Articles (Refereed)
Amrit Tiwana and Stephen K. Kim (2015), “Discriminating IT Alignment,” forthcoming, Information Systems Research.
Stephen K. Kim and Amrit Tiwana (2015), “Chicken or Egg? Sequential Complementarity among Salesforce Control Mechanisms,” forthcoming, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Stephen K. Kim and Sungwook (Sam) Min (2015), “Business Model Innovation Performance: When Does Adding a New Business Model Benefit an Incumbent?” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 9, 34-57.
David I. Gilliland and Stephen K. Kim (2014), “When Do Incentives Work in Channels of Distribution,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42 (July), 361-379.
Stephen K. Kim, Namwoon Kim, Jae-hyeon Pae, and Leslie S. C. Yip (2013), “Cooperate “and” Compete” An Ambidextrous Strategy for Channel Advantage,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 28(4), 263-275.
Stephen K. Kim, Jonathan D. Hibbard, and Scott D. Swain (2011), “Commitment in Marketing Channels: Mitigator or Aggravator of the Effects of Destructive Acts?,” Journal of Retailing, 87 (December), 521-539.
Stephen K. Kim, Richard McFarland, Soon-gi Kwon, Sang-gi Shon, and David Griffith (2011), “Understanding Governance Decisions in a Partially Integrated Channel: A Contingent Alignment Framework,” Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (June), 603-616.
Stephen K. Kim, Rodney L. Stump, and Changho Oh (2009), “Driving Forces of Coordination Costs in Distributor – Supplier Relationships: Toward a Midrange Theory,” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 37 (Winter), 384-399.
Soonhong Min, Stephen K. Kim, and Haozhe Chen (2008), “Developing Social Identity and Social Capital for Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, 29 (1), 283-304.
Stephen K. Kim, Tetsuya Yamada, and Hyunchul Kim, (2008) “Search for Alternatives and Collaboration with Incumbents: Two-Sided Sourcing Behavior in Business Markets,” Decision Sciences, 39 (February), 85-104.
Stephen Keysuk Kim (2007), “Relational Behaviors in Marketing Channel Relationships: Transaction Cost Implications,” Journal of Business Research, 60 (November), 1125-1134.
Stephen Keysuk Kim and Ping-Hung Hsieh, (2006) “Connecting Power with Locus of Control in Marketing Channel Relationships,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23 (March), 13-29.
James H. McAlexander, Stephen Keysuk Kim, and Scott D. Roberts (2003), “Loyalty Among Relationally Oriented Customers: Not Just an Issue of Managing Satisfaction, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 11 (Fall), 1-11.
Stephen Keysuk Kim (2003), "A Cross-national Comparative Study of Interdependence Structure and Distributor Attitudes: The Moderating Effect of Group Orientation," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 20 (June), 193-214.
Stephen Keysuk Kim and Ping-Hung Hsieh (2003), “Interdependence and Its Consequences in Distribution Channel Relationships: A Distributor Perspective through Response Surface Approach,” Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (February), 101-12.
Changho Oh and Stephen Keysuk Kim (2002), “Possession and Effects of Power in Advertising Agency – Client Relationships in South Korea: A Multi-level Analysis,” Advances in International Marketing, 12, 217-242.
Keysuk Kim and Changho Oh (2002), "On Distributor Commitment in Marketing Channels for Industrial Products: Contrast between the United States and Japan," Journal of International Marketing, 10 (January), 72-97.
Keysuk Kim (2002), "Output Sector Munificence and Vertical Control in Industrial Channels of Distribution," Journal of Business Research, 55 (6), 427-440
Keysuk Kim (2001), " On the Effects of Customer Conditions on Distributor Commitment and Supplier Commitment in Industrial Channels of Distribution," Journal of Business Research 51 (February), 87-100.
Keysuk Kim (2000), "On Interfirm Power, Channel Climate, and Solidarity in Industrial Distributor-Supplier Dyads” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science 28 (Summer), 388-405.
Keysuk Kim (1999), "On Determinants of Joint Action in Distributor-Supplier Relationships: Beyond Economic Efficiency," International Journal of Research in Marketing 16, 217-36.
Keysuk Kim and Gary L. Frazier (1997), "On Distributor Commitment in Industrial Channels of Distribution: A Multicomponent Approach," Psychology and Marketing, 14 (December), 847-77.
Keysuk Kim and Gary L. Frazier (1997), "On the Measurement of Distributor Commitment in Industrial Channels of Distribution," Journal of Business Research, 40 (October), 139-54.
Keysuk Kim and Gary L. Frazier (1996), "A Typology of Distribution Channel Systems: A Contextual Approach," International Marketing Review, 13 (1), 19-32.
Wesley J. Johnston and Keysuk Kim (1994), "Performance, Attribution, and Expectancy Linkages in Personal Selling," Journal of Marketing, 58 (October), 63-81.