Mission: jamaica

June 4-10, 2016

For 9th-12th Grade Students (must be going into 9th by summer 2016)

Funds Needed per participant

$1800 ($845 + Airfare + Service Project Cost) Passport, medical costs, and travel insurance not included.

Fundraising Pacing Guide

  • September 20, 2015 - $100 Non-Refundable Deposit and Commitment Form turned in
  • December 31, 2015 - $500(Airfare will be purchased at this time)
  • March 31, 2016–remainder ($1200)


Jesus told us we are to go into all the world and preach the gospel, so were going to literally do that. When I was growing up in youth group, mission trips were a primary way that I grew in my relationship with God and others. I have been on multiple mission trips in my life including trips to Wisconsin, Virginia, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, London, England, and Belize. On mission trips we were able to help many people, but there was also a significant spiritual growth that I experienced. Your student will have an opportunity to serve others but will also grow in their relationship with Christ significantly.

Why Me?

The questions on your mind may be: “Why should I go on a mission trip? Or “Why should I let my student go on a mission trip to Belize?” Many people have wondered the very same thing and have been able to find many good reasons to participate in a short-term mission trip! The following list may help you as you prayerfully join our Jamaica mission team!

Be a Blessing!

  • Fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • Invest in the lives of others (Philippians 2:1-4)
  • Care for people in need (Matthew 10:42)
  • Encourage the Christians and churches in the country you are serving (Ephesians 6:9-10)
  • Use the gifts God has given you for His purposes (1 Peter 4:10)

Be Blessed!

  • Deepen your walk with Jesus Christ
  • Build lifelong relationships with your team members
  • Fulfill a dream of going on a mission trip
  • Learn to rely on God for all your needs
  • See God’s power and might in a new way
  • Be available for God to use in new ways
  • Have the opportunity to find gifts and abilities that you may not have known you had
  • Experience the worldwide body of Christ
  • Step out of your comfort zone and away from your day-to-day distractions
  • Travel to a new country
  • Learn about another culture
  • View the world from a whole new perspective

Who are we going with?

Praying Pelican Missions ( Praying Pelican began in 2003 serving two communities in Belize. In 2007, they expanded to Jamaica. Now they serve more than 100 communities between the two countries, and they also organize trips to Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Western Africa, and parts of the U.S. Back in 2013 I took several students from Foundation to Belize with Praying Pelican Missions. I like this organization because they are well-organized, concerned about safety, focused on God, and want students to experience missions.

What will we do?

I have selected sports, children, and mercy ministries.

Where will we stay?

Our exact location in Jamaica will not be communicated to us until 8 weeks from the date of the mission trip. We will fly into Montego Bay, and we will stay in a hotel with constant oversight from Praying Pelican staff.

How to Apply?

Fill out an application and turn it into Clinton or the church office by Sunday, September 20 with a $100 non-refundable deposit.

Praying Pelican FAQ’s

What's included in the cost?

Once in Jamaica you will receive transportation to and from the airport, transportation to and from ministry sites, three meals a day, purified drinking water, sleeping accommodations, group t- shirts, customizable ministry options, an opportunity to attend local church services, evening worship, prayer, debriefing meetings, and Jamaican beach, touristy area, or park with option of extra recreations such as snorkeling, Dunn's River Falls, Y.S. Falls, or Negril.

What's NOT included in the cost?

Passport, vaccinations, spending money, offering at church services, and personal insurance are NOT included in the overall price.

What language do they speak in Jamaica?

English is the official and predominantly spoken language in Jamaica. In addition, the locals have their own dialect and slang use of the language.

Is it safe?

Yes. We take extra precautions and lay down strict ground rules to ensure safety. Crime occurs in Jamaica just like everywhere else, but we have never had a PPM team experience an incident of crime. Our genuine partnership with pastors and other community leaders in Jamaica ensures there is always someone looking out for the well being of our teams.

What about bugs, snakes and other poisonous creatures?

Jamaica has its share of these, as does every tropical country, however, the chance of seeing anything dangerous is very, very slim. In the unlikely event that one of these creatures is encountered our staff is well prepared and equipped to handle such a situation.

How do we get from the airport to the ministry location?

PPM staff will be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive in the host country. We will then provide transportation from the airport to the ministry location and back again at the end of the trip.

How does transportation work within country?

All transportation within the host country is included in the cost of the trip and will be arranged by PPM. Most often, teams will be riding in buses.

Can I eat the food and drink the water?

All food and drink provided by PPM during trips is safe for consumption. Purified drinking water will be provided and even our cooks use this for preparing meals.

Will there be an opportunity to buy souvenirs?

Yes. There will be a time set aside to buy souvenirs if so desired.

What kind of food will we be eating?

While serving in Jamaica a variety of meals will be offered from local favorites to American food.

What kind of vaccinations should we have before going?

Please visit and enter the Jamaica as the visiting country. Then you should be able to select mission as reason. As always, please consult your family doctor about immunizations for Jamaica.

To Have a Complete Summary of Jamaican

history, language, religion, and safety

Please Visit:

How Will I Pay For It?

Stress-Free Approach

  • Individual Fundraising
  • Individual Contributions
  • Group Fundraising

Individual Fundraising

Support Letters

You may not be excited to write and send out a support letter. You may even dread asking your family and friends for money to support your mission trip. Yet God has chosen you to go on a mission! As you prepare to go on this mission, your loved ones deserve an opportunity to hear about what God is doing and to support you.

A well-written, honest support letter is the most effective fundraising tool. People want to give support to worthy causes, but many have a hard time choosing what to support. As God’s people, we all have a calling to further His kingdom—to bring more people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. At different times, we are called to go, to encourage, and to send others. Each of us has a part! “How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” (Romans 10:14-15). Allow your community and loved ones to send you.

Getting started right means compiling a large mailing list. Think of around 65 to 85 potential partners. Don’t just write to people you think will support you, or just to Christians, but to everyone you know! Mail your support letter to: your family—close and distant, friends (and their parents), people at work, your church mission committee, church leaders, neighbors, parents’ friends, teachers and coaches, the church where you grew up, business leaders, your doctor/dentist, churches in your area, and civic clubs. Don’t worry about offending people. If you don’t tell them about your mission, they can’t fulfill their part in being a sender! Team members are often surprised by who responds.

As you write your letter, keep it short and simple. Include the mission trip dates, cost, goals, and ministries. Be honest and direct, asking them to pray and to give financially. Set a deadline for needed funds, and instruct them to write checks to you or your parents, but with your name and the mission in the memo. Include a self-addressed return envelope. Keep track of who sends you money so that you can immediately write them a thank you note. Then turn in your funds to the church so that we can pay for your registration and plane tickets.

CLINTON MUST APPROVE ALL LETTERS BEFORE THEY CAN BE MAILED. This is to make sure that ALL information is correct and the church is not inadvertently being misrepresented.

Print and mail your letters. Pray for God’s favor and will. Send thank you notes right away to contributors, and keep track of the funds raised. Answer any questions they have. Before you leave, remind prayer partners to pray every day of your trip.

After your mission trip is over, make sure to send a report letter to contributors and prayer partners about what God did in your midst with another thank you (photos optional). When your supporters hear about all that you experienced, they can take some ownership in that ministry! They can be encouraged as a result of their own willingness to partner with you in what God is doing. Proverbs 11:25 says, ―He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

A Few Tips for Writing Support Letters

  • Make each letter personal. Include the individual or family’s name in the introduction. Sign each individual letter. Hand-write the address on each envelope.
  • Go the extra mile by providing a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Put your home address on the envelope. By providing a quick option for response you increase the likelihood of communication.
  • Keep track of whom you receive a response from. Consider making follow-up phone calls. In our busy world, people who intend to respond often forget to

do so.


  • Sonic Cards - The Sonic in Belton next to Grand Ave has a great way of fundraising. They give us Sonic fundraising cards, and students sell them to individuals. The cards cost us nothing, so it’s 100% profit. Talk to me if you would like to sell some.
  • The Ugly Mug Program -Most Americans drink coffee regularly; uglymugcoffee.com offers coffee, hot chocolate, and chai teas at discounted rates to help raise funds for mission work. You can either order the products and sell them directly or just use an order form. You earn 40% of everything you sell—if you are interested in this option then I can get you order forms and more information.
  • - This online company allows teams to make their own custom logo and put them on t-shirts, stickers, banners, posters, 8x10s, and other designs. Everything can be ordered online and is made simple. If you’d like more information about this unique fundraiser, check out their website or call 888-644-7745—if enough students are interested in this option we could design a church sticker or car magnet and sell them to members.
  • Rent-A-Youth -Students could advertise themselves with flyers at church. Members could “rent” that youth on a designated morning, afternoon, or day and have them do whatever work they needed done. With this option the youth are working for their funds and members are receiving help too!!!

Individual Contributions

Payment Plans

Some of you may be in a financial situation to pay for your costs of the trip. Although I will still encourage ALL students to help with team fundraising, you have the option of doing a payment plan.

If you pay the $100 deposit and then pay $200 every month starting in October you would have $1200 by the end of March, and if you did support letters you could easily be close or at the total cost of the trip. If you paid $250 each month starting in October, then you could have $1500 by the end of March!

You could easily put your monthly payment in the offering plate once a month with the designation “Jamaica Mission trip” on the memo line or envelope.


****Every participant must help with Team Fundraising****

Here are some team fundraising events & important dates that are already scheduled:

September 20 – Application & Non-refundable Deposit Due

September 27 – First Jamaica Team Meeting

October 11 – Letters Written, Approved, and Sent

November 15 – Bake Auction

December 5 – Craft Fair

December 6 – Envelope Fundraiser

Please note: These dates are subject to change, and other dates may be added for additional fundraising or meeting times. Also, I am open to doing other team fundraisers, but I will need significant help from parents! Just let me know if you have something in mind!!!


Dear Friends and Family,

I am excited to share with you the opportunity that God has given me. Next summer, it has been placed on my heart to go on a mission trip to Jamaica through Praying Pelican Missions. As God wills, I will be there June 4-10, 2016 serving.

We will be ministering in Jamaica and partnering with a local pastor who is thrilled to have us come serve the members of his church and community. We will primarily be doing kids clubs, but may also have the opportunity to do some food distribution or visit nursing homes. These projects are a great opportunity to witness to the community.

Jamaica is a country with fantastic people who have numerous needs. When one thinks of Jamaica we often think of sandy beaches and resorts but there is grinding poverty that afflicts many. As Christians, we are called to go into all the world and preach the good news of Jesus, and the people of Jamaica are eager for the good news.

I am excited to be a small part of bringing Christ’s love to the people of Jamaica, and I realize I will be blessed abundantly in return. However, as I know God is calling me to serve, I am relying on Him for strength and wisdom as I plan and raise financial support. I know all good things come from Him; for if it is His will, all will be provided.

As I have now expressed my heart to you and desire to serve in Jamaica next summer, I know that I am not able to do it on my own. And as you feel called, I would be blessed if you would consider supporting me prayerfully and/or financially. The total cost of the trip is $1,800, which I need to raise by March 31, 2016. I am also seeking prayer partners to pray for our group, the ministries, safety, the people of Belize, and the trip as a whole each day throughout the trip.

If it is your heart to be a prayer partner for us, I would feel overwhelmingly blessed; it takes all of us as the body of Christ. And if you feel God calling you to support me financially, please know that your gifts will be received as grace and will be used to serve those who are in need. You can make a check out to my parents and send it to me in the enclosed envelope with the bottom portion of this letter.

Thank you for your support! I look forward to sharing with you about the preparations and the trip itself in the upcoming weeks/months, as well as when I return.

In Christ, Mr. T


☐ Yes, I will support you financially in the amount of ______.

☐ Yes, I will prayerfully support you and your group each day during the trip.

Name ______


Phone ______

Mission Trip Commitment Form

Jamaica – June 4-10, 2016

For 9th-12th Grade Students and Adults

Trip Requirements:

  1. Participant must have consistent attendance at Foundation during the last 6 months. Attending once or twice is NOT consistent.
  2. Participant must be able to verbalize a definition of the gospel.
  3. Participant must at least be going into 9th grade by Summer 2016.

Name: ______

Birthday: ______(MM/DD/YYYY) Age: ______Grade: ______M/F: ______

Participant Phone #: ______Participant Email: ______

If Student – Parent Name(s): ______

Parent Phone #: ______Parent Email: ______

How would you define the gospel?





Why do you desire to participate in this experience?





What skills or abilities do you believe you have to offer to the mission team?




Understanding that this trip will take place in a foreign country, which will be dramatically different from your home environment, do you believe that you have the physical, emotional, spiritual capability/maturity to participate in such a trip? If you do have any potential concerns, please share them:





Have you read and do you agree to the attached “Policy Agreement”: YES NO

Trip Participant, by signing below you are indicating a desire to participate in an experience, which will be physically, emotionally, and spiritually demanding. You agree to participate in all trip meetings and events, to complete assigned tasks, and to follow the direction of trip leadership. You also release rights to photos or video of yourself taken during the trip, which may be used for the promotional purposes of Foundation United Methodist Church. By submitting this application along with the non-refundable financial deposit, you agree to take financial responsibility for any trip related expenses (airfare, ground fees, etc.) incurred on your behalf by Foundation United Methodist Church. You agree to pay for all such expenses prior to trip travel dates, even in the event that an occurrence prevents your participation.