Early Years’ E Safety Checklist

E Safety - Good Practice / Follow-up Actions
There is a designated person for E Safety (could be DSL).
There is a clear process for reporting concerns to this person.
Staff receives regular training and updates on E Safety.
Staff induction procedures clearly outline expected professional standards.
All staff have read the guidance in section 12 of “Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who Work with Children and Young People” Staff, parents and volunteers are made aware of issues relating to E Safety by displaying posters, newsletters etc.
There is an E Safety policy which is updated regularly.
The E Safety policy is integrated into other policies such as behaviour and safeguarding.
The E Safety Policy includes an “acceptable usage” policy as well as “digital video and image policy” and “personal device” policy.
The policy gives clear guidance to staff around the use of personal equipment and/or social media to contact parents and the use of personal devices around children.
The policy gives clear guidance to staff and parents on the use of personal devices in the setting.
The management of any CCTV images is included within the policy.
The policy should be signed by all parents, staff and volunteers.
All personal data is secure and no personal data leaves the site without encryption.
Secure passwords are used for all devices.
Parents are informed of what data is captured and how it is used/stored.
Children are offered the opportunity to learn age appropriate, online safety practice; this may include structured activities, discussion or role play.
There is a clear set of rules for children to follow when using online devices.
Child friendly search engines are used such as “kidsclick” or “askkids”
Where online access is provided it should be through an appropriate internet service provider.
For each internet connected device there should be age-related filtering that is actively monitored.
Children’s use of the internet is physically monitored and supervised and appropriate risk assessments are in place. All staff feel confident in guiding children and are good role models?

Support, advice and parent sessions:
Contact the Early Years Safeguarding Adviser
Ceri McAteer
T: 01793465740
M: 07774178011

Organisational self-assessment and progression:

Information for parents:

Order printed copies to send to parents:


Updated version -




National support and further advice:


E Safety Checklist EYSA CM Oct 2014