For the final project, use the NTM models.
Grading points will be assigned as follows:
Clash Detection 30%
Video 20%
What is to be included:
When you export the models to Navis, on the structural models it is ok to turn off the analytical models. See the sectioning guide below. For clash and Timelining, the structural model color should be Red, Mechanical light blue, Electrical yellow, Plumbing brown, Architectural white.
NWC - Sectioning
All Levels Complete (No sectioning)
Existing none. No quantities from the existing model in the estimate.
Analytical off.
Section Each Floor
Existing is ok
Mechanical and Plumbing models, when exporting the mechanical model to Navisworks, set the Phase Filter to None.
Turn off Analytical view graphics
Each Floor
Each Install Sequence - eg Columns that span multiple floors
Turn Analytical view graphics off
Existing separate from New.
Mechanical and Plumbing models, when exporting the mechanical model to Navisworks, set the Phase Filter to None.
Takeoff the following:
- Perform a takeoff as described below.
Concrete (ignore the concrete floors in the Arch model)
Structural steelfrom the structural model.
Ceilings and gypsum wallssee the clarifications below.
- Pricing
Update the concrete and steel prices from the webpage, for the gypsum systems and acoustic ceiling systems should be updated from Means (Ignore the metal support systems in the ceilings). Use Sage Estimating to price out the work. Email me questions and I will post the answers on this page.
Use 2” as the depth of the stair pans.
Clash Detection
- The Clash tests should be:
- Mech vs Structural, Framing, Electrical and Plumbing
- Ceilings vs Mech, Electrical, Plumbing, and Structural for Basement and 3rd floor level.
- Ignore clashes with the floors such as pipe penetrations. Identify the critical clashes that need to be corrected. Suggest how to resolve the clash in the comments. Clashes along a duct run with joists, a repeating clash, should be grouped together. Upload the NWD file for the clashes.
- Create a timeline schedule of the project to show the sequence of how you think the project should be built. The existing building should be shown during the complete video. Movement and sectioning should be incorporated so that the animation communicates clearly the sequencing of the project. Upload the NWD file for the Timeliner.
The BR angle iron is 5 x 5 x 5/16
L3 x 3 x 1/4 = 4.905 lbs/lf
5 x 5 x 5/16 = 10.31 lbs/lf
The concrete should be taken off using Assemblies in Sage Estimating. Properly break out continuous footings, spread footings, mat footings, foundation wall, slab on grade and slab on metal deck. Place topping slabs in Housekeeping pads in Sage Estimating.
Do not include the existing concrete or steel in the existing portion of the building.
Do not takeoff the Caissons.
Footings concrete is 3000 psi
House keeping pads/curbs 3000 psi
Topping Slab 3000 PSI
Slab concrete 4000 psi
SOMD concrete is 4000 psi LW
Foundation concrete 4000 psi
Stair pan 3000 psi
Piers/columns 4000 psi
Any exterior exposed concrete is 4000 PSI
Wall and Ceiling Takeoff
Takeoff the following:
- Ceilings and gypsum walls from the Arch TI & Arch model, watch for duplication between the models. On the gyp ceilings, breakout the soffits and the multiple layer configurations for the ceilings. Break out the CH studs from the MS studs in the walls. Use the CM 411 Layout from Sage Estimating for the report, make sure you name is on the report and that the items are combine and export and upload the PDF. Update the gypsum systems and acoustic ceiling systems prices from Means.
- Do not call anyone or spend time looking up prices on the internet.
- Use 12' 20 gauge studs for pricing from means.
- For the CH studs, use 10' tall 18 gauge, 16 oc.
For the Wall and Ceiling takeoff, use Item Takeoff in Sage Estimating. When you submit the PDF report, use the CFM 411 spreadsheet layout. Email me questions and I will post the answers on this page.
Wall type descriptions are found on the Property tab of Revit Type.
1" Metal Studs = use the price for the 1 5/8" ms 16" oc
2" Metal Studs = use the price for the 2.5" ms 16" oc
3 " Metal Studs = use the price for the 3 5/8" ms 16" oc
4' x 4' Ceiling Tile = use same price as the 2' x 2' Ceiling
1" gyp board, use 1" coreboard on columns from Means.
Any ceiling with a G takeoff as a gypsum board ceiling. Let the number of G's represent the number of layers. Do not take the metal studwork into consideration.
Do not takeoff the metal ceilings.
Under ceilings the _WM_CLNG-ACT5-2x4 ceiling the name says it is a 2x4, but in the comments on the property palette it says it is a 2x2. Use the 2x4 as the size.
Do not takeoff the Wavey Ceiling or the Pipe grid ceiling.
In the Architectural TI model, in the WM_CLNG-Soffit has a type comment that indicates that it is 2x2 ceiling. It is not 2x2 ceiling, rather it is a gysum soffit.
For the 12" x 12" use the Mineral vinyl coated 5/8" price. All 12" x12" tile have an unfinished 5/8"gypsum ceiling with a Ceiling Suspension System on 1 1/2" carriers with 7/8" channel 24" oc behind it.
For the 2x2 tile, use Tegular 2'x2' x 5/8" on 9/16" grid price
For the 2x4 tile, use Tegular 2'x4' x 3/4" on 9/16" grid price
For the 4'x 6" Ceiling use the 2 x4 price.
For the 4x4 ceiling tile, use $8.50/sf
Do not include the Lecture Hall ceilings.
The _WM_CLNG-G358M use $2.06/SF
For the soffit use $3.09/SF
Wall configurations for the following wall types are:
Eco, Ecu, Ext, Erf, Exp_Joint wall types are not taken off.
WM_Ik-G6M = 6"Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_Ik-6M = 6"Metal Studs 0 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_If-GG215M215MGG = 2 1/2" Metal Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp Each Side
WM_E_Int_Mtl - 4" = 4" Metal Studs only
WM_E_Int_Mtl - 6" = 6" Metal Studs only
WM_Finish Wall ignore this wall type.
WM_l_k_0_25M = 2.5" Metal Studs only
WM_l_k_0_G25M = 2.5" Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_la - G358M = 3 5/8" Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_lar - G2M = 2.5 Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_le2H - GX358MGX = 3 5/8"Metal Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp each side
WM_lf - G358M = 3 5/8"Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_lf - G6M = 6"Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_lf - G6MG-Base Sweep = 6"Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp each side
WM_lf - GG358M = 3 5/8" Metal Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_lf - GG358MG = 3 5/8" MS 2 Layers 5/8" 1 Layer 5/8 Gyp
WM_lfr - G112M = 1 1/2" Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp 0 Layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_lk - 358M = 3 5/8" Metal Studs only
WM_lk - G358M = 3 5/8" Metal Studs only1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_lk - Exp_Joint = Do not take off
WM_lk - GGG3M_Lecture Hall Ceiling = 3 layer 5/8" Gyp 0 Layer 5/8" Gyp (No metal studs)
WM_llh - 1 = 4" Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp 1 Layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_llh - 2 = 4" Metal Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp 2 Layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_llh - 4 = 3 5/8" Metal Studs 3 layer 5/8" Gyp 0 Layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_llh - 5 = 3 5/8" Metal Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp 0 Layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_llh - 6 = 3 5/8" Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp 3 Layer 5/8" Gyp w 1" Fiberglass. For this assignment, do not include the fiberglass.
WM_Soffit_IrG358M = 3 5/8" Metal Studs 1 layer 5/8" Gyp 0 Layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_Soffit_IrG725M = 6" Metal Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp 0 Layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_TI Core hosting wall = do not takeoff this wall type as it appears to be an air space.
Cafeteria Banquette Wall = do not takeoff this wall type
Cafeteria- Greenwall=do not takeoff this wall type
WM_lfr-G = do not takeoff this wall type, it appears to be Ceramic tile only
WM_lk-G = 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_lk- -212M = 2.5" Metal studs only
WM_lk-CWT1 = do not takeoff this wall type, it appears to be Ceramic tile only
WM_lk_Exp_Joint = 1" Metal Studs only
WM_lk-P = do not takeoff this wall type
WM_ls2H-GX4CH1CB = 3 5/8" CH Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp 1 Layer 1" Gyp
WM_ls2H-GX4CH1CBG = 3 5/8" CH Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp 1 Layer 1" Gyp 1 layer 5/8" Gyp
WM_ls2H-GX6CH1CB = 6" CH Studs 2 layer 5/8" Gyp 1 Layer 1" Gyp
_WM_Kls2h - GX4CH1CBP = do not takeoff this wall type