Problem Set 4 Answers

1. Derive the first-order partial derivatives of the following functions.

(a) ¦(x) º 12x

¦¢(x) º 12

(b) ¦(x) º 2x2

¦¢(x) º 4x

(c) ¦(x) º x + x2 + x3

¦¢(x) º 1 + 2x + 3x2

(d) ¦(x) º y + 3x2 + v3

¦¢(x) º 6x

(e) ¦(y) º axyb + 3z2

¦¢(x) º abxyb-1

2. By applying the product and quotient rules, derive the first-order partial derivatives of the following functions.

(a) ¦(x) º º

¦¢(x) º = = 0

(b) ¦(x) º º

¦¢(x) º = = 0

(c) ¦(x) º º

¦¢(x) º = =



(d) ¦(x) º (100-x)x º h(x) g(x)

¦¢(x) º h¢(x)g(x) + h(x)g¢(x) = (-1)x + (100-x)(1) = 100 – 2x

(e) ¦(y) º p(y) y º h(y) g(y)

¦¢(y) º h¢(y)g(y) + h(y)g¢(y) = p¢(y) y + p(y)(1) = p¢(y) y + p(y)

3. Apply the Nth-order derivative rule for locating the relative extrema of the following functions.

(a) ¦(x) º x2

¦¢(x) º ¦(1)(x) º 2x

Solving the equation ¦¢(x) = 0 we find that x = 0 is the solution.

Hence, xo = 0 is the stationary point.

Continuing, ¦¢¢(xo) º ¦(2)(xo) = 2.

Because 2 ¹ 0, the first non-zero derivative at the stationary point is the second derivative.

Because the second derivative is an even-numbered derivative, the stationary point is either a minimum or a maximum.

Because the first non-zero derivative evaluated at the stationary point is positive, that is, because ¦¢¢(xo) º ¦(2)(xo) = 2 > 0, the stationary point is a relative minimum.

(b) ¦(x) º -x2

¦¢(x) º ¦(1)(x) º -2x

Solving the equation ¦¢(x) = 0 we find that x = 0 is the solution.

Hence, xo = 0 is the stationary point.

Continuing, ¦¢¢(xo) º ¦(2)(xo) = -2.

Because the second derivative is an even-numbered derivative, the stationary point is either a minimum or a maximum.

Because the first non-zero derivative evaluated at the stationary point is negative, that is, because ¦¢¢(xo) º ¦(2)(xo) = -2 < 0, the stationary point is a relative maximum.

(c) ¦(x) º x3

¦¢(x) º ¦(1)(x) º 3x2

Solving the equation ¦¢(x) = 0 we find that x = 0 is the solution.

Hence, xo = 0 is the stationary point.

Continuing, ¦¢¢(xo) º ¦(2)(xo) º 6xo = 0.

Continuing, ¦¢¢¢(xo) º ¦(3)(xo) º 6 = 6 ¹ 0.

Because the third derivative is an odd-numbered derivative, the stationary point is a point of inflection.

(d) ¦(x) º x2 – 1/3 x3

¦¢(x) º ¦(1)(x) º 2x – x2 = x(2-x)

Solving the equation ¦¢(x) = 0 we find that, in this case, there are actually two solutions. One solution is x = 0 and the other solution is x = 2. Now we must evaluate the function at each of the two points. For this purpose, denote the first stationary point by xo = 0 and denote the second stationary point by xa = 2. At the first solution, we have the following derivative.

¦¢¢(xo) º ¦(2)(xo) º 2-2xo = 2-2(0) = 2 > 0.

Hence, the first non-zero derivative at the point xo = 0 is the second derivative, which is an even-numbered derivative. Hence, at xo = 0, the function is either a minimum or a maximum, but not a point of inflection. Because the first nonzero derivative at the stationary point is ¦(2)(xo) = 2 > 0, a positive value, the stationary point is a relative minimum.

At the second stationary point xa = 2, we need, once again, to evaluate derivatives.

Hence, ¦¢¢(xa) º ¦(2)(xa) º 2-2xa = 2-2(2) = -2 < 0, and the stationary point is, therefore, a relative maximum.

(e) ¦(x) º (5/3)x3 – x5

¦¢(x) º ¦(1)(x) º 5x2 – 5x4 = 5x2(1-x2).

The solutions to the equation ¦¢(x) = 0 are three, xa = 0, xb = +1 and xc = -1.

We need to evaluate the rule at each of the three points. But, first, take the successive derivatives.

¦¢¢(x) º ¦(2)(x) º 10x – 20x3 = 10x(1-2x2).

At xa = 0, the derivative is equal to zero; but at xb = +1 and xc = -1 the derivatives are nonzero. In particular, ¦(2)(xb) = 10(1)(1-2(1)2) = -10 < 0 and ¦(2)(xc) = 10(-1)(1-2(-1)2) = +10 > 0. Hence, at xb = +1 the stationary point is a relative maximum and at xc = -1 the stationary point is a relative minimum.

But, we still have to find the first non-zero derivative for the function at the point xa = 0. Continuing,

¦¢¢¢(xa) º ¦(3)(xa) º 10 – 60xa2 = 10 > 0.

Hence, at the stationary point xa = 0, the function possesses a point of inflection.

4. Find the least squares estimator of the parameter m in the regression model

yi = m + ei, i = 1, 2, .., N.

Let denote the estimator that you are trying to derive. It follows that the estimated regression model (once we have the estimator ) will be,

yi = + ei, i = 1, 2, .., N.

By definition, the sum of squared deviations about the regression line yi = is

SS º ,


SS() º .

This is just a sum of squared terms about the regression mean—that is, a quadratic function in the variable —and we can apply the (now familiar) calculus in order

to derive the estimator.

The first-order partial derivative is

SS¢() º = .

Locating the stationary point SS¢() = 0, we solve

= = 0.

Solving, we obtain


In other words, the estimator that minimizes the sum of squared deviations about the regression line is the sample mean.