The regularly scheduled meeting was called to order and a quorum declared by Chairman Kathy Palmer at 7:08 pm. Commissioners Palmer, Dale Prince, Roy Garza and Louise Martin were present. Commissioner Larry Strzelczyk was absent.

Dale made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Roy seconded. Motion carried.

Rosalie Schaefer, Charles Mikolajczyk, Jr., Cheryl Box, J. Schead, and Rudy Hernandez signed in to speak. Andie Howell, Jr. signed the citizens present list.

Mrs. Schaefer had a question regarding depth of commercial setbacks on FM 1346.

Mr. Mikolajczyk had questions relating to building codes used by the City.

Miss Box, Mr. Hernandezand Mr. Schead donatedtheir time to Mr. Mikolajczyk.

Old Business

Code Compliance Issues: Council has initiated legal action against the Silver Saddle Arena and Party House. Follow up of Miss Wesala’s request: A letter was sent to the property owner on Pittman requesting that the property be cleaned up.

Abbott Road Estates: No change. Field notes have not been forwarded. Kathy reported that the plat is due to go before Commissioners’ Court for final approval.

Council Directives: Council has received update on the Subdivision Ordinance.

Phone Calls: Larry is monitoring the recorder. Kathy had a phone regarding zoning for property on 1604.

Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances (for high density residential developments): Recommendations regarding sizes of lots were discussed. Sizes of five acres, two acres, and two and ½ acres were discussed. The current zoning map is five-acre residential. Since Council adopted a five-acre minimum, any developer wishing to use smaller lots would have to request a rezoning. Dale wondered how ETJ of about 7000 acres and City limits can be handled as they are two issues. The interlocal agreement (Texas Local Government Code) adopted by the City and Commissioners’ Court gives the county jurisdiction to regulate subdivision plats and related permits. Issues such as who would maintain roads (county or city) once the developer has moved on could come up. ETJ properties would not generate a tax base to maintain roads and infrastructure. The Commission will proceed with recommendations inside City limits but agreed that guidance is needed from Council as to how the Commission should proceed with ETJ property. Kathy told the Commission that currently Bexar County requires plats from any property owner, individual or developer, that subdivides property twice to less than five acres. Dale made a motion to take options back to the Council and ask for their guidance in the direction they want us to proceed insofar as the Subdivision Ordinance pertains to the extra territorial jurisdiction of the City of St. Hedwig. in concert with the interlocal agreement we have with the County over the ETJ. One option would be to keep the Ordinance in the City. The other option would be to follow the initial path of City limits and the ETJ. The motion may be on the June council agenda. Council may want to table the item fordiscussion and vote at the June meeting so that appropriate consideration could be given to their decision.

Lot sizes for five and two and one-half, acres were discussed.. Five acres is on the current zoning map, favored by many citizens, follows open space objectives in the master plan, developers could present their case for rezoning for possibly smaller lots, decreased tax burdens on property owners than larger lots, and could be less wear on infrastructure. Developers would need a change of zoning approved or disapproved by the Council. Two and ½ acre lots already exists, could provide decreased tax burden for owners, generate a larger tax base, and might make upkeep easier for homeowners.

New Business


Local Events

Wounded Warriors’ trying to get community support to cheer them on along 87.

American Legion Memorial Day service to be held Sunday the 30th at 10:45.

MS bike ride will be using the City Hall parking lot on October 9 – 10, 2010.

Agenda for the July 15, 7PM meeting will be code compliance, Abbott Road Estates, continued ordinance discussion, council directives, and phone calls.

Louise moved to adjourn, Dale seconded at 8:06 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Louise Martin
