Key Texts in Social Work Education
Early social work texts (1890s-1940s)
Addams, Jane (1910) Twenty Years at Hull-House, Macmillan, New York.
Addams, Jane (1916) Democracy and Social Ethics, Macmillan, New York.
Allen, Lady Marjorie of Hurtwood (1945) Whose Children?, The Favill Press.
Attlee, Clement R. (1920) The Social Worker, G.Bell and Sons, London.
Beveridge, William (1942) Report of the Interdepartmental committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services, Cmnd 6404, HMSO, London.
Beveridge, Sir William (1944) Full Employment in a Free Society, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Bosanquet, Bernard (1901) ‘The meaning of social work’, International Journal of Ethics XI, April, pp 291-306.
Bosanquet, Helen (1902) The Strength of the People. A Study in Social Economics, Macmillan, London.
Bosanquet, H. (1914; 1973) Social Work in London 1869-1912, Harvester, Brighton.
Burlingham, Dorothy and Anna Freud (1944) Young Children in Wartime. A Year’s work in a residential nursery, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Burlingham, Dorothy and Anna Freud (1944) Infants without Families, The case for and against residential nurseries, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Burns, Tom (1947) Social Development in New Neighbourhoods, Pilot Papers, vol. 2: 21-31.
Clyde Committee (1946) Report of the Committee on Homeless Children, Scottish Home Department, Cmnd 6911.
Curtis Committee (1946) Report of the Care of Children Committee (England and Wales), Parliamentary Papers X, Cmd 6922.
Hamilton, Gordon (1940) Theory and Practice of Social Case Work, Columbia University Press, New York.
Hamilton, Gordon (1946) Principles of Social Case Recording, Columbia University Press, New York.
Hill, Octavia (1875) Homes of the London Poor, Macmillan, London.
Hill, Octavia, Jeffery, M.M. and Neville, Edith (1921) House Property & its Management: some papers on the methods of management, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Macadam, Elizabeth (1925) The Equipment of the Social Worker, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Macadam, Elizabeth (1934) The New Philanthropy. A Study of the Relations between the Statutory and Voluntary Social Services, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Macadam, Elizabeth (1945) The Social Servant in the Making. A review of the provision of training for the Social Services, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Mess, Henry A. (1948) Voluntary Social Services since 1918, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, London. (chapter by Nora Milnes)
Milnes, Nora (1920) Child Welfare from the Social Point of View, J.M.Dent and Sons, Ltd.
Milnes, Nora (1926) The Economics of Wages and Labour, P.S.King and Son, London.
Milnes, Nora (1927) ‘The Position of Voluntary Social Services in 1918’, in Henry A. Mess (ed.) Voluntary Social Services since 1918, pp8-27.
Milnes, Nora (1936) A Study of Industrial Edinburgh and the Surrounding Area, 1923-1934, P.S.King and Son, London.
Rathbone, Herbert (ed.) (1945) Children without Homes, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Rathbone, Herbert (1948) The Neglected Child and his Family, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Richmond, Mary Ellen (1899) Friendly Visiting among the Poor: a handbook for charity workers, Macmillan, New York.
Richmond, Mary Ellen (1917) Social Diagnosis, Russell Sage Foundation, New York.
Snelling, Jean (1946) ‘A study of some emotional problems in a VD clinic, Social Work:a quarterly review of family casework, 3(12), p.275.
Snelling, Jean (1947) ‘Some notes on hospital interviewing’, Social Work: a quarterly review of family casework, 4 (1), p.10.
Tawney, Richard H. (1913) Poverty as an Industrial Problem, TheRatan Tata Foundation, London.
Towle, Charlotte (1945) Common Human Needs: An interpretation for staff in public assistance agencies. Public Assistance Report 8. Washington, DC: Social Security Board, Federal Security Agency. (Republished in 1957.)
Urwick, Edward Johns (1903) ‘Social education of yesterday and today’, Charity Organisation review XIV, July-December pp254-64.
Urwick, Edward Johns (1927) The Social Good, Methuen, London.
Urwick, Edward Johns (1930) The Principle of Reciprocity in Social Life and Action, Second Charles Loch Memorial Lecture, London.
Waldron, Florence E. (1947-50) ‘The psychiatric social worker’s professional standing’, British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work 1(2): 10-17.
Webb (1926)
Younghusband, Eileen (1947) Report on the Employment and Training of Social Workers, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, T. and A. Constable, London.
Classic social work texts (1950S-1960s)
Ashdown, M. and Clement Brown, S. (1963) Social Service and Mental Health, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Ashton, C.T. (1966) Social Work and the Social Sciences, A.J. Clapple (Bala Press) Ltd.
Bell (1961)
Berger, P.L. and Luckman, T. (1967) The Social Construction of Reality, Penguin, London.
Biestek, Felix K. (1957) The Casework Relationship, Loyola University Press, Chicago.
Bowlby, John (1951) Maternal Care and Mental Health, World Health Organisation.
Bowlby, John (1953) Childcare and the Growth of Love, Pelican Books, Middlesex.
Britton, Clare (1955) ‘Casework techniques in the child care services’, Case Conference 1 (9) January.
Brown, M. (1969) Introduction to Social Administration in Britain, Hutchinson, London.
Bruno, F.J. (1957) Trends in Social Work Practice, 1874-1956, Columbia University Press, New York.
Burns, Tom and George M. Stalker (1961) The Management of Innovation, Tavistock, London.
Burns, Tom and Susan Sinclair (1963) The Child Care Service at Work. Report prepared for the Scottish Advisory Council on Child Care, Scottish Education Department, Edinburgh.
Burns, Tom (1966) Sociological Explanation, Inaugural lecture, the University of Edinburgh.
Burns, Tom (1969) 'Public service and private world', in P. Halmos (ed.) in The Sociology of Mass Communications,Sociological Review Monograph, no. 13: 53-73.
Bruce, M. (1961) The Coming of the Welfare State, Batsford.
Clement Brown, Sybil and Gloyne, Elizabeth R. (1966) The Field Training of Social Workers: A survey, NISW, Allen and Unwin, London.
Collins, Joan (1965) Social Casework in a General Medical Practice, Pitman Medical Publishing Co. Ltd., London.
Cormack and MacDougall (1955)
Dockar-Drysdale, B. (1968) Therapy in Child Care, Longman, London.
Donnison, David V. (1954) The Neglected Child and The Social Services: a study of the work done in Manchester and Salford by social services of all kinds for 118 families whose children came into public care, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Donnison, David V. (1963) Social Policy and Administration, Allen & Unwin, London.
Emmett, D. (1966) Roles, Rules and Relations, St Martins Press, New York.
Findlay, J.N. (1968) Values and Intentions, Allen and Unwin, London.
Hearn, G. (ed.) (1968)The General Systems Approach: Contributions toward a Holistic Conception of Social Work, New York Council on Social Work Education, New York.
Heywood, Jean (1959) Children in Care: The Development of the Service for the Deprived Child, Routledge, London.
Higson, J.E. (1955) Story of a beginning: Account of Pioneer Work for Moral Welfare, SPCK, London.
Hollis, Florence (1952) Principles and assumptions underlying casework practice, address given at Bedford College, London cited in Rojek 1989,
Hollis, Florence (1964, 1969) Casework: a psychosocial therapy, Random House, New York.
Jehu, D. (1967) Learning Theory and Social Work, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Kahn, A.J. (ed.) (1959) Issues in American Social Work, Columbia University Press, New York.
Kempe, Henry, Silverman, F., Steele, B., Droegemueller, W. and Silver, H. (1962) ‘The battered child syndrome’, Journal of the American medical Association, 181(1): 17-24.
King, J E. S. (1964) The Probation Service, Butterworths.
Koestler, Arthur (1961) The Act of Creation, Hutchinson, London.
Mackenzie, William James Millar (1969) Social work in Scotland: report by a working party on the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, Department of Social Administration, University of Edinburgh.
Mackenzie, William James Millar (1969) Social work in Scotland: report by a working party on the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, Department of Social Administration, University of Edinburgh.
McWhinnie, Alexina (1968) Adopted Children: how they grow up; a study of their adjustment as adults, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Marsden, Derek (1969) Mothers Alone. Poverty and the fatherless family, Penguin, London.
Marshall, T.H. (1967) Social Policy, Hutchinson, London.
Morris, Cherry (1955) Social Casework in Great Britain, Faber and Faber, London.
Perlman, Helen H. (1957) Social Casework: a problem-solving process, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Mowat (1961)
Philp, A.F. and Noel Timms (1957) The Problem of the Problem Family, Family Service Units.
Rogers, Carl R. (1951) Client-Centred Therapy, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
Smith, Abel and Townsend, Peter (1965) The Poor and the Poorest, G. Bell and Sons, London.
Smith, Marjorie J. (1953) Professional Education for Social Work in Britain, republished in 1965 by George Allen and Unwin, London, with an Introduction by Richard M. Titmuss.
Tawney, R.H. (1964) Equality, 4th education, George Allen and Unwin, London
Timms, Noel (1962) Casework in the Childcare Service, Butterworth, London.
Titmuss, Richard M. (1950) Problems of Social Policy, HMSO/Longmans, London.
Titmuss, Richard M. (1966) Essays on the Welfare State, Unwin, London.
Towle, Charlotte (1954) The Learner in Education for the Professions: as seen in education for social work, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Towle, Charlotte (1957) Common Human Needs, National Association of Social Workers, New York
Towle, Charlotte (1969) in H.H. Perlman, (ed.) Helping, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Townsend, Peter (1959) The Last Refuge, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Townsend, Peter (1962) ‘The meaning of poverty’, British Journal of Sociology 13 (3): 210-27.
Waldron, Florence E. (1953) ‘Observations on teaching method for courses in personality development’, The Sociological Review, 1(1): 37-49 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.1953.tb03056.x
Walker, Nigel (1965) Crime and punishment in Britain: an analysis of the penal system in theory, law and practice, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Walker, Nigel (1969) Sentencing in a Rational Society, A. Lane, the Penguin Press, London.
Woodroofe, Kathleen (1962) From Charity to Social Work, Routledge, London.
Wootten, Barbara (1959) Social Science and Social Pathology, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Young, A.F. and Ashton, E.T. (1956) British Social Work in the Nineteenth century, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Younghusband, Eileen (1951) Social Work in Britain. A Supplementary Report on theEmployment and Training of Social Workers, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Dunfermline.
Younghusband, Eileen (1964) Social Work and Social Change, National Institute for Social Work Training series, Allen and Unwin, London.
Younghusband, Eileen (1965) Social Work with Families, Allen and Unwin, London.
Younghusband, Eileen (1967) Social Work and Social Values, Allen and Unwin, London. (2nd edition in 1970)
Younghusband, Eileen (1966) New Developments in Casework, Allen and Unwin, London.
Younghusband, Eileen (1968) Education for Social Work, Allen and Unwin, London.
Consolidation in social work (1970s-1980s)
Bartlett, H.M. (1970) The Common Base of Social Work Practice, National Association of Social Workers.
Bailey, Roy E. and Brake, Mike (1980, 1975) Radical Social Work, Edward Arnold, London. (Cites research by F.E. Waldron.)
Barclay, Peter (1982) Social Workers: Their roles and tasks, National Institute for Social Work, London.
Bowlby, John (1979) The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds, Tavistock Publications, London.
Brewer, C. and Lait, J. (1980) Can Social Work Survive?, Temple Smith, London.
Butterworth, E. and Holman, B. (1975) Social Welfare in Modern Britain, Fontana/Collins, Glasgow.
CCETSW (1973) Social Work. Setting the Course for Social Work Education, Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, London.
CCETSW (1984) Review of Qualifying Training, Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, London.
CCETSW (1989) Rules and Requirements for the Diploma in Social Work (Paper 30). London: Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work.
Dominelli, Lena and McLeod, Eileen (1989) Feminist Social Work, MacMillan, London.
Douglas, J. (1971) Understanding Everyday Life, Routledge, London.
Fraser, Derek (1984) The Evolution of the British Welfare State, Macmillan, London.
Gandy, John, Robertson, Alex and Sinclair, Susan (1983) Improving Social Intervention: changing social policy and social work practice through research; a volume in memory of John Carrington Spencer, Croom Helm: St. Martin's Press, London.
George, Vic (1973) Social Security and Society, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Goldberg, E. Matilda and Neill, June E. (1972) Social Work in General Practice, George Allen & Unwin, London.
Goldstein, Howard (1973) Social Work Practice: A Unitary Approach, University of Carolina Press
Gough, I. (1979) The Political Economy of the Welfare State, Macmillan, London.
Gouldner, A.W. (1970) The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology, Basic Books, New York.
Jones, Chris (1976) The Foundations of Social Work Education, Writing Papers in Sociology No. 11, the University of Durham, Durham.
Jones, Chris (1983) State Social Work and the Working Class, Routledge, London.
Langan, Mary and Lee, P. (1989) Radical Social Work Today, Unwin Hyman, London.
Law, Jack, with Smale, Gerald G. and Bennett, William (1989) Pictures of practice. Vol.1, Community social work in Scotland, National Institute for Social Work, London.
Mishra, R. (1977) Society and Social Policy: Theoretical perspectives on welfare, Macmillan, London.
Pearlman, J.R. (1973) Social Science and Social Work, Scarecrow Press Inc., New Jersey.
Phillipson, C. (1982) Capitalism and the Construction of Old Age, Macmillan, London.
Piaget, J. (1970) Main Trends in Inter-disciplinary Research, Allen and Unwin, London.
Pincus, A. and Minahan, A. (1973) Social Work Practice. Model and Method, F.E. Peacock, Itasca I.L..
Pincus, A. and Minahan, A. (1977) ‘A model for social work practice’, in Specht, H. and Vickery, A., eds. (1977) Integrating Social Work Methods, Allen and Unwin, London.
Plant, R. (1970) Social and Moral Theory in Casework, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Reid, William J. and Epstein, L. (1973) Task Centred Casework, Columbia University Press, New York.
Rodgers and Stevenson (1973)
Rowe, J. and Lambert, L. (1973) Children who wait, Association of British Adoption Agencies, London.
Scottish Education Department (1973) Social Work in Scotland in 1972: presented to Parliament July 1973, HMSO, Edinburgh.
Simpkin (1983)
Specht, H. and Vickery, A. (eds) (1977) Integrating Social Work Methods, Allen and Unwin, London.
Stevenson, Olive (1978) Trends in Social Work Education: the relationship between theoretical and practice teaching, Association of Teachers in Social Work Education, London.
Timms, Noel (1974) The Receiving End, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Titmuss, R. (1970) The Gift Relationship, from human blood to social policy, Allen & Unwin, London.
Titmuss, Richard M. (1973) Commitment to Welfare, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Thompson, E.P. (1972) The Making of the English Working Class, Penguin, Harmondsworth.
Triseliotis, John P. (1973) In Search of Origins: the experience of adopted people, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
Triseliotis, John P. (1980) New Developments in Foster Care and Adoption, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
Triseliotis John P. and Russell, James (1984) Hard to Place: the outcome of adoption and residential care, Heinemann Education, London.
Whittaker, J.A. (1974) Social Treatment, Alding Publishing Company.
Wilding, P. (1983) ‘The evolution of social administration’, In Bean, P. and MacPherson, S. (eds) Approaches to Welfare, Routledge and Kean Paul, London.
Younghusband, Eileen (1978) Social work in Britain, 1950-1975: a follow-up study Vol. 2, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Progress versus retrenchment (1990s)
Department of Health (1995) Child Protection, Messages from Research
Directors of Social Work in Scotland (1992) Child protection policy practice and procedure: an overview of child abuse issues and practice in social work departments in Scotland, HMSO, Edinburgh.
George, Vic and Wilding, P. (1994) Welfare and Ideology, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead.
Jones, Chris and Novak, T. (1999) Poverty, Welfare and the Disciplinary State, Routledge, London.]Mooney, G. (1998) Remoralizing the poor? Gender, class and philanthropy in Victorian Britain, in Lewis, G. (ed.) Forming Nation, Framing Welfare, Routledge, London
Moore, George and Wood, Chris (1992) Moore and Wood's Social work and criminal law in Scotland, Mercat Press, Edinburgh.
Morris, Jan (1993) Independent Lives. Community care and disabled people, Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Mullaly (1997)
Murray, Charles (1999) Charles Murray and the underclass, The developing debate, CIVITAS, London.
Thane, Pat (1996) Foundations of the Welfare State, Longman, London.
Triseliotis, John P. and Marsh, Peter (1993) Prevention and Reunification in Child Care, BAAF, London.
Recent social work texts (2000s onwards)
There has been a huge proliferation in academic writing in social work in recent years, in books, in journals and online; it is an impossible task to cover everything that has had impact at this time. Instead, the following is a condensed list, which focuses on some of the key publications that have been published and used as teaching texts. Again, the material is presented by date, not author name.