Due Friday, 11/4 or Thurs, 11/3 by 5 for 5!


I. Introduction

·  Part A

o  Overview/Purpose

·  Part B

o  Overview/Purpose

o  Hypothesis – The hypothesis for this part of the lab is stated on p. 48. Please include this in your write-up.

II. Materials & Methods

·  Brief description of procedure followed in Part A

·  The procedure we used for Part B is posted on my web page as a reference.

o  You do not need to include specifics about setting up the CBL/LabQuest/colorimeter

o  Be sure to describe the different test set-ups

·  “For a complete …”

III. Data

·  Part A

o  Data Table on top of p. 47

o  Rf Table on p. 47

·  Part B

o  Data Table on p. 50

o  Graph on p. 51

Be sure to label Absorbance, not % Transmittance!

IV. Questions

·  Part A

1.  In general, what determines the distance each pigment travels on the filter paper?

2.  Use this information to explain chemically why chlorophyll a travels a greater distance on the filter paper as compared to chlorophyll b.

3.  Compare and contrast the pigment found in the reaction center of Photosystem II with that of Photosystem I.

·  Part B

1.  Explain the purpose of the DPIP in the procedure, including the molecule in photosynthesis it replaces.

2.  Refer to the hypothesis provided for Part B on p. 48. Explain the purpose of each cuvette.

3.  Describe three controlled variables in the experimental set-up.

4.  Why is water required in the light reaction? Explain its importance.

5.  Summarize the events that result in the production of ATP and NADPH in the light reaction of photosynthesis. Specifically, where do the events take place in a eukaryotic cell?

V. Conclusion

·  Part A – Include sources of error, improvements

·  Part B – Include an evaluation of hypothesis, data; sources of error, improvements

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