Frank Morrison, Jr. Environmental Scholarship


The Whitefish Lake Institute (WLI) Frank Morrison, Jr. Environmental Scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance to a Whitefish High School senior or graduate pursuing a college degree in the biological or environmental sciences at a four year university.

Applications are due March 1st of each year. Applications will be reviewed by a WLI committee with a recommendation supplied to the board of directors for final approval. The WLI executive director will contact each applicant regarding the final selection via a letter.

The scholarship has the following restrictions.

1)  No relative of a WLI board member, committee member or staff can apply for a scholarship.

2)  Scholarship(s) will be limited to a maximum of two, $500 scholarships, for any given year as determined by the WLI board of directors.

3)  The scholarship recipient must provide to the WLI an official school transcript showing proof of a 3.0 or higher GPA to qualify or to continue to receive the scholarship.

4)  The scholarship recipient must show proof of a major in the biological or environmental sciences by the end of the sophomore year to continue to be eligible for the scholarship.

5)  Applicants can re-apply for a scholarship each year, for a maximum of four years. The scholarship recipient may take up to one year off from their studies after their sophomore year and still be eligible for assistance.

6)  The WLI will provide a check directly to the university in the name of the recipient for tuition only.

7)  The WLI reserves the right to retract the scholarship if any condition of the Scholarship Program is not met by the recipient.

Whitefish Lake Institute

Frank Morrison, Jr. Environmental Scholarship

Application Form

1)  Please supply a current school transcript.

2)  Please list the science and math coursework you have completed in high school or college.

3)  Please list any community service or volunteer efforts.

4)  Please explain why you are pursuing a degree in the biological or environmental sciences in 200 words or less.

5)  Please provide the phone numbers of two references, one academic and one other.