Present: Parish Cllr Steve Bailey (Chairman)
Parish Cllr Christopher Brealy (Vice-Chairman)
Parish Cllr Len Claisse
Parish Cllr Chris Ellis
Parish Cllr Tricia Chapman
Parish Cllr Adrian Young
Parish Cllr Eileen Watkins
1 x Vacancy
Ms Amanda Sparkes, Clerk to the Council
6 x residents
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Parish Cllr Joe Hunter (annual leave).
There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations.
77. The meeting was adjourned for parishioners’ questions.
A resident objected to a current planning application; a copy of their letter to the city council’s planning officer was given to the Chairman and the Clerk. The parish council were supportive of the concerns and in agreement that the proposal is very detrimental to the neighbour and their parish response will reflect this.
In reply a resident’s question the Chairman confirmed that the new sign for Primrose Way to deter lorries had been signed off by KCC Cllr Harrison and was being made up. The Chairman also advised that missing and damaged signs in Primrose Way were also being pursued.
A resident asked if the parish council is kept informed of events happening at the Whitstable Football Rugby Club. A recent camping and caravanning club weekend was organised which caused alarm to lots of residents, but was infact a legitimate income raising initiative. The users were well behaved. The parish council contacted the WFRC and they agreed that if repeated they would alert the parish council in advance. The parish council had some concerns over the campers allowing their dogs to run free on the pitches and the field and also that some of the tents blocked the public right of way.
Another resident spoke of the nuisance bmx track biking in the field to the east of Radfall Road, being reported to Cllrs on Appendix 2 (and attached to these Minutes as such). He believed that an existing enforcement notice regarding the dumping of builders’ material is already being considered and wondered if the mis-use could be attached to that. Residents are logging the occasions of use – he confirmed there have been six sessions of two hours or more in the last two weeks. Cllr Brealy explained he had gone to talk to the riders – it appeared they are building a little bmx course in the field – they said they had permission from the landowner, but are also looking for alternative sites. The Clerk has contacted the Environmental Health officers, who did a land registry search and are trying to contact the landowner.
The meeting continued.
Cllr Watkins proposed and Cllr Brealy seconded and the Minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting of the Chairman duly signed them.
The list was presented to Cllrs prior to the meeting.
Cllr Young confirmed he had spoken to the Area Commander for Canterbury and he has agreed to supply data to the council – hopefully this will be available for the September meeting.
For non-crime incidents he suggested Cllr Young speak to Kent highways services – a reply is awaited from them.
The Clerk had researched the powers for Kent’s PCSOs, and this had been circulated as Appendix 10. This information will be included for information in the September magazine. Cllr Young advised he hoped to attend the next Ann Barnes public meeting and will ask how these powers are enforced. He will also ask if the Chief Constable will give Kent’s PCSOs powers of detention, and if not he will push for this to be given. The Metropolitan Police and British Transport Police have given their PCSOs these additional powers. Chestfield hardly ever sees a police officer. Kent is getting more PCSOs and additional powers will act as a deterrent.
Cllr Young clarified that any resident and or any PCSO (as a citizen) could arrest someone as a citizen and detain that person for up to 30 minutes (until a police officer takes over.) Cllr Ellis suggested that the Chief Constable could specify what types of offences would warrant giving power to arrest to PCSOs. Cllr Young commented that it was of course realised that training would be required and there would be additional costs for custody requirements.
NOTED that the Clerk completed the relevant forms and sent them to Herne Bay Police Station to now receive neighbourhood watch alerts.
Cllr Claisse advised of damage to two vehicles by a known offender at John Wilson Business Park, and also distraction theft at Tesco.
Councillors considered planning applications and tree works in Appendix 2 previously circulated. Decisions reached and latest information now attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes.
New application – for a new Restaurant/pub adjacent to McDonalds, Thanet Way
The Marston’s chain has submitted a planning application for a new restaurant. They are similar to Table Table / Harvester chains.
The site is between the railway and Thanet Way and McDonalds and Swalecliffe Brook. The scheme is divided in to two sections – adjacent to McDonalds to be car park (so car park to car park) then the public house/restaurant. The access is the same as to McDonalds then straight on at their entrance. There is car parking provision for 59 cars including 3 for disabled, and also cycle racks for staff and users.
The proposal has an outside terrace for eating with covered pagoda, and an outside children’s play area. As the site is on a floodplain a tank will be installed on the Swalecliffe side, and ecology is being checked to provide this. There will be pedestrian paths created also.
The proposal will create 50 new jobs and a resident caretaker, which is to be welcomed.
The chain’s policy is for their drinks prices to be higher thab the local pubs so as not to take their trade.
The building at its highest is 10.7m, the rest is 6.6m. Cllr Claisse commented that the design of it is quite nice. The parish council felt that :
- The issues are more on transport than the use of a building here as a pub/restaurant. It is on a road with a 60mph speed limit at this stretch.
- There will be increased traffic on the roundabout. With two lots of traffic there may be difficulties seeing cars exiting from McDonalds car park?
- Also traffic congestion particularly at this point if the drive-thru gets congested.
- There is concern for pedestrian safety for anyone trying to cross the Thanet Way
- Some supervision concerns of small children in the play area
- The disable parking provision should be increased from 3 to 6 spaces.
- From an ecology and biodiversity point of view the planning officers need to be satisfied that there are no greater crested newts or similar in the site.
Whilst the parish council is not objecting to the application the councillors would like a site meeting with the planning officer if possible to seek clarification of their concerns. The Clerk will write to the planning officer to request this.
RECEIVED bank statement for July 2013, and RESOLVED the Chairman’s signature thereon;
NOTED £16.33 for the Plusnet Internet account taken by direct debit on 18/07/2013.
NOTED that the National Joint Council for Local Government Services has reached agreement on new national rates of pay for parish clerks, the first pay rise since 2009. A 1% increase effective from 1 April 2013 has been agreed. The August salary reflects the uplift in salary and also includes a back pay payment also due.
NOTED that one of the parish council’s fixed term deposits matured on 25 July 2013. The Clerk reinvested it at the same term (five months) at the prevailing interest rate.
The Clerk presented finance sheets for cheque payments requiring authorisation totalling £4999.64, together with an additional sheet totalling £305.22. Cllr Ellis proposed and Cllr Chapman seconded and it was RESOLVED that the financial matters and accounts be authorised for payment.
NOTED that the first interim internal audit for 2013-2014 was carried out on 9 July 2013.
The auditor’s report has been circulated to all Cllrs, and no concerns recorded.
RECEIVED the End of Quarter 1 spreadsheet report showing expenditure against budget for Quarter 1 (circulated as Appendix 3b). the Clerk explained that Quarter 1 has some one-off annual payments so has the highest expenditure each year usually, and no cause for alarm.
The invoices for the advertisers in the parish council magazine are due to be sent out to current advertisers in September for renewal for the next 4 editions of the magazine (from December 2013). Cllrs CONSIDERED ahead of this exercise whether the rates should be reviewed. The Clerk confirmed the prices had been held for three years but the income generated from advertisers does roughly break even with magazine production costs. Cllr Ellis proposed and Cllr Young seconded that the rates be held the same for a further year and reviewed then.
(a) Canterbury & District Neighbourhood Watch Association Newsletter
(b) The Whitstable Society’s July electronic newsletter
(c) Briefing note about the Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013, from Natasha Tanton, Trainee Solicitor, Legal & Democratic Services, Kent County Council
NALC’s strategy for the future
RECEIVED NALC’s draft strategy for the future. Their key objectives are to:
1. Deliver quality services to councils – NALC’s core service areas are policy, improvement and development, legal advice and support, publications and communications, in partnership with the County Associations.
2. Create new local councils – A major initiative. Two thirds of the electorate live in (primarily urban) areas without a town/parish council. This objective ensures growth, increased influence and income, and empowers communities. The Government is committed to this initiative; devolution to local level is supported by all the major political parties.
3. Promote and represent – NALC will sustain their engagement with Government, develop awareness, promote councils and achievements, support County Associations and develop an improved website.
The Local Audit and Accountability Bill
A message received from KALC that the Local Audit and Accountability Bill is currently making its way through Parliament and NALC is seeking to amend the Bill to provide for the reform of the rules governing parish polls. These rules are out of date: for example the trigger threshold is too low, they provide for vexatious use on matters not directly affecting the local area or the responsibilities of the Parish or Town Council, often resulting in a waste of precious parish or town council resources and tax-payers money.
Kent Downs AONB Management Plan public consultation
There is a public consultation on the draft Kent Downs AONB Management Plan at
An important point is that while it is statutorily required that Kent Downs review and formally adopt the plan, it is not a new plan, it is the revision of a plan which all of the Local Authorities have already adopted and while there are important and helpful updates and changes, the plan remains fundamentally the same.
Cllr Chapman reported at the May meeting that the Oak tree is in leaf but is growing quickly and needs another support stake. NOTED that the Clerk is in dialogue with a city council officer regarding the best approach to help the growing Oak tree. It has a distinct ‘kink’ in its trunk.
NOTED that the Clerk met with an Outdoor leisure officer from Canterbury City Council on 19 June 2013. A lectern style signage information panel board was felt the best style to be indiscrete rather than a taller board at eye level. A location away from the pitch and just outside the car park area was agreed and permission given to go ahead with an installation there.
The Clerk has researched three companies who deal in this type of project and is progressing this.
The Clerk has also received a request for leaflets from the Whitstable Improvement Trust and will deliver some. Cllr Watkins will take some more walk brochures to McDonalds as they have agreed to display there.
Signage for the Rugby Club is now ready to install and the Chairman will install it. The Clerk is to oversee the perches installation next week. Cllr Ellis explained he had walked the walk and felt that halfway down the descent from Shrub Hill to Shrub Hill Road it is not clear where the route goes. It was agreed that the Clerk will ask the contractor to also install a post at this point when also installing the perches and to then add a way marker sign post on both the perches and this new post.