April 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.22-10/0061r0

IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs

System Conference Call Minutes
Date: 2010-04-01
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Gerald Chouinard / CRC / 3701 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2H8S2 / 1-613-998-2500 /

1. Attendance

Name / Affiliation / 03 Feb 2010 / 10 Feb 2010 / 17 Feb 2010 / 24 Feb 2010 / 03 Mar 2010 / 31 Mar 2010 / 8 April 2010
Wendong Hu / STMicro / X / X / X
Gerald Chouinard / CRC / X / X / X / X / X
Ivan Reede / Amerisys / X / X / X / X
Winston Caldwell / FOX / X / X / X / X / X
Apurva Mody / BAESystems / X
Jason Lee / Wi-LAN / X / X
Ranga Reddy / X

2. Agenda

1)  Record Attendance

2)  Ask if everyone is familiar with the IEEE patent policy:

3)  Approve the agenda.

4)  Approval of the meeting minutes of the last teleconference call (22-10-0040r0)

5)  Review/propose comment resolutions for the following comments:

Generic comments addressing unidentified clauses of the Draft

No. Commenter Topic

4 J. Kalke General

16 I. Reede MAC (To be considered by MAC)

22 I. Reede MAC

44 I. Reede Cognitive radio

45 I. Reede Cognitive radio

51 I. Reede Cognitive radio

54 I. Reede Cognitive radio

60 I. Reede MAC

61 I. Reede Cognitive radioClause 1

Clause 1

No. Commenter Topic

68 C. Einolf General

94 A. Mody General

Clause 3

No. Commenter Topic

107 S. Kuffner General

109 A. Mody General

Clause 5

No. Commenter Topic

132 A. Mody General Action: Ranga

133 I. Reede General

Clause 10

No. Commenter Topic

1196 W. Caldwell General

1197 W. Caldwell General

Annex B (Annex on Regulatory domain classes)

No. Commenter Topic

1203 C. Einolf

1204 C. Einolf

1205 A. Mody

Annex E

No. Commenter Topic

1213 T. Kiernan

1214 A. Mody

1223 S. Kuffner

Annex G

No. Commenter Topic

1380 S. Kuffner

1381 S. Shellhammer

1383 V. Tawil

6) Other business.

3. Notes

1)  Gerald recorded the attendance at 9:05PM EDT.

2)  A citation to the IEEE patent policy was provided with the announcement of the meeting. When asked, no one notified the chairman that they were unfamiliar with the IEEE patent policy.

3)  The agenda was approved as presented.

4)  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented.

5)  Review/propose the resolutions for the following comments in the database: 22-09-120r27.

#4: Counter. The comment was resolved with document 22-10-50r0 which was posted by Charles Einolf on Mentor. Proper references to the ITU Radio Regulations and some ITU-R Recommendations will be added to section 2 on Normative References.

#16: Reject. The report for the spectrum as received at the CPE is already included in the Draft 802.22 rev2.0. However, the MAC group has to include the RSSI of the signal to augment the report.

#22: Pending. Ranga is to confirm the de-registration process to make sure that the CPE has to be re-initiated when it comes back on the network. However, if the CPE loses without being de-registered, there is a need for a resource timer at the BS or the CPE (section 9.3.1) or a different position detection to ask the CPE to re-initiate its connection. The BS would also need an equivalent process to drop the previous CIDs.

#44: Counter. Need to say in section 9.2.5 that a database will always exist at the BS, and in the regulatory domain where an incumbent database service is mandated, the BS will have to access this database service within reasonable refresh time, otherwise, the BS should not allow CPEs to join in. Action: Apurva.

#45: Defer. The question of the action to take place when the sensing device cannot classify the signal received above the sensing threshold within the required time needs to be raised at the next Cognitive Radio call on April 6th.

#51: Reject. It was decided to reject this comment for the time being. It seems to be taken care of already by limiting the EIRP in the main antenna lobe whether the antenna is properly aligned toward a BS or not. No specific text could be prepared in time.

#54: The comment had been rejected. The “shall” that it addresses could not be identified and the commentor was not on the call.

#60: Defer. A latch should be implemented where the CPE signals the incumbent presence, the BS acknowledges by telling the CPE to no longer send UCS notifications if the UCS signals that it is a DTV signal (not applicable to wireless microphone) until the BS resets the latch. Need is for a UCS acknowledgement message to the CPE which will set a flag that will inhibit the CPE to send any further UCS indicating in-band incumbent presence. Need a reset message from the BS. Can the UCS be sent by normal MAC message?

Possible implementation is to use a different flag for DTV rather than the UCS which would be used for W-mike. If UCS is used only for W-mike. Regulatory classes annex could determine when UCS is used.

May need to think about what a UCS is: what would initiate it. When it detects a known signal above the threshold, only send a UCS if W-mike is detected or something is detected that cannot be classified it as a wireless microphone. In the US, send a UCS only when there is a microphone. This should be signalled by the MIB to the CPE as a Table of protected services action for each specific signal detected.Action: Apurva to look at section 9 and verify that the process for in-band sensing, either "detects, signals and classify" or "detects classifies and signals" the presence of incumbents.

6)  Other business:

Not all comments on the list could be reviewed. The same agenda will be used for the teleconference call on April 8th.

The call closed at 10:05 PM EDT.


Submission page 1 Gerald Chouinard, CRC