1.The Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D. has established an Inter-Departmental Group on Property Tax. This Group will consider the design of an equitable property tax, to be approved by Government, to replace the household charge. The Group will complete its work by end April, 2012 and report to the Minister. The Group will be supported by a secretariat in the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.
2. Written submissions received by the Inter-Departmental Group on Property Taxare an important source of views for it in fulfilling its task. They also provide interested parties with an opportunity to make proposals on one or more of the topics covered in the terms of reference.This document outlines guiding principles for submissions to the Group.
3. A full list of those who make submissions will be included as an appendix in the Group’s report. Submissions may be made available on the Department’s website at All submissions and comments submitted to the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government for this purpose are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003.
4. The Group may, at its discretion, seek meetings with some organisations or individuals, but this will be done only where the Group considers that such meetings are necessary to its work. It is not considered feasible or necessary to hold meetings with all those who make submissions.
Topic headings
5. Written submissions should be concise and structured, and should follow the sequence of the terms of reference below.Submissions covering more than one area in the terms of reference will be welcome. It is not necessary for a submission to cover every topic.
Terms of reference area to which the submission relates
6. The terms of reference area to which the submission relates should be indicated. The terms of reference are:
To consider the design of a property tax to be approved by Government to replace the household charge and that is equitable and is informed by previous work and international experience.
The property tax is to:
- meet the immediate financial requirements of the EU/IMF programme;
- provide a stable funding base for the local authority sector in the medium and longer terms; incorporating an appropriate element of local authority responsibility subject to any national parameters;
- be collected centrally by the most cost efficient and effective means;
- facilitate easy and/or phased payments by households;
- be easily determined (e.g. on a self assessment basis), and having regard to available information on residential property and/or house ownership details;
- ensure the maximum degree of fairness between and across both urban and rural areas.
The Group is also to consider the appropriate arrangements for:
- a robust audit function; and
- strong enforcement and penalty provisions for non-compliance.
7. If the submission covers part of an area, this should be specified. If applicable, the submission should indicate the writer’s professional or other interest in the topic.
8. In the case of each proposal, a submission should include the following:
- A brief summary of the proposal.
- Supporting documentation. Documentation in support of the proposal should, if possible, include:
a. information on costs and benefits (or “pros and cons”), and
b. statistical or other research data underlying the proposal.
Non-structured section of the submission
9. Any further information, comments, views or suggestions which the individual or organisation concerned believes would be of assistance to the Group may also be included.
Format for correspondence
10. Where possible, submissions should be emailed to the Group at:. While electronic format is strongly encouraged, persons who wish to make a submission, but who are not in a position to do so by email, may make their submission in writing.
Contact details, etc.
11. The individual or organisation making the submission should include contact details – including an email address if possible – with the documentation. All correspondence will be acknowledged by the Secretariat.
12. Follow-up queries may be made by the Secretariat in respect of particular issues raised in submissions where, for example, further clarification is required. In general, however, ongoing communication between correspondents and the Group and/or Secretariat in relation to individual submissions is not envisaged.
13. Any queries regarding these guidelines should be directed to the Secretariat, who will be happy to assist.