Present: Councillors Mr. M R Lay, Mr. D A Sprason, Mr. R Browning, Mrs E A Cook, Mr B Gannon, Mr S Russell, Mrs A Lay and Mr Bradley.

Apologies: Mrs M Gondolo-Gordon

Absent: Nil

There were two members of the public present.


Resolved, the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th May 2007 were confirmed and signed by the chair.

Interests were declared as follows:-

Mr D Sprason declared an interest as an elected member who served as Leicestershire County Councillor.

Mr M Lay declared an interest as an elected member who served as Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Councillor.


PC Kelly gave the following report; Sergeant Tompkins was also in attendance.

There had been two burglaries from dwellings, one distraction burglary, two burglaries other than dwellings and one damaged property. He also reported that there had been one theft of a motor vehicle, two thefts from motor vehicles and two damaged motor vehicles.

Mr Lay had reported the problems of Anti Social Behaviour currently being experienced by a resident on Oakfield Avenue and the adjacent footpaths.

Mr Russell reported that there had been many incidents of Anti Social Behaviour occurring around the areas of The Nook and that there was a substantial amount of graffiti on the walls of properties.

Mr Lay conveyed the Parish Council’s concerns regarding the lack of police attendance at the previous three meetings and stressed the importance of Parish Council and Police authority liaison; pointing out that many important initiatives had arisen from working in partnership, such as the CCTV project and initiatives to tackle youth crime. Sergeant Tompkins stated that it was the intention of the Police Authority to attend Parish Council meetings, but the limitations of resources made it necessary to priorities operational duties. He added that the situation would improve when the new Community Support Officer was in place.

Mr Lay referred to the proposed new office extension at the Community Centre and asked if the Local Police Authority would be interested in using the office for local neighbourhood liaison. Sergeant Tompkins agreed to raise the proposal with Inspector Hull.

Mrs Cook invited a member of the local Police Authority to attend a meeting with residents of Markfield Court, to be arranged.

Mr Sprason stated that the next meeting of the Joint Action Group was on 11th June 2007 at 8pm at the Community Centre.

4.1  Village CCTV System for Markfield.

The Clerk reported that the Police Authority had now made their donation of £1000 towards the cost of the project.


5.1 Local Authorities (The Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 No. 1159

A copy of “The Model Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils,” had been issued to each member of the Parish Council at the previous meeting.

Resolved, the Parish Council agreed to adopt the Model Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils as stated above, in its entirety.

5.2 Register of Member’s Interests

Each member of the Parish Council was issued with the documents; “Notification of Registrable Interests,” “Registration of Gifts of Hospitality” and accompanying guidance notes, to be completed before the next meeting of 3rd July 2007.

5.3 Vacancy of Parish Councillor

The clerk had displayed notices advertising the vacancy on the Parish Notice boards and website. The closing date was 22nd June 2007.

5.4 “Welcome to Markfield,”damaged road-side sign.

Mr Lay stated that the County Council would replace the missing sign at no charge to the Parish.

5.5 Commemorative Type Signs

The Deputy Clerk informed the Parish Council that with regard to the 'local character' or commemorative village name signs the following issues would need to be addressed before formal approval could be obtained:-

●Size and height of the proposed sign to be given together with site locations
●Structural engineering calculations for the sign and its foundations would need to be submitted, demonstrating the structural stability of the sign.

●Statutory Undertakers would need to be consulted.

●Necessary approval of the local planning authority, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, should to be obtained.
●The County Council would need to be indemnified against any claim for damage as a result of the presence of the sign.

She stated that this type of Commemorative sign would cost a minimum of £1000.00 depending on the type and design required. There might also be possible funding available through grant application.

The Parish Council agreed that the Deputy Clerk should obtain quotations for the types of Commemorative Sign as discussed at the meeting.

6.1 Decriminalised Parking

Mr Lay stated that from the 16th July 2007, the Borough and County Council would take over the responsibility from the police for the enforcement of parking restrictions.

6.1.1 Traffic Regulation Order – No Waiting Time Restrictions relating to Warner Close junction with Main Street and Main Street junction with London Road and Forest Road.

After discussing the above matters the Parish Council felt it appropriate to seek clarification of the current Waiting Restrictions on these roads from the Department of Highways at the County Council.

6.1.2 Car Park, Main Street.

Mr Lay reported that the Borough Council would be resurfacing the Car Park shortly.

6.2 CISWO (Coal Industry and Social Welfare Organisation)

Mr Lay stated that the Borough Council had agreed to act as agents on the Parish Council’s behalf. He was currently liaising with Louisa Horton, Head of Law at the Borough Council. There was no further update at this time.

6.3 Billa Barra Hill

Mr Lay had asked the Borough Council to look into the cleanliness of Billa Barra Hill site and consider the installation of dog waste bins. He reported that there had been a big overall improvement and further installation of dog waste bins would be considered if appropriate.

6.4 Recycling Bins – Imly (formerly The George Inn), Main Street.

The proposed relocation of the recycling bins was ongoing.

7.1 Blacksmiths Field;

Mr Sprason had asked the Director of the County Council to write to the Parish Council with regard to the proposal of gifting the site to the Parish Council. There was no response as yet.

7.2 Traffic Regulation Order - Proposal to introduce a 20mph speed restriction; Main Street

Mr Sprason had agreed to pursue with County Council. There was no update at this time.

7.2.1 Traffic Regulation Order – Proposal to introduce a 40mph speed restriction on the A50 between the Ratby Lane and Bradgate Landfill roundabouts.

Mr Sprason had requested that a speed camera should be placed here at least four times a year.

7.3 Traveller Sites.

Mr Sprason stated that the Minister had indicated that current official permanent sites could be extended and used for transit camps. This did not include private sites such as the Costalot site at Bagworth.

7.4  Local Policing.

Mr Sprason had met with Inspector Hall, who had agreed to ensure that crime figures would be sent to Parish Clerks on a monthly basis starting on 1st July 2007. He also reported that PCSO’s would be visible and active in this area.

7.5  Enforcement of Parking Restrictions.

Mr Sprason stated that from the 16th July 2007, the Borough and County Council would take over the responsibility from the police for the enforcement of parking restrictions.

¨  Around 50 Parking Attendants would patrol Leicestershire and would issue Penalty Charge Notices to people who park illegally or inappropriately.

¨  A full programme of repairs and renewals of highway road markings and signs would be undertaken to ensure the restrictions were legally enforceable.

¨  The administration service for penalty charge notices would now be centralised and all of the processing would be done by the County Council.


8.1 Planters; Main Street

Mr Pattuzzi had been instructed to plant a more formal Summer Bedding Scheme in the planters this year and David Jinks at the Borough Council had provided a quotation to ensure that the planters are fed and watered twice weekly at a cost of £25.00 per annum.

Resolved, the Parish Council accepted the quotation.

8.2 Open Spaces – Land 0ff Launde Road

Richard Cooper had asked if letters could be sent out to various residents who were propping up their fences with wooden stakes thus making it difficult to mow open spaces. The clerk reminded the members that this was a perennial problem, which needed a permanent solution.

The parish council agreed that in the short term, Mr Cooper should spray the boundary areas with weed killer to prevent further growth. The members would inspect the site at the Annual Risk Assessment on 30th June 2007 and discuss the appropriate course of action.


9.1 Memorial Applications.


9.2 Extension of consecrated burial ground

The clerk would contact the Diocese Advisory Committee for Leicestershire.


A Manager’s Report was available this month; Mr R Grantham and Mrs D Beesley also attended the meeting to discuss the proposed new office extension.

10.1 Office Extension

Mr Grantham outlined the successful funding applications for the project. Mr Lay, Mr Sprason, Mrs Murby and Mrs Goddard had met with Mrs Beesley and Mr Grantham to discuss how best to proceed, and recommended that tenders should be obtained from the Borough Council’s Approved Contractors list. Quotations should be obtained on a design and build basis only and all electrical works should be included. The tenders would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

10.2 MUGA

The Deputy Clerk reported that since the last meeting it had been noted that bolts had been found to be missing. J L Wait stated that he would replace them free of charge.

10.2.1 Leisure Care (Dura-Sport) Maintenance Contract

The clerk stated that the twice yearly pitch maintenance programme would take place on the 29th August 2007 and 13th March 2008.

10.3 Skate Park

The Deputy Clerk reported that the park had been subject to vandalism; J L Wait has been instructed to weld a piece of metal to the underside of the boards to ensure that this would not happen again.

10.4 Gas Central Heating

Mr Lay, Mr Gannon or Mr Russell would meet with an engineer from Gasforce to try to resolve the outstanding problem of the malfunction Actuator.

10.5 Rising fuel and maintenance costs

The parish council members were concerned about the large increases in expenditure at the Centre particularly the increase in Gas and Electricity charges.

It was agreed to analyse the Parish Council’s income and expenditure relating to the centre at the Budget Review Workshop in November 2007.

10.6 Markfield Village Fete and the Community Centre’s 20th Anniversary Event

The Markfield Community Centre Association had organised many daytime events and a Disco and Firework display in the evening of Saturday 16th June 2007. The Association had requested a donation towards the costs from the Parish Council.

Resolved, the Parish Council agreed to donate £500.00 towards the event.


11.1 Playground inspection and maintenance

The Deputy Clerk reported that the inspection had been undertaken on May 2007, the following defects were found:

¨  Spiders Web: Loose fittings at the base; the Deputy Clerk reported that Mr Mapletoft from the Borough Council had been unable to tighten the bolts to rectify the problem. He had informed her that the safety surfacing would need to be dug out in order to access the bolts and estimated the cost would be approximately £400.00. Bigfoot Play Systems who had originally installed the equipment had now gone into receivership. The Deputy Clerk suggested that she would make enquiries regarding the hiring of some kind of a specialized spanner which could access the bolts.

¨  Four Seater Swings: Wet Pour Safety Surfacing had become worn underneath the swings and was in need of resurfacing, this would cost approximately £80.00. Two of the seats were broken, if purchased from the Borough Council, who held these items in stock; the cost would be £25.00 each.

Resolved, the parish council agreed to the replacement of the Wet Pour Surfacing and seats by the Borough Council.


12.1 Management Committee Meeting

Mr Lay reported that there had been a meeting held on 3rd June 2007.
12.2 Convector Heaters for the changing rooms

The Deputy Clerk had obtained three quotations to connect and hang onto the wall.

¨  A N D Electrical Limited £50.00 exc. VAT

¨  N S A Electrical Limited £40.00 exc. VAT

¨  Cousins Electrical £72.00 exc. VAT

Resolved, the Parish Council accepted the quotation from NSA Electrical Ltd.

12.3 Cubicle toilet

Awaiting delivery.

12.4 Periodic Electrical Inspection

The Deputy Clerk had obtained three quotations as follows:

¨  A N D Electrical Limited £150.00 exc. VAT

¨  N S A Electrical Limited £120.00 exc. VAT

¨  Cousins Electrical £170.40 exc. VAT

Resolved, the Parish Council accepted the quotation from NSA Electrical Ltd.

12.5 Football Pitch Maintenance

J L Wait had quoted for two Goal Posts repairs and re-setting at a cost of £249.00 exc. VAT and to repair and rebuild the Dugouts would cost £238.00 exc. VAT.

Resolved, the Parish Council accepted the quotation. Mr Wait informed the members that the works would be undertaken next week.

12.6  Hiring out the Pavilion for functions/meetings.

The Deputy Clerk informed the Parish Council that a company had expressed an interest in hiring out the pavilion for corporate meetings once a month at £50.00 per day, but had been put off by the state of the interior décor. Mr Sprason stated that if the Parish Council were willing to help to smarten up the interior income could be generated for the Jubilee Playing Fields.

The Deputy Clerk should obtain quotations for blinds for the windows, look into the costs of repainting and possibly purchase two more tables from ESPO.