UWLSU Advice complaint form

You should use this form if you intend to make a complaint about any aspect of the service you have received from UWLSU Advice.

Student Number
Contact email
Contact telephone number
  1. Raise a concern

You are encouraged to raise any concerns about how your case is being managed or any issues you are having with your Advisor or our service directly with your allocated advisor if you feel able to do this in order to give them an opportunity to work with you to resolve any issues.

If you do not feel comfortable doing this, please follow the complaints guidance below. The UWLSU Student Complaints Procedure is on pages 2 & 3.

  1. Informal complaints

UWLSU Advice follows the process laid out in UWLSU’s Bye-Laws for all complaints about our service. In the first instance, it is recommended that you submit your complaint to the Advice & Outreach Manager so that they can investigate your complaint within UWLSU Advice and attempt to resolve your issue with you. If your complaint is about the Advice & Outreach Manager, you can email your complaint to the Representation & Insight Manager.

Email this form as an informal complaint to:

Andy Irwin (Advice & Outreach Manager) /
OR Matthew Myles-Brown (Representation & Insight Manager) /
  1. Formal complaints

If you have attempted to resolve the matter informally, or do not believe that the informal route is suitable for your complaint, you can use this form as a formal complaint and email it directly to the Students’ Union President.

Email this form as a formal complaint to:

Dave Titley /
  1. Your complaint

Please outline the nature of your complaint in the box below
What would you like the outcome of your complaint to be?

UWLSU Student Complaints Procedure

Section SCP: Student Complaints Procedure Bye-Law

SCP.1 The right to complain

SCP1.1 a student or group of students shall have the right to complain and have that complaint dealt with promptly and fairly. The following are grounds for complaint:

(a) dissatisfaction in dealings with the Students’ Union.

(b) a claim of unfair disadvantage by reason of having exercised the right to `opt out’ of membership of the Students’ Union.

SCP1.2 the Students’ Union shall take all necessary steps to try to put matters right if a student or group of students is dissatisfied with the service they have received.

SCP1.3 it should be noted however, that compliance with the law regarding Licensed Club

premises and Charity Law regarding the Students’ Unions charitable funds are overriding duties. Therefore, a student who was dissatisfied with the Students’ Union for carrying out its legal duties to the best of its ability, would not, and could not have that complaint upheld.

SCP.2 Informal procedures

SCP2.1 it is anticipated that the majority of problems encountered by students will be resolved through informal talks with appropriate Students’ Union officials.

SCP2.2 students are, therefore, encouraged to discuss matters of complaint in the first instance with a senior manager and/or the President or nominee. There may be occasions when this will not be the most appropriate route, and in those circumstances the matter will be referred to the Executive Committee instead and formal procedures adopted.

SCP2.3 during the informal stage, the facts of the complaint will be ascertained and every attempt made to resolve the problem routinely. If this cannot be achieved the student/students will be advised on whether formal procedures should be invoked.

SCP.3 Formal procedures

SCP3.1 formal complaints must be made in writing by the student to the President or nominee. The complainant must make clear:

(a) the substance of the complaint

(b) the redress to be sought

This must take place within ten working days of the end of informal talks. The President or nominee shall be responsible for passing the complaint to a committee of The Union Leadership Team.

SCP3.2 the President or nominee will convene a meeting of a Complaints Committee of the Union Leadership Team to hear the case within five working days of receipt of a formal complaint. There shall be three members of the Committee in addition to the President or nominee.

The Complaints Committee shall have the authority to appoint a secretary to the Committee to prepare papers and minute the proceedings. The complainant will be informed in writing of the date, time and venue of the meeting and will be expected to attend. The complainant will have the right to be accompanied by a student of the University or member of Students’ Union staff with responsibility for representation. The outcome of the hearing will be communicated to the complainant in writing within five working days of the hearing. This shall then be reported to the Trustee Board for information.