Dairy Improvement Grants Program


Contact Name:

Farm Name:

Mailing address:

Town: , VT Zip: Email:

Farm Location (i.e. Street & Town, if different from mailing address): ______

Telephone: Website:

Have you participated in the Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program? YES ____ NO _____

If yes, when and who was your business advisor?

Please provide financial information for Jan 1, 2015-Dec 31, 2015.

Net worth (as of Dec 31, 2015, or from most recent balance sheet) _$______

Gross farm income: $ ______Net farm income: $ ______

Gross payroll: $ ______Gross income from milk sales: $______


Please provide a Project Title and brief description, and how much funding you are requesting. See application instructions for directions on eligible uses of funds and matching funds.

Project Title: ______

Project Description (1-3 sentences):

Grant Funding Request: $______

Match Funding Amount: $______

Sharing your application: Can we forward your application to other funders, such as USDA NRCS or the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, if they have applicable funding available?

Yes____ No_____


By submitting your application materials, you agree to allow your business plan and application materials to be read by members of the Review Committee and by staff of the Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program in accordance with our program’s Confidentiality Policy. No other persons will have access to your application, and all copies will be collected for safekeeping following the meeting of the Review Committee.

Signatures: The information provided in this application and all attachments is true to the best of my (our) knowledge. I/We agree to allow the above-mentioned committee and staff members to read our application.

Signature(s) Date


Dairy Improvement Grants Program


Please show estimated amounts for the proposed project. Fill in as many lines as are appropriate.

·  The 1st column of the budget should describe the cost category and exactly what you will use the funds for.

·  The 2nd column should show how much grant funding you are requesting.

·  The 3rd and 4th columns identify matching funds, such as savings, loans, grants, your labor on this project, etc.

·  Fill in all gray highlighted areas with totals across the bottom and down the right side of the budget.

EXAMPLE: barn improvement

Cost Category and Description / Farm Viability Funds / Match Funds / Match Source / Project Total
Builders – $10,000 / $10,000 / $10,000
Materials & Supplies:
Building materials - $15,000 / $5000 / $10,000 / Farm savings / $15,000
Lighting - $4000; Installation - $1000 / $5000 / Bank loan / $5,000
Total / $15,000 / $15,000 / $30,000


Cost Category and Description / Farm Viability Funds / Match Funds / Match Source / Project Total
Materials & Supplies:


Answers must be typed.

1.  Overview of Farm Business

Please provide a basic description of your farm business, including a brief overview of the farm, number of cows, volume of milk produced, other on-farm products, production practices, acreage used, farm management (you may use the same language from your business plan).

2.  Proposed Project Description

Please describe the proposed project for which you are now seeking assistance.

3.  Coordination with your Business Plan

Please describe how this project fits with your business plan. It will be most helpful to your application for you to reference specific portions of your plan and/or provide page numbers.

4.  Project Outcomes, Benefits and Impacts

What are the outcomes that you expect from this project - how will it benefit your farm, your family, your community? In particular, please address how the project will impact milk production and farm viability. Please express impacts in terms of profitability, productivity, return on investment, viability, quality of life, and/or other specific outcomes.

5.  Need for a Dairy Improvement Grant

Please describe how this project would go differently without being awarded a grant. Would the project happen more slowly, in a less desirable fashion, or with a lower potential for success? Would you complete this project as described, with or without the grant?

6.  Project Timeline

Please provide an estimated timeline for the project.

7.  Contingencies and Permits

Please list any other applications upon which your project is contingent (i.e., other grants or bank loans). Please list any federal, state, or local permits or approvals that will be necessary for you to implement this project, and the status of these applications or processes.


See page 5 of instructions for required components of the business plan and financial statements. Please attach the following documents to this application:

1. Typed business plan
2. Financial Statements

a. Current Balance Sheet: a snap-shot of financial condition showing assets and liabilities

b. Historical Income Statement: a listing of farm income and farm expenses (also known as Profit &Loss)

c. Cash-flow Projection or Budget for 2017: typical monthly projections of the movement of cash into (payments received the business) and out of (payments made) the business; should take into account income and expenses that affect cash available. Projections beyond 2017 are welcome but optional.