MagnoliaWestHigh School

Swimming Diving


In Season Practice Information

We have both a 1st & 7thperiod swimming class for the 2016-2017season. Diving is only offered during 7thperiod.

1st Period Requirements (Swimmers must meet at least one (1) of the following requirements:

  • Are a returning regional qualifier in an individual event
  • Can swim 10 x 100 Free @ 1:20.

*If you meet one of the above requirements you will be considered for 1st period.

Ultimately the coach will make the final decision on if you can be in 1st period or if

you can be in 7th period. Those who swim club in the afternoon will also be considered for 1st period.

7th Period Requirements:

Fulfill tryout requirements.

1st Period NormalPractice: This schedule will vary from week to week depending on several factors;

  • Monday & Friday:
  • 5:45-7:30a Swimming
  • ~7:30-8:00a Dress Time
  • Tuesday & Thursday:
  • 5:45-6:45a Weights & Drylands
  • 6:45-7:30a Swimming
  • ~7:30-8:00a Dress Time
  • Wednesday:
  • 6:15-7:30a Swimming
  • ~7:30-7:50a Dress Time
  • Saturday: We wont have Saturday practices every Saturday they are TBA
  • 8:00-10:00a Swim

*Club swimmers can attend their club practice on this day.

- A bus will pick you up @ ~7:50a to transport you from the natatorium to MWHS for your 2nd period class. If you drive a car you will be released @ 7:50 from the natatorium to drive to MWHS for your second period. When you arrive at MWHS you must sit in the cafeteria until the bell rings releasing you to go to second period.

7th Period Practice: Start times are as follows;

  • Monday through Friday:
  • ~2:10-3:30 Swimming Workout
  • Saturday: We wont have Saturday practices every Saturday they are TBA
  • 8:00-10:00a Swim

*Club swimmers can attend their club practice on this day.

-Immediately after 6th period you will go to the back of the school to catch the bus that brings you to the Natatorium on the MHS campus. The bus will leave at 1:45!!! Do NOT “miss” the bus!!! You must provide your own transportation home. Car riders will leave MWHS immediately after 6th period ends and drive to the natatorium. A car rider is expected to be at the natatorium at the same time or before the bus arrives. Once the bus arrives each student will be given 5 minutes to be dressed out and begin the workout. Beyond 5 minutes you will be considered late.

CAR RIDERS: All Car riders must have written consent on file with the school district before he or she is aloud to drive between campuses. Car riders are not aloud to transport any other students with them unless special permission was given from the school administrators.

Practice Requirements

  1. Must have a physical done and completed on the M.I.S.D. athletic form.

The deadline for getting your physical done and turned in is Tuesday, August 24th.

Those without a physical may be dropped from the class.

  1. Attend practice as scheduled and be on time.
  2. Must suit out and be ready to swim everyday.
  3. Multi-Sport athletes will be handled on a case by case basis in compliance with UIL


How You Are Graded

At the beginning of each nine weeks every student will have a 100 for their grade. Each time a student does not Dress Out & Participate for classhe/she will get -5points taken off from their grade (on school days);. If parents feel that there child is too ill or injured to participate in class and does not have a medical excuse from a doctor, the student should;

a. Remain home or be picked up from school or

b. Come prepared to participate.

Students who come in with a parents note willstill be required to participate, but will be given extra time to complete an activity and allowed to rest when needed. Students who refuse to dress out will be graded accordingly. Doctor’s notes will be handled on a case to case basis.

How to Handle Specific Circumstances


1.If you are swimming 1st period you must do tutorials after school unless proper approval has been given.

2.If you are swimming 7th periodyou must do tutorials before school unless proper approval has been given.

Clubs or UIL Related Activities

1.If there is a conflict with practice and another activity, swimming is the top priority while “in season”, and missing practice is discouraged. If it is a U.I.L. activity then the coach and other U.I.L. sponsor will discuss the matter and make a decision based on what is in the best interest of the student.

Medical Excuse

If a student can get in the water and simply kick, that is what we want students to do. If not, the following regulations will apply.

  1. Students who have a medical excuse and not allowed to participate in any physical activity can help the coaches in some way during practice and is expected to show up at the regularly scheduled practice times.
  1. Students who have injuries that would not allow them to be in the water but would allow them to do out of water activities will be asked to do so.

Dry-land Attire

1.Students must have tennis shoes! No flip flops, house shoes, dress shoes, etc…. will be allowed. It is not safe to run in anything but proper running shoes.

2. Students must have proper workout clothes such as workout shorts and a t-shirt. Wind pants, sweat pants, hoodies, jackets are all fine on cold days. (No Jeans, Skirts, etc…)

Sudden Illness

1.In the event a student becomes ill and is unable to practice, students must call and notify the coach that morning @ 281-356-1106 ext.7092. Excessive misses due to illness may be grounds for removal from the program.

We feel it is the responsibility of the student to come to class prepared to do what is expected. We know students are in this class because they love to swim and want to get better at it. Swimming is an athletic sport and a privilege not a right.

  1. Missing Practice: If you have an unexcused absence (As defined by MagnoliaWestHigh School) in this class, it will result in a - 5 point reduction from your grade for that day. A student who receives 6 or more unexcused absences in a semester will be dropped from the class at semester or at the end of the 9 weeks.
  2. Late to Practice: Being late for practice is not acceptable. If you are late you will be required to stay after practice. After the 2nd occurrence, there will be a parent call, and after the 3rd occurrence there will a parent, student & coach conference. A student is late 6 or more times in a semester will be dropped from the class at semester

*7th period swimmers will be given 10 minutes once the bus arrives to the pool to be suited out and in the water, or they are considered late!

  1. Meet Attendance: Students who do not show up for a scheduled meet without properly notifying the coach first, will result in having 5 points taken from their grade for the first offense and 10 points taken from their grade for each other offense. Students who miss two or more meets without properly notifying the coach may be removed from the team. Students may also have other action taken that may involve extra work/practice.

*Students must ride the bus home at away meets unless proper approval has been made 24 hours in advance. Students must stay until the end of each meet for clean up, meetings, or awards (DO NOT LEAVE EARLY!).

COMMUNICATION IS KEY!!!There are always circumstances that come up that can not be avoided. When those happen we ask that you call the pool at 281-356-1106and leave a message on your coaches’ voice mail. The answering machine will log the time and date the call was made. If you know in advance that you will be out, you must notify your coach of this as soon as possible.


Swimmers must make up any missed practices! If a swimmer makes up a missed practice they will not receive a reduction off their grade. A swimmer should make up each practice the following day.If a student has 6 or more practices that haven’t been made up in a 9 week grading period then they will be removed from the team.

1st Period:

Swimmers can make up practices by making arrangements with the coach to come after school or do extra workout after morning practice.

7th Period:

Swimmers can make up practices by making arrangements with the coach to come before school.


The situation may arise that a swimmer may need to be on campus for 1st period or 7th period, and miss practice because of this. This is a rare situation and requires proper approval. If proper steps are not taken you could be considered truant (which will have severe consequences).

  1. Your teacher must email the coach 2 days prior to the day of tutoring or make up. If the teacher can’t work around our scheduled practice time then you will be aloud to stay on campus.
  2. You will be asked to report to the library or an AP’s office during your swim period.

What Is Expected

The following are rules and guidelines expected of all athletes.

Students are expected to attend practice and swim daily.

  • Students who forget their suit or are not prepared to swim will be given a loaner suit to be worn. If you are issued a loaner suit, you must wash it and return the next practice day. Students who refuse to swim when given a loaner suit will be dealt with through Magnolia West High School Disciplinary Action. Excessive abuse to this rule may result in removal from the program.

Be On Time

  • It is important for each student to be on time. If practice starts at 5:45 a.m., don’t show up at 5:45 a.m. Be there early enough to get dressed and able to start on time.

When at Practice Do Your Best.

  • Everyone has good days and bad days, but it is important to do your best everyday. Part of doing your best involves giving an honest effort in practice. If an interval is too difficult or you are having trouble with a set, talk to your coach and he will help adjust the set to help you through it.

The “TEAM” is more important than the “INDIVIDUAL”

  • Putting others down for being slower will not be tolerated. As long as someone is doing his or her best, regardless of how fast or how well, they are a valuable member of this team. Don’t assume because you can do it, that everyone else can too. No one individual regardless of ability is more important than the team as a whole!!!

Taking Care of your Facility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Take care of your pool and don’t allow others to mess with it either. Many hours are gone into keeping this facility nice and clean and it is every ones responsibility to help keep it that way. If you are aware of someone doing something to this facility inside or out, let one of the coaches know, anonymously, and we will deal with them.

Watch Your Language.

  • Profanity or inappropriate language is offensive to me and others and will not be tolerated. Inappropriate language is a sign of ignorance and the inability to express ones self in a logical and mature manner.

Lock It Up All The Time.

  • Theft is always an issue at some point in a season. Students must secure all valuables and never leave anything out you value. Lock it up in your locker!

Students need to know their locker combination and keep items locked up, or someone will take or use your stuff. It may take a little longer, but it is worth it.

Be Good Role Model’s for Magnolia I.S.D.

  • When you are out in the public eye as a representative of MWHS Swimming & Diving Team, be a good role model. People will judge the program by how you act in the classroom, at a meet or in the public eye. When you are wearing a t-shirt or anything else that identifies you with the M.W.H.S. Swim Team, you will be representing this team not just yourself. When we are at other facilities or restaurants we will show class and pride by picking up after ourselves and leaving a good impression.

You are ambassadors of our sport to the school and community. Swimming

and Diving athletes are expected to be exemplary in every way.


The following items are those that must be supplied by the athlete.

  1. Practice Suits4. Towels
  2. Practice Caps 5. Shower Supplies
  3. Goggles

We will have a swim company come to the pool on occasion to sell swimming items. Those dates are usually posted at the pool a few days prior to the company’s arrival.

The following items may be provided by MWHSand become the responsibility of the athlete once the equipment is issued. Team apparel such as uniforms, team suits or any Magnolia West High School team item is not to be used or worn outside of its intended purpose of school related competitions or practice. This is a University Interscholastic League rule for all Texas public schools and could involve the school in U.I.L. violations. Anything you purchase is yours and can be worn at anytime.

  1. Practice Equipment (Kick Board, Pull Buoy, Hand Paddles, Fins, Snorkel)
  2. Team Bag/Backpack
  3. Team Suits & Caps
  4. Parka
  5. Warm Ups

Student’s, who are caught wearing team gear outside its intended purpose, will have the equipment taken up and not returned.

Team Captains

All senior’s on the team will be expected to lead the team and be a positive team captain by meeting the following requirements. A leadership award will be voted on at the end of the season.

1.Team Captains must be able and willing to attend all scheduled meets, practices and team functions. This includes holiday practices

2.Team Captains will meet at least once a month with the coaching staff regarding the team.

3.Team Captains are expected to help in delegating bus clean up for all away meets.

4.Team Captains must make sure the “Team Area” where we sit at meets is clean and all personal items have been picked up.

5.Team Captains will help make sure everyone has a way home after a meet and no one is left by themselves.

6.Team Captains are expected to be a positive role model to the team at meets, practice and in school.

7.Team Captains will assist the Coaches with planning things like; team building ideas, team pictures, team t-shirts etc..

8.Team Captains are the voiceof the team and should help in communicating that to the coaching staff.

To be a good leader you must be a good servant. Serving others and meeting their needs is the role of any good leader. Keep that in mind before you agree to serve as a Team Captain.At the end of the year a leadership award will be given.

How You Earn a Letter Jacket in Swimming & Diving

Earning a varsity letter jacket is an important milestone in an athletes career and it should be something that is difficult but yet attainable. The following information explains how an individual can earn a varsity letter jacket.

  1. Practice Attendance. The most important thing you can do to help yourself and this team is to attend practice on a regular basis. Swimmers who wish to earn a letter must first attend 90% of the practices offered including holiday’s. Practices that had to be made up still count against your practice attendance. Attendance will be taken everyday, even school holiday’s.
  1. Attend and Participate in Scheduled Meets. Meets are scheduled throughout the year and each and every member of the team is important to our success. The only meets that are excused are those due to extreme illnesses, family emergency, taking SAT or ACT test and possible UIL conflicts. Students should make the coach aware in advance of missing a meet due to testing or a UIL conflict, and call the coach when ill or a family emergency arises. Family trips, hunting trips, or other outside activities are not considered an excuse to miss a meet.
  1. Maintain Academic Excellence. We have four 9 week grading periods throughout the year, but students grades are determined in six week increments and any student who becomes ineligible due to grades more than 1 time during the swimming season will not be allowed to letter for that year.
  1. Be A Good Role Model’s for Magnolia I.S.D. We want those who earn a letter jacket to represent Magnolia ISD Swimming & Diving in a positive way. Misbehaving in class, on the bus, or at school functions will not be tolerated.
  1. Students entering their junior year and have participated 2 years in the program returning for their 3rd year. Current juniors can earn a letter by actively participating in our swimming & diving program for 2 years, with the understanding they are returning for their senior year. They will be allowed to measure for their jacket in the spring at the end of the season as long as they also meet all the other criteria.


Achieve a lettering time standard.. Any swimmer or diver, regardless of their classification that can achieve the time standards listed in this handbook will be eligible to letter if he or she meets all of the above requirements!


Any senior that have been with the program for at least one year prior to their senior year will automatically earn a letter. They must also meet all the other criteria. They will measure for that letter at the end of the Swimming & Diving season.


Girls EVENTBoys

28.00 50 Y Free 25.00

1:01.00100 Y Free 56.00

2:13.00200 Y Free 2:03.00

5:50.00 500 Y Free 5:30.00

1:08.00 100 Y Back 1:03.00