LIKES Workshop 6 Sessions Script
Theme: Development and Adoption of Computational Thinking Curricular Guidelines Across Disciplines
(WEDNESDAY, Feb. 24)
6:00-8:00 Opening Reception
(THURSDAY, Feb. 25) Overall Theme:
Top Down – From LIKES Themes to Examples.
8:00-8:30 am – Registration and Breakfast (Executive Board Room).
8:30-10:00 am - Welcome and introductions (Executive Board Room).
Inspiration and vision for LIKES. (Ed Fox) – 10 minutes.
“Computing and Other Disciplines” curricular guidelines book.
Summary of Business Curriculum Developed at VT and Music from Villanova (LIKES Team) – 40 minutes.
Introductions (All) – 20 minutes.
Group discussion of goals and process (Likes Team) – 10 minutes.
10:00-10:30 pm - Tea break
10:30-12:00 pm – Session 2: Presentations of Individual Discipline Examples.
PURPOSE: To learn of existing approaches and techniques that could be applied in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
INPUT: Materials from presenters including examples.
CHARGE: To learn about existing approaches and consider how they can applied within the LIKES framework.
PROCEDURES: All participants will be in the group room. Each participant will have 30 minutes to present their examples. The entire group will contribute to the discussion with the goal of understanding and suggesting how/whether the example or parts of it could be applied in other disciplines.
DELIVERABLES: A set of examples and suggestions of how to extend them to other disciplines.
12:00-1:15 pm – Lunch: Alumni Room
1:30-3:00 pm – Session 3: Broad Themes – Content, Processing, Interaction and Modeling/Simulation.
PURPOSE: To evaluate and continue to develop the broad areas identified in previous LIKES workshops and identify applications, examples and techniques that can be applied across disciplines.
INPUT: Definitions of the Content, Processing, Interaction/visualization and Modeling/simulation themes developed in previous workshops.
CHARGE: To identify approaches, problems, or issues that can be applied to many disciplines for these broad areas.
PROCEDURES: Work as a large group to discuss and further define the themes and examples.
DELIVERABLES: Brief examples of theme applications that can work across disciplines.
3:00-3:30 pm - Tea break
3:30-5:30 pm – Session 3: Developing Curricular Guidelines and Adoption Strategies.
PURPOSE: To determine the range of curriculum that should be provided across disciplines and identify strategies that enable adoption of curricula.
INPUT: Examples from previous sessions. Definitions of broad areas and computing concepts.
CHARGE: Describe a CT curricula that can be applied across disciplines.
PROCEDURES: Work as a large group to discuss and further define the themes and elements of a CT curricula.
DELIVERABLES: A curricula outline with as much detail as possible and scenarios for adopting the curricula. Be sure to include names of people who might help refine / extend /utilize this work.
6:30-8:00 pm – Dinner at Nikas Taverna.
(FRIDAY, Feb. 26) Overall Theme:
Bottom up – Building on examples from disciplines.
8:00-8:30 am – Breakfast: (Executive Board Room)
8:30-10:00 am – Session 4: Presentations of Individual Discipline Examples. (Executive Board Room).
PURPOSE: To learn of existing approaches and techniques that could be applied across disciplines.
INPUT: Materials from presenters including examples.
CHARGE: To learn about existing approaches and consider how they can applied within the LIKES framework.
PROCEDURES: All participants will be in the group room. Each participant will have 20 minutes to present their examples followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The entire group will contribute to the discussion with the goal of understanding and suggesting how/whether the example or parts of it could be applied in other disciplines.
DELIVERABLES: A set of examples and suggestions of how to extend them to other disciplines.
10:00-10:15 am – Tea Break.
10:30 am -12:00 pm – Session 5: Presentations of Individual Discipline Examples (continued).
PURPOSE: To learn of existing approaches and techniques that could be applied across disciplines.
INPUT: Materials from presenters including examples.
CHARGE: To learn about existing approaches and consider how they can applied within the LIKES framework.
PROCEDURES: All participants will be in the group room. Each participant will have 20 minutes to present their examples followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The entire group will contribute to the discussion with the goal of understanding and suggesting how/whether the example or parts of it could be applied in other disciplines.
DELIVERABLES: A set of examples and suggestions of how extend them to other disciplines.
12:00-1:00 pm – Lunch: Alumni Room
1:30-3:00 pm – Session 6: Developing Curricular Guidelines and Adoption Strategies.
PURPOSE: To determine the range of curriculum that should be provided across disciplines and identify strategies that enable adoption of curricula.
INPUT: Examples from previous sessions. Definitions of broad areas and computing concepts.
CHARGE: Describe a CT curricula that can be applied across disciplines.
PROCEDURES: Work as a large group to discuss and further define the themes and elements of a CT curricula.
DELIVERABLES: A curricula outline with as much detail as possible and scenarios for adopting the curricula. Be sure to include names of people who might help refine / extend /utilize this work.
3:00-3:30 pm - Tea break
3:30-5:30 pm – Organizing Proposal Development Activities (Executive Board Room).
PURPOSE: Reporting of outcomes achieved.
INPUTS: Outputs of previous sessions.
CHARGE: In this session we are attempting to use the results of previous sessions to summarize what way to proceed in completing the planned curricular guideline book and developing additional proposals.
PROCEDURES: Open discussion.
DELIVERABLES: Guidelines for emphasizing aspects of the workshop report and recommendations for enabling continuing communication.
6:00-8:00 pm – Dinner.