/ Patricia “Pat” Davis / PositionSought / SeattlePort Commissioner
Position #4
/ 815 1st Ave. #313 / CampaignManager / Kerry Stroum
Susan Nakagawa
City / Seattle / Phone Number / 206-324-4200
State / Wa / Fax Number / 206-328-8473
Zip Code / 98104 / E-mail Address /
Precinct / 43-1986 / Web Page /
Present Occupation
Incumbent? How Long? / SeattlePort Commissioner
Incumbent 19 years /
(Leave Blank – For Committee Use Only)Employer / Port of Seattle
Union Affiliations
Legislative District(s)/Unions / Municipal League / Women’s Political Caucus / SeaMECILWU Loc. 19 Firefighters / Not yet / yes / Not yet
# / Question / Yes / No / Qualified*
1. / Are you a Democrat? Are you known as a Democrat? If not, explain. / X
2. / Do you support the King County Democratic Platform? / X
3. / Do you support the right of workers (excluding military) to bargain and strike? / X
4. / Do you support affirmative action? / X
5. / Do you support a woman’s right to choose? (Are you pro-choice?) / X
6. / Do you support public funding for abortions for poor women? / X
7. / Do you support school vouchers? / X
8. / Do you support charter schools? / X
9. / Do you support equal rights for women? / X
10. / Do you support the Patriot Act? / X
11. / Do you support the restoration of voting rights to persons convicted of a felony who have served their sentence? / X
12. / How long have you been registered to vote? Have you missed any elections in the last three years? / X / 1968
If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions please explain on a separate sheet of paper. / Yes / No
14. / Have you ever failed to pay any taxes or court ordered judgments? / X
15. / Have you ever been found in violation of a Public Disclosure Commission, Federal Election Commission or Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission regulation? / X
16. / Have you ever been convicted of a felony? / X
* - If you wish to qualify your answer, please provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper.
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1. Are you a member of another political party? If so, which ones? Have you ever supported or given money to a candidate from another party in a partisan race? If so, whom?
NO2. Are you a member of your local Democratic District Party? Have you contributed financially to the CountyDemocratic Party? Have you been a Precinct Committee Officer? When/Where?
YES- 43RD YES Delegate to county convention King County
3. What are the main messages of your campaign? What is your campaign plan? How many doors have you knocked on to date, pieces of mail planned, budgeting, staffing? Why will you win? What is the fundraising goal for your campaign? How much have you raised to date?
Main message: Proven: Good Jobs Best Environment
Inclusion Opportunity Accountability Community
Campaign Plan: Persuade a large majority of voters to re-elect me
Strategies: direct mail, yard signs, forums interviews, endorsements, radio
Budget: $200,000 (more than usual in port races, but my opponent is independently wealthy)
Staff: Consultant: Connections; Campaign managers: Susan Nakagawa & Kerry Stroum; Treasurer: Denton Kiehle
Why I will win: I am the most viable candidate; I am mounting a dynamic and inclusive campaign; I am an incumbent with depth of knowledge, experience and competence; I am the only woman in the port’s county-wide race where 56% of the voters are female; I hope to have the energy of King County Democrats’ endorsement and support with me.
Raised so far: $110,000
4. What is the single most pressing issue facing your jurisdiction, and what actions would you take if elected?
Freight mobility and traffic congestion relief
Actions: Secure funding for next 10 “FAST” Corridor projects separating road from rail intersections (first 15 very successful); participate in planning and funding solutions to Viaduct; solve drives and roadway congestion at Sea-Tac Airport; make sure the “last transit mile” gets to Sea-Tac
5. Non Partisan Races A. If you do not win the primary, is there any reason you could not support your primary opponent(s) in the general election?
Partisan Races B. If you do not receive the nomination, is there any reason you could not support your Democratic opponent in the general election? Please explain.
Non-partisan: My opponents are: Republican, unknown, or 2-week-old Democrat. I can only support those who understand and want to further the mission, purpose and functions of the institution they are asking voters to allow them to serve. None of them do.
6. Do you believe the current structure of taxes and/or fees that generate funds in your area are fair? If not, how would you change it?
Yes. I am proud of my record in making sound investments while reducing the Port’s tax levy rate by over 33%. I have set records in family wage job creation, traffic congestion solutions, environmental protection and substantial increases in Port income that combine with the tax levy to make further targeted, job-producing investments. The Port’s bonds have the highest credit ratings of any port in the nation, a testament to my years of leadership in sound fiscal management.
7. What is the Davis-Bacon Act? Do you support it?
Davis-Bacon mandates that prevailing local wages be paid on public projects. I support it. Further, I was active in the Port’s establishment of Project Labor Agreements, including support for successful lobbying in D.C. vs. the Administration which wanted to abolish PLAs. PLA’s have proven very successful on waterfront and airport projects.
8.Do you support King County Initiative I-22? Explain your position.
No. The Critical Areas Ordinance is an important part of our Growth Management Act. The GMA’s intention is to reduce sprawl, resulting in a measurably improved air, land and water environments.
It helps confine the need for costly new transportation infrastructure and makes more efficient use of taxpayer dollars.
9. The caucus system helps Democratic Party members in a legislative body work together and stick together. Do you support determining leadership positions and committee chair positions solely within the ranks of the Democratic Caucus?
Yes10. What role should government play in the healthcare system?
I support access to healthcare by all members of our society. The government and the private sector must forge a universal system that is fair, balanced and equitable. No one should go without health care, especially children and the elderly.11. What is your position on civil rights for Gay. Lesbian, bisexual and trans gendered people? What is your position on equal rights for same-sex couples when it comes to benefits, civil unions, marriage and parental rights?
I support civil rights for all people. In 1993 I strongly supported the inclusion of domestic partner benefits as part of the benefits program for employees at the Port of Seattle. Since then I have never wavered in my advocacy for civil rights for members of the GLBT community, including marriage, parental rights and benefits and non-discrimination in housing and employment. I support the diversity groups that meet periodically within the Port. I have asked for a proposal to be considered for equal benefits for employees of port contractors. I contribute to the AIDS Alliance and walk in Alliance and Gay Pride marches. I have been endorsed by the State’s leader in civil rights for the GLBT community, Rep. Ed Murray.
12. What creative solutions can you offer to address the problems of the economically disadvantaged?
Job creation and Outreach programs.
I championed funding for PortJobs a decade ago. This program for minorities and women has placed 1,000 people in construction apprenticeships. I urged extension to Sea-Tac, called Airport Jobs. This effort has facilitated 5,000 hires in the last five years for many new entrants and immigrants with airport companies. All of these people are developing lasting employment skills.
The Port now has outreach programs to involve small disadvantaged businesses in construction services and in products and supplies sales. Our internships also provide experience and skills to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
During the severe cutbacks the Port experienced due to 9/11, I made sure these programs were not eliminated. They are continuing to flourish now.
13. If you are a candidate in a contested primary race, what record of performance, ability, experience, personal qualities, and positions on issues distinguish you from your opponent(s)?
I am extremely proud of my record of achievement at the Port: significant family-wage job creation; exemplary environmental stewardship and active furtherance of protection and restoration; critical and ongoing freight mobility and traffic congestion relief programs and projects; protection of our precious working waterfront from gentrification pressures; strong fiscal management; increased port income; leadership on inclusiveness, diversity, transparency, accountability and outreach as overarching policies.
My years of service underscore my vision for the future, depth of knowledge and balanced judgment demanded by the complex and competitive world of Port activities.
14. What would you like us to know about you?
The qualities I bring to public service are integrity; enthusiasm and energy; willingness to ask the hard questions and get results; passion for the job; ability to make difficult decisions and take the heat; a sense of humor; collaborative rather than contentious problem-solving, not only internally but especially among jurisdictions that urgently need decisions to be made; respect for the citizens of King County for allowing me to serve and a deep sense of honor to be chosen to serve.
In the interests of strengthening the Democratic Party and the ability of the Party to support me or any other candidate, I pledge to uphold high ethical standards. I am responsible for the content of literature, advertising, and statements disseminated by my campaign. If my campaign releases information regarding my opponent(s), I pledge that any such release will allow reasonable time for verification by the voters.
Patricia “Pat” Davis / Date
Please attach a recent resume.