June 14, 2014

The regular meeting of the Cohoctah Township Board was called to order at 8:00 pm with the pledge to the flag. Present: Fosdick, Meek, Thurner, Buckner, Bock, Township Attorney Kehoe, Zoning Administrator Thomas, Rec. Rep Clapp and 15 citizens.

Agenda-Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to approve agenda with following additions:Under new business-G. ¼ Report. Motion carried.

Minutes of Previous Meeting-Motion by Thurner, support by Bockto approveminutes as presented. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report-Motion by Thurner, support by Bucknerto receive Treasurer’s Report as presented. Motion carried. Copy placed on file.

Closed Session – Motion by Meek, support by Thurner that the Township Board go into Closed Session at 8:05 pm with Township Attorney Kehoe to discuss attorney/client privilege letter received by the Township Board. Roll call vote: Ayes – Thurner, Bock, Meek, Buckner. Nays – Fosdick. Abstentions – none. Motion carried 4-1.

Motion by Fosdick, support by Bock to return to Open Session at 8:25. Roll call vote: Ayes – Buckner, Bock, Meek, Fosdick, Thurner. Nays – none. Abstentions – none. Motion carried 5-0.

Fire Authority-Leave on Agenda.

Road Commission –Future planning discussed – Lovejoy gravel, Cohoctah Rd. east of Oak Grove Rd., tree removal in numerous areas, ditching. The Township Board is working with other local entities to achieve these goals.

Hall –Roof and furnace - Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to accept the steel roof installation proposal from C&L Ward for the Township Hall. The cost of the project is $22,862.08, with the Clerk directed by the Township Board to sign the agreement and complete the project. Motion carried. Motion by Thurner, support by Bock that the Township Board accept the proposal from Satisfaction Heating and Cooling to install an air conditioner and new furnace at the hall. The cost of the project is $3,950.00, with the Clerk directed by the Township Board to sign the agreement and complete the project. Motion carried.

Cemetery –Leave on Agenda.

Parks and Rec –Clapp reported on Fowlerville Community Recreation.Clerk was directed by Township Board to have the fence installed at the park which was approved the March 2014 Board Meeting. Leave on agenda.

Web Site Survey–Results from the survey were compiled and discussed. The Clerk was directed to post the survey results on the web site.

Fee Schedule for Land Division – Motion by Fosdick, support by Bock to reword the FEE SCHEDULE, Land Split Fee, to say $125.00 first parcel, $50.00 each additional parcel. Motion carried.

MTA Conference June 16th – Education seminar discussed.

MTA Dues – The Township Board was in agreement to remain a member of the Michigan Townships Association as it as a very beneficial membership.

Antcliff Rd. Property Purchase –Resolution to acquire property 4702-09-100-004 for future public use, roll call vote –

Ayes: Buckner, Bock, Meek, Thurner, Fosdick. Nays: None. Abstentions: none, Motion carried 5-0.

Fosdick to research and complete transaction as resolved, making sure there exists an easement, and the probability of a positive perk test is optimum.

Deerfield Township Letter – Complaint about a burned out house at the corner of Fisher and Jones Road. The complaint will be forwarded to the Zoning Administrator, he will determine if there is a violation, and contact the owner following normal complaint/violation process.

Revize New Web Site Design Proposal – Motion by Meek, support by Bock, to accept the proposal from Revize Software for $975.00, which incorporates technology updates making the site more user friendly and consistent to all types of browsing devices. Motion carried.

1st Quarter Report – received, reviewed, no adjustments necessary.

Reports – ZBA, none. Leave on Agenda. Planning Commission report given by Buckner.

Violations /Complaints- Complaint 2013-009, yard has been cleaned up, violation closed per Zoning Administrator recommendation. Complaint 2014-002 closed per Zoning Administrator recommendation as no violation exists at this time. Complaint 2014-002 dismissed as the complaint had no signature. Township Board policy is that the name will be kept confidential as much as possible if requested, but the complaint must be signed for the Township Board to take action.

Expenditures presented, listed at end of Minutes. Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to pay expendituresas presented. Motion carried.

Call to Public – Roose, resident with temporary dwelling question, D. Huck about a land division question.

Meeting adjourned, 10:05 p.m. The next meeting date isJuly 10, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda L Meek

Cohoctah Township Clerk

POSTMASTER / $ 490.00
POSTMASTER / $ 490.00
BERG ASSESSING / $ 9,683.33
AT&T / $ 293.77
FREEDOMNET / $ 44.95
ALCHINS / $ 10,677.50
CONSUMERS / $ 610.58
MIKE KEHOE / $ 93.75
LI CO PRESS & ARGUS / $ 295.00
ELITE LAWN CARE / $ 1,734.50
CYBERMIND / $ 29.95
ECONO PRINT / $ 445.59
MASTER MEDIA / $ 69.99
AMERIGAS / $ 100.00
MTA / $ 1,971.63
SIGNS ON THE SPOT / $ 150.00
T BOCK / $ 91.99
M FOSDICK / $ 35.86
ALYSSA MEEK / $ 54.88
S DIETZ / $ 29.40
K THURNER / $ 70.50
D SIZEMORE / $ 56.12
T THOMS / $ 36.40
SUB TOTAL / $ 30,035.69
T BOCK / $ 1,327.16
A MEEK / $ 325.68
T THOMAS / $ 194.48
K THURNER / $ 116.94
M FOSDICK / $ 1,223.81
D GRAHAM / $ 959.99
D SIZEMORE / $ 255.48
S DIETZ / $ 86.33
BMEEK / $ 1,481.66
NATIONWIDE / $ 582.96
W/H / $ 657.07
BENEPAY / $ 42.70
SUB TOTAL / $ 7,254.26
TOTAL GENERAL FND / $ 37,289.95
MBH / $ 24,515.82
LIV CO RD COMM / $ 94,931.23
ROAD FUND TOTAL / $ 119,447.05