Our Vision: A Community where everyone has choice and the opportunity to improve their lives
PREVENT Policy and procedure
1.Policy statement
The current threat from Terrorism and Extremism in the United Kingdom is substantial and can involve the exploitation of vulnerable people. In line with guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) and the Home Office, the Foundation of Light has a zero-tolerance approach regarding violent or extremist behaviour and seeks to provide a safe environment for all participants.
2.Policy Aims
- To raise awareness of the potential threat from extremist groups and the risks to staff and participants
- To provide information about potential causes of violent extremism
- To empower participants, regardless of age, to reject violent or extremist behaviour
- To empower staff in challenging violent or extremist behaviour
- To outline the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy
- To outline procedures for tackling extremist behaviour
- To promote community cohesion
This policy applies to all individuals connected to Foundation of Light or at any of our premises regardless of their status, grade, or length of service, referred to in this policy as "staff".
The vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values including: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. It may also include the call for the death of members of the armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.
The process by which people come to support terrorism and extremism and, in some cases, to then participate in terrorist groups.
Community Cohesion:
A society in which the diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued, a society in which similar life opportunities are available to all, and a society in which strong and positive relationships exist and continue to be developed in the workplace and the wider community.
5.Government Strategy
The Office for Security and Counter Terrorism works to counter the threat from terrorism and their work is detailed in the counter terrorism strategy CONTEST. This strategy is based on four areas of work:
PursueTo stop terrorist attacks
PreventTo stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
ProtectTo strengthen protection against terrorist attack
PrepareTo mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack
The Foundation of Light’s responsibility lies within the Prevent strand. Prevent centres around diverting people from being drawn into terrorist activity before any criminal activity takes place and relies on recognising, supporting and protecting those who might be susceptible to radicalisation.
6.Signs and Symptoms
There are a number of possible factors that evidence vulnerability or susceptibility to extremism:
Internal Factors / External FactorsBullied / Peer pressure
Lonely / Religious belief
Friendless / Media
Grief/bereavement – ‘sense of loss’ / Social media
‘growing up’ / Internet
Low self-esteem / Chat rooms
Family break-up / Friends of families
Low self-confidence / Soap boxing
Mental health issues / Power of influence by extremist characters e.g. Youth Leaders
Personal identity / Areas where you live:
- Rallies, posters
- Domestic issues, unemployment
- Domestic policy
Craving of respect/belonging / Foreign Policy
Potential signs that someone needs help:
Emotional Signs / Verbal Signs / Physical/Circumstantial SignsAngry behaviour / Pronounced views / More withdrawn
Anxious – conflict / Angry outbursts / Dress – changes/appearance
Self-harm / Mention of people/what has been said / Secretive
Quiet, withdrawn, introverted, isolated / Throw away comments:
- Expressing radical views
- Almost scripted responses
Confusion – mixed view e.g. religion, version of Islam that promotes killing / Changes in language / Change of ‘normal’ routine
Lack of concentration / Talking about things that are not expected/the norm / Tattoos/wearing insignia on clothes
All of these are NOT terrorist behaviours, but COULD be!
7.Referral and Intervention Procedure
- If there is an immediate perceived threat to the person’s safety, staff safety or public safety, the police must be contacted immediately
In general, the following format will be used:
- Notice: concerns are raised about a person by informing the safeguarding officer or nominated deputy
- Check: ensure facts are established
- Share: concerns are shared with relevant authority if required
Different authorities exist to deal with different geographical areas and different age groups however as a rule, existing safeguarding alert procedures should be followed:
Children: referral made to Initial Response Team within Children’s Services
Vulnerable Adults: referral made to Local Authority Initial Contact Team
If there are any concerns regarding an adult who does not meet the definition and criteria as a vulnerable adult as defined in the No Secrets guidance, then a referral should be made to Northumbria Police Protecting Vulnerable People Unit on 0191 2957170.
- Each case should be kept as confidential as possible, therefore information is shared on a ‘need to know’ basis only
All staff must attend mandatory training to support the identification of potential extremist behaviours and also to ensure they are able to effectively and appropriately challenge an incident.
8.Related Documents:
Equality and Diversity Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Dignity at Work Policy
Involve – Educate – Inspire