Geography Homework 20 Questions Brazil 3
- Name three countries that feature the Amazon rainforest?
/ HOT QUESTIONS / 11. What is the average temperature in the Amazon rainforest?
- How long is the Amazon river?
/ 12. What does the term ‘deforestation’ mean?
- How big is the Amazon rainforest?
/ 13. What does the term ‘conservation’ mean?
- What percentage of rainforests are in South America?
/ 14. What does the term ‘biodiversity’ mean?
- Which of the following continents does not have a Rainforest? Australia, North America, Madagscar
/ 15. Name two reasons for why the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed:.
- Rainforests cover what percentage of the Earth’s surface?
SQUIZZLINE QUESTIONS / 16. What does the term ‘environmentally sustainable’ mean?
- What percentage of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforest?
/ 17. What is one local effect of deforestation?
- What percentage of the Amazon rainforest has been lost in the past 40 years?
/ 18. What is one global effect of deforestation?
- How many acres of the rainforest are destroyed every day?
/ 19. Name two groups of people who will benefit from deforestation:
- Why is the Amazon rainforest referred to as the ‘lungs of the Earth?’
/ 20. Name two groups of people who would oppose the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest:
- Name three countries that feature the Amazon rainforest? Brazil, Columbia, Peru
/ HOT QUESTIONS / 11. What is the average temperature in the Amazon rainforest? 26.6c (80F)
- How long is the Amazon river? 6,400 km
/ 12. What does the term ‘deforestation’ mean? The clearing of trees and forests
- How big is the Amazon rainforest? 5.5 million km²
/ 13. What does the term ‘conservation’ mean? The act of protecting something
- What percentage of rainforests are in South America? 50%
/ 14. What does the term ‘biodiversity’ mean? The variety of plants and animals in a particular area
- Which of the following continents does not have a Rainforest? Australia, North America, Madagscar
/ 15. Name two reasons for why the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed: Cattle ranching, logging, hydro-electricity etc.
- Rainforests cover what percentage of the Earth’s surface? 13%
SQUIZZLINE QUESTIONS / 16. What does the term ‘environmentally sustainable’ mean? Protecting the environment for future generations
- What percentage of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforest? 50%
/ 17. What is one local effect of deforestation?Loss of homes and habitats for people and animals
- What percentage of the Amazon rainforest has been lost in the past 40 years? 20%
/ 18. What is one global effect of deforestation? Impact on global climate, destruction of cancer fighting drugs, cheaper furniture etc.
- How many acres of the rainforest are destroyed every day? 150
/ 19. Name two groups of people who will benefit from deforestation: Government, loggers, cattle ranchers etc.
- Why is the Amazon rainforest referred to as the ‘lungs of the Earth?’ Because of the amount of carbon dioxide it absorbs
/ 20. Name two groups of people who would oppose the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest: Environmentalists & indigenous tribes