Omega Psi Fraternity, Inc.

65th Eighth District Meeting

Colorado-Iowa-Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska-New Mexico-North Dakota-South Dakota

January 20, 2014

To: Chapter Talent Hunt Chairman

Re: 8th District Talent Hunt Program Coordination

Greetings in the Name of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

This letter is to inform you of our plans and preparations for the 8th District Talent Hunt Program. The 8th District Talent Hunt Program is will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2014, from 1PM to 3PMat the Double Tree Hotel – 1775 East Cheyenne Mountain Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, as part of the 65thAnnual 8th District Meeting.

All 8th District Talent Hunt participants must be high school students competing in the below listed forms of trained talent with the possibilities of furthering their education in college.

  1. Vocal and Instrumental Music: Classical, contemporary, gospel and jazz entries are welcomed. For classical renditions, a printed copy of the music (score) is required for the judges to analyze. Recorded music tracks may be used for vocal accompaniment, but these tracks may not contain background vocals.
  2. Interpretive Movement to Music: ballet, modern dance and tap.
  3. Speech: Poetry, oration, monologue, etc. A printed copy of the script is required for judges to analyze.
  4. Visual Art: Sculpture, photography, drawing and painting. Submittal for judging must be 3 to 5 pieces only.

All 8th District Talent Hunt participant applications must be received no later than Saturday, March 29, 2014. Registration forms must be complete and must contain sufficient details to allow proper preparation of all printed programs, technical requirements, sequencing of participants, etc. A completed OPP Release & Consent Form must also be turned in with the contestant application. Both forms have been included with this communication. Contestant forms may be submitted by regular mail or by email to:

Brother Eric Allen, 8th District Talent Hunt Chairman

7143 S. Versailles Way - Aurora, CO - 80016 –

Please note that Chapter Talent Hunt Programs must comply with guidelines published by the International Talent Hunt Committee. These guidelines are available in the “Members Only” section of the official Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. website. It is veryimportant

toremember that each participating chapter is responsible for all expenses incurred with bringing their contestant to the 8th District Talent Hunt Program in Colorado Springs, CO. The chapter should plan for their contestant to arrive by Friday, April 11th to ensure he/she is well rested and prepared for the Saturday program.

The winner of the 8th District Talent Hunt Program will be invited to participate in a special International Talent Demonstration during the 79th Grand Conclave, July 10-18, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA. Each International

Talent Hunt participant will be awarded $1000.00 by the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Life Membership Foundation.

If you have further questions or need assistance, please email me at , or contact my cell phone at (720) 883-5613.

In Friendship,

Eric Allen

Bro. Eric Allen

8th District Talent Hunt Chairman

7143 S. Versailles Way

Aurora, CO 80016

(720) 883-5613


8th District Talent Hunt Registration Form

OPP Release & Consent Form

8th District Talent Hunt Contestant Application
(All information must be typed)

Contestant Name Age ______

Address City/State Zip ______

Contestant Email address ______

Parent or Guardian ______Contact Phone______

Sponsoring Chapter ______Chapter Talent Hunt Chairman ______

Chairman Contact (Hm#) ______(Cell#) ______Email______

Name of High School ______

Grade Point Average (GPA) ______SAT Score ______ACT Score ______

Extra Curricula Activities (School/ Community) ______

Honors and Awards Received ______

Hobbies ______

Church Membership

College /University You Plan to Attend

City State Major/Minor Field of Study

Select the one category you will compete in:

Instrumental Solo ____Vocal Solo ____Piano Solo ____

Drama Reading ____Dance ____Visual Arts ____

Name of Composition/Presentation ______

Name of Composer ______

Please indicate which of the following you will need for your performance:

a) Piano ___ b) Microphone ___ c) Cassette Player ___ d) Accompanist ____ e) CD Player ____

f) Other (please be specific) ______

(Note: You are required to provide any electronic equipment required and an operator.)

Note: A black and white photograph and a biographical sketch of 150 words or less must accompany this form. The deadline for receipt of this application is 60 days before the Conclave. Applications received after this date will not be allowed to PARTICPATE. Please contact Bro. Eric Allen, 8th District Talent

Hunt Chairman to confirm receipt of your completed application. He can be reached at (720) 883-5613. Mail completed application to arrive by March 29, 2014, to Eric Allen – 7143 S. Versailles Way – Aurora, Colorado - 80016.

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Parental Release and Consent Form

Talent Hunt Competition

Parental release and consent form (submit by start of event)

Student s name: ______Age: ______

Physical address: ______

Email address: ______

Parent or legal guardian s name: ______

(Please Print)

Contact phone numbers during event hours (home): ______(cell):______

Insurance information:

Insurance coverage by: ______

Policy Number: ______

Photo and Image Release:

I give the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. permission to photograph videotape or record my childand to use the photographs, videotape, film or recording in its print and electronic publications, video broadcasts, radio broadcasts or any other presentation of the images. I agree that thephotographs and videotapes, including negatives, slides and prints or any other presentation ofthe images, are the property of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. I waive any right I may have toinspect and/or approve the finished product in which the images may be used. By signing thisform, I intend to release and discharge the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. from any and all claimsthat I may have, and agree to hold harmless and defend the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. fromliability arising from claims or litigation arising from its use of my child s image, voice, orperformance.

Waiver and Consent for Emergency Treatment:

I am aware that the activity for which I am registering my child involves limited events or field trips that will be conducted as part of this activity. In consideration of the right to participate in this activity, I waive and release any and all rights and claims for damage I may have against theOmega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., its Board of Directors, District or local officials, members,employees and agents, for any and all injuries, if any, suffered by my child while participating inthis activity. I give my consent to emergency treatment, including hospitalization as may beneeded for the welfare of my child

If you are under the age of 21, your parent/guardian must also sign this form.

Date: ______(Student s Signature) ______


(PrintParent/Guardian Name) (Parent/Guardian Signature)

TH-Form # 001- 06-2009