Month: June,2015
Amhara Region
Activities on Capacity Development / Observations/
action required
- Coaching service on improved fodder production and feeding practices provided to 4 (2-F) and 3 dairy farmers of Tehuledere and Kalu districts of South Wollo zone.
- A one day training provided for 52 (9-F) cattle fattening farmers of Mecha district on improved cattle fattening practices.
- A one day training provided to community based goat breeding cooperative members at Kalu district.A total of 27 goat breeders (8-F) attended the training. The training topic covered community based breeding practices, feeding system, health management, establishment of legal cooperative and bylaw development.
- Training provided on vegetable (tomato, onion & potato) small scale processing for 22 (12-F) participants from Mecha and Bahir Dar zuria districts. The training was organized in collaboration with Agro-Big project and Bahir Dar Agricultural Mechanization & Food Science Research Center. Some of the trainees started tomato processing and marketing at Bahir Dar town.
- Three LIVES sponsored MSc students (Maria, Wubshet & Muluyelet) mentored on problem identification and proposal writing for their MSc thesis research
- Three female candidates nominated from West Gojjam zone, Mecha district and Yilmana Densa district for LIVES sponsored long term training
- Mentored Picolo nursery workers and Mecha district horticulture expert on tomato propagation by cutting
Activities on Knowledge Management
- Demonstrated improved dairy barn construction at Yigoma PA of Bahirdar zuria district. In addition 8 cow mats provided to two dairy farmers at Kebele 11 & Yigoma PA of Bahir Dar town district in order to demonstrate the importance of cow mat for a dairy farm. Moreover, biogas powered electric generator introduced and demonstrated for dairy farmer at Zenzlima PA of Bahir Dar town district
- Distributedrhodes grass seed for 10 male farmers of Workmilla Achader PA of Bahir Dar town district to demonstrate the importance of improved forage for cattle fattening farmers
- An intern from USA, has joined South Wollo LIVES team and stayed for 10 days to study and share his experience to small holder farmers on small ruminant production practices. He assessed goat and sheep production systems, productivity and reproductive performance.
- Introduced and demonstrated the importance of poultry cage for urban poultry producers at Kebele 13 of Bahir Dar town
- Two field days organized on July 12 and 19, 2015 to demonstrate the performance of three improved potato varieties namely Gera, Gorebella & Shenkola. These two field days were organized at Tehuledere district of Hitecha & Bededo PAs. A total of 92 farmers (13 F) attended the field day. According to intervention HHs feedback, the three varieties were different in adaptability, productivity and market price.Shenkola was more adaptable, high yielder and has much higher (850 ETB/q) market price compared to Gera and Gorebella, which is 600 ETB and 450 ETB, respectively.
Promotion / Observations/action required
- Celebrated world milk day and promotedthe importance of milk consumption for healthy life at Bahir Dar. Totally 120 (20-F) participants attended the event and the event was organized in collaboration with SNV, Engine, AGP-LMD, and Livestock Agency.
- A blog story on Wetting Front Detector (WFD) for efficient use of irrigation water prepared and uploaded on the project web site to share LIVES project experiences to a wider audience
- A blog story on culled goat fattening practice at Kalu district prepared to share the experience to a wider audience
Value chain development
- During this reporting period 3,500 splits of Napeir grass and 2300 splits of Bracharia Decumbes (Single grass) distributed as demonstration material to dairy farmers of Dessie Zuria and Kalu districts.
- LIVES Linked Haik Monastery and Feed Chopper supplier from Addis Abeba. The Monastery purchased a chopper operating using electric power. This chopper (TRF-90) is more advanced compared to which was demonstrated by LIVES project since it has chopping hammer in addition to the single grinder.
- LIVES in collaboration with Kalu district Office of Agriculture introduced and demonstrating regular vaccination, deworming, spraying and sanitation for small holder goat producers organized as community based goat breeders. As a result, 273 goats vaccinated & dewormed and they have also started practicing controlled mating.
- LIVES project introduced improved forage crops and trained/coached small ruminant farmers on goat breeding and fattening practices. As a result, a goat fattening farmer at Gerba town of Kalu district started an integrated business of goat fattening and feed selling. Hegrows alfalfa, napier, Bracheria and Desho grasses on his farm. From his first harvest, the farmer sold Napier grass amounting to ETB 4000-5000 and gave planting materials of these forage crops to seven farmers freely. In addition, he fatten culled goats by supplementary feeding for 21 days. He bought 13 goats by an average price of 600 Birr and sell 1100 birr each within 21 days. He earns 500 birr/goat. The farmer is now in the second cycle of fattening another seven goats.
- LIVES project demonstrated the performance of three improved potato varieties on 12 intervention households, six farmers each at Dessie Zuria and Tehuledere districts. The average productivity of Shenkolla ranged from 565q - 570q/ha while for Gerra and Gorebella the average productivity was 400q and 360q, respectively. The price of Shenkolla was also much higher than Gerra and Gorebella. Therefore, farmers selected Shenkolla and tubers of this variety disseminated through farmer to farmer approach.
- LIVES project is trying to establish vegetable seedling suppliers group in Gondar Zuria district. Trained them, provided them Mareko fana seed & coached them on pepper seedling production practices. As a result, three farmers raised Mareko fana seedling and linked with Pepper producers at Dembia district to sell their seedlings.
- LIVES project facilitated input supply by linking seed producers with retailers in Gondar town. During this reporting period two vegetable seed traders at Gonder town were linked with onion seed producers at Mecha district. As a result, they have purchased and supplied 6q onion seed to the surrounding farmers.
- 400 grafted avocado seedlings purchased as demonstration material from Chageni fruit nursery site and planted on 10 intervention HHs in Lay Armacheho district & 5 intervention HHs in Dembia district to demonstrate the productivity and adaptability of improved Avocado varieties. Observing LIVES project intervention in Gondar Zuria district on Avocado production, the district office of agriculture purchased and distributed 1500 avocado seedlings to farmers of Degola Chenchaye PA.
- LIVES project purchased 125 grafted mango seedlings of different varieties for demonstration on 11 intervention HHs of Lay Armacheho district.
- LIVES planned to introduce apple in Yilmana Densa district. As a result 5 intervention HHs identified from Gosheye PA and coached to prepare planting site & hole.
- Elephant grass planting materials distributed to 6 intervention HHs in Chehera, Tsion and Degola PAs of Gondar zuria district.
- Alfalfa seed provided as demonstration material to 4 dairy and poultry farmers of Gondar town.
- Fodder seed is one of the limiting factor for the expansion of improved fodder crops. LIVES project is trying to establish fodder planting material producers group in its operating districts. For this purpose 20 kg Rhodes grass seed provided to 8 intervention HHs in Dembia, Gondar town & Gondar Zuria districts during this reporting period.
Research and Documentation:
- LIVES project regional experts and the research assistant attended LIVES project in-house research review meeting organized by HQ and presented five research findings to participants.
- LIVES project regional experts attended action research proposal writing workshop and participated in proposal writing.
- Collected weekly market price and source of major vegetables sold at Bahir Dar market.
Activities on Project Management
- Prepared and submitted monthly (May 2015) report of the project
- Discussed with Glimer of Hope project focal person (Mr. Mulualem) and ACSI on collaborative action in 10 PAs of Gondar Zuria district both on livestock and irrigated agriculture value chain development
- Discussed with Dr. Melese on collaborative demonstration of onion and potato harvester in LIVES project operating districts of Amhara region
- All LIVES staff members of Amhara region attended Peformax training
- Facilitated ILRI`s fodder survey carried out in South Gondar, West Gojjam & East Gojjam zones of Amhara region
- Facilitated Aflatoxin contamination survey carried out on milk and dairy feed around Bahir Dar town
- AKC broad band internet service bill and focal persons communication fee paid
- Settled project advance and petty cash expenses
- Facilitated the nomination of LIVES project sponsored students from West Gojjam zone, & Mecha & Yilmana Densa district
Prepared by:Amhara LIVES team