AP Human Geography

Unit 1 –Geography: Its Nature and Perspective

FRQ Tips

Each AP course has its own style of essay. In AP Human Geography, the essay is a Free Response Question (FRQ). The point of a FRQ is to provide an opportunity for you to show that you can THINK and WRITE like a geographer.

Because the FRQ is a timed writing, it is not expected to be a polished essay. Focus on content. Write neatly enough that your handwriting is legible. Points are not deducted for crossing things out or for spelling and grammatical mistakes that do not detract from the overall meaning of the writing.

1. Begin by carefully reading the question.

2. Underline or highlight key directive words (see below).

3. Set up a framework for your response that is formatted in the same way as the question. For example, if the question is structured like this, your answer should be structured in the same way:







  1. Brainstorm anything you know that is related to the topic and take a few minutes to organize your thoughts into the framework.
  1. Then, begin writing. You do not need an introduction or conclusion. Directly answer the question.
  1. Provide specific, detailed support for your answer. Use examples from the text, class discussion, assignments and current events.
  1. Whenever possible, integrate appropriate geographic terms - affectionately called “geowords”!

Directive Words

Effective answers to essay questions such as FRQs depend upon a clear understanding of the meanings of directive words. For example, if you describe when you are asked to compare, or list when you are asked to evaluate, your responses will be less than satisfactory. An essay can only begin to be correct if it answers directly the question that is asked.

Here are the meanings of several key directive words:

1. Analyze: determine component parts and examine their nature and relationship

2. Assess/Evaluate: judge the value or character of something; evaluate the positive points and the negative ones; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of

3. Compare: examine in order to show similarities

4. Contrast: examine in order to show differences

5. Describe: give an account of; tell about; give a word picture of

6. Discuss: consider or examine from various points of view; debate; present the different sides of

7. Explain: make clear or plain; make clear the causes or reasons for; make known in detail; tell the meaning of