid.

13.2.4To benchmark prices of items that are contracted and should these items be available at a more competitive price than the contracted price, South African Post Office Limited will request the current bidder to reduce their price to be inline failing which, these will be purchased out of contract.

13.2.5To split the award of the bid between two or more Bidders.

13.2.6To cancel and/or terminate the bid process at any stage, including after the Closing Date and/or after presentations have been made, and/or after bids have been evaluated and/or after the Preferred Bidders and Reserved Bidders have been notified of their status as such.

13.2.7To carry out site inspections, product evaluations or explanatory meetings in order to verify the nature and quality of the Services bidded for, whether before or after adjudication of the bid.

13.2.8To award the contract to a Bidder whose bid was not the lowest in price.

13.2.9To correct any mistakes at any stage of the bid that may have been in the bid documents or occurred at any stage of the bid process.

13.3Minimum scores / points to be obtained on evaluation of bids:

13.3.1 Bidders with a score less than seventy percent (70%) for the functionality criteria will not be eligible for further evaluation.

13.4No attempt may be made, whether directly or indirectly, to canvass any member of SAPO staff before the award of the contract. Any enquiries must be referred, in writing, to the specified persons.

13.5In the event that the Bidder intends to sub-contract any of the services and/or goods required, a substantial portion of each key element of the scope of work as defined Pages 39 must reside within the Bidding Entity.

Note: Bidders are not allowed to sub-contract more than 25% of the scope of services.


13.6.1South African Post Office Limited shall not pay for samples provided and damaged / destroyed samples as a result of destruction testing.

13.6.2 Samples will not be returned to the bidder.

13.7Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)

Bidders with low BEE credentials are encouraged to enter into meaningful business relationship (e.g. JV’s) with BEE companies.

13.8Conditions Of Purchase

The terms and conditions applicable to any order / contract that may result from this enquiry are stated in the Contractual Terms and Conditions.


1.1Bid Submission Requirements

1.1.1Bidders are required to submit their proposals per area/s within a region and clearly and accurately specify the area/s within a region for which they are bidding, in their bid responses. Bids that do not indicate the area/s, will be deemed non-responsive and their proposals will be rejected.

1.1.2SAPO reserves the right to award multiple areas within a region to a single bidder based on the PPPFA preference point system.

1.2Compulsory Site Inspections per site, in an area within the region

1.2.1Compulsory site inspections will be conducted at each applicable SAPO building within the area/s that they are bidding for. A list of the buildings and their address details per area are included in the bid documents. An attendance register will be maintained per building, per site inspection and will be used as proof of attendance.

1.2.2Bidders who fail to attend and/or sign the attendance registers for compulsory site inspections will not meet the gate keeping criteria and their bid responses will not be evaluated further.

1.3Enterprise Development

1.3.1SAPO intends promoting EME’s through this bid. the event that a bidder is NOT an EME: EME bidders must submit a detailed Enterprise Development (ED) plan,

Which will form part of the contractual agreement of the successful bidder and will include the following elements: and profiling the selected majority black owned EME’s and mentoring to be provided to be created through commitment to the selected EME(s) support (cash flow, accounting procedures, etc) enhancement and capacity increase.

1.4Physical Location of Bidder within Region of Service Requirements

1.4.1This bid is limited to bidders who are physically located in the region in which they are bidding.

1.4.2Bidders must submit acceptable proof of physical location of company within region of service requirements evidenced by certified copies, which is not older than 3 months before the closing date of this bid, of the bidder’s: account, current lease agreement, or of Physical Address from the Tribal Authority.

1.5Legislative Requirements

1.5.1The service provider will be responsible for the provision of generators and the refilling of diesel in accordance with these specifications, applicable legislation and regulations and industry standards.

1.5.2The service provider is expected to comply in full with all legislative requirements relating to the provision of generators and the refilling of diesel.

1.5.3The bidder’s procedures for the procurement, storage, handling, transporting, application and general use of chemicals must comply with all applicable legislation, Codes of good practice and Authorities, including but not restricted to: bidder must be registered with the Construction Industry Development Board at a minimum grade 1 ME contractor. National Standards in accordance with the maintenance of Generators and the refilling of diesel. bidder is expected to comply in full with all legislative and health and safety requirements relating to the service provision. bidder must comply with health and safety regulations when delivering diesel onto SAPO premises and handling and filling of diesel into Generators.


1.6.1The bidder will be responsible for all maintenance and servicing of generators and the refilling of diesel as specified, per area/s within a region in which the bidder is selected to provide the services.

1.6.2The bidder will be responsible for the servicing and maintenance of generators and the refilling of diesel in accordance with the original manufacturer’s specifications, applicable regulations and industry standards.

1.6.3The bidder must ensure that diesel provided to SAPO is tested and clean with an octane level of either 50 ppm or 500ppm and such proof / certificate must be provided to SAPO. The bidder must indicate which octane level is supplied.

1.6.4The bidder must also give proof to SAPO that the diesel provided is supplied by an industry approved supplier in the fuel industry.

1.6.5The bidder must report to the Facility Manager and enter in the logbook in the control room the date and time of re-fuelling of diesel tanks.

1.6.6As a part of the bid response, the bidder must submit a detailed annual maintenance approach and plan with activities for the maintenance of generators, as follows: activities and periods. activities and periods. activities and periods. refilling approach and monitoring of gauges

1.6.7The bidder must be able to provide the maintenance services within the timelines indicated in this bid document and in accordance with SAPO’s conditions and /or agreed changes

1.6.8The bidder must adhere to the following minimum service controls: submit to SAPO the worksheets and/or job cards of maintenance activities at contracted areas attended to. of sign-off of service by duly authorised SAPO officials. control mechanisms which include spot checks, inspections and a signed inspection report detailing the equipment positioning, condition and functionality and next service interval per item of equipment at each specific site. defects identified in the maintained generators must promptly be reported to the duly authorised SAPO official, in writing. is the responsibility of the bidder to recommend preventative measures to ensure that generator server rooms are free from dust and any other pollution which may cause generator default.

1.7Company Experience and Contactable References

1.7.1The bidder must have successfully executed at least one year maintenance of generators and the refilling of diesel projects at other institutions. The bidder must provide full details regarding recently executed project(s) and contactable references per project. Bidders must respond to the requirements of experience and contactable references in the format provided for in the bid document.