…bringing nature care medicine to the world



First Drafted June 2013

Updated 7/13/15

Dr. Brandie Gowey, NMD, Founder

3011 N. West ST

Flagstaff, AZ 86004



Welcome to Naturopaths International (NI). At the core of NI is service to humanity, and we work together as a team to accomplish this. We are pleased you have decided to join!

Please take some time to review this Policy and Procedures Manual so that you will have the opportunity to learn more about Naturopaths International as well as the opportunity to excel in your new position with us.

This handbook is intended to convey information to employees regarding their employment with NI. We have provided you with your copy of this handbook. You should take the time to read all of it and should keep it as a reference for your use throughout your employment with Naturopaths International. We expect all employees to comply with the provisions of the handbook that relate to employee conduct, actions, and responsibilities.

The policies in this handbook were created by NI and may be changed or cancelled at any time by the organization. When policies are changed or cancelled, or new policies are added, you will be provided with written notice of such modifications so you can keep your copy of the handbook up to date. If you have been provided with such written notice, you should not consider the policies in this handbook to have been changed. This handbook replaces and supersedes all previous handbooks or written policies of general distribution concerning the various subjects addressed in this handbook.

Your employment with NI is “at will”. This means that either you or the organization can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice; however, in respect to our patients, it is recommended that a 60 day notice is given. Nothing contained in this handbook, nor any oral representation of anyone associated with NI, shall alter the at-will nature of the employment relationship. The at-will nature of your employment relationship with NI can be altered only by a written agreement signed by you and an authorized organization representative explicitly stating that you and the organization are agreeing to alter the at-will nature of the employment relationship.


At NI, we believe that employees generally know what workplace conduct is acceptable and what is not. In short, we expect all employees, from the top down, to strive for excellence in the performance of their duties; to work hard and effectively on behalf of the organization; to observe all work and safety rules; to utilize work time and NI’s resources on service of NI business; to have the best interests of NI in mind at all times; to be honest in all things; and to be respectful of fellow employees and third parties with whom they deal on behalf of the organization. Any departure from these basic standards is unacceptable.


We hope that the majority of our employment relationships involve no formal discipline of any kind. In the event that management believes formal discipline is called for, such discipline would involve oral warnings, written warnings, suspensions, or termination of employment. After the second written warning, the employee will be brought before the NI Board and action could possibly include termination or suspension of employment. The degree of discipline imposed is dictated by the unique circumstances presented by each situation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Employees sometimes believe that the policies contained in an employee handbook create some sort of contract between them and their employer. At NI, that is not true. The policies set forth in this handbook are not intended to, and do not, create any sort of contract between you and NI. No contractual obligations of any kind are created by this handbook. Where the handbook discusses your responsibilities as a NI employee, such provisions are simply a means of conveying to you some of NI’s expectations. Those responsibilities are not contractual. Any contractual obligations between you and NI will, if applicable to your particular employment, be set forth in a separate agreement or agreements.


Naturopaths International (NI) is an official 501(c)(3) humanitarian, non-profit organization founded on May 1, 2007 by Dr. Brandie Gowey, NMD.


To restore global health via the healing power of nature.


Bringing nature cure medicine to the world through implementation of the Naturopathic principles: treating patients individually, treating causes of disease, utilizing the health power of nature, utilizing prevention as cure, and promoting health education.

Our energy is focused on individual treatments rooted in Nature Cure philosophy, the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself, given the proper nutrients, support, and environment for healing. At NI, our first priority is to identify and treat causes of disease.

Our physicians offer:



Nutritional Counseling

Herbal Medicine

Physical Medicine (adjustments)

Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Mind/Body Medicine

IV/IM Nutrient Therapy

As Naturopathic Physicians we are licensed and trained in integrative Medicine and Primary Care, which means that we can do physical exams, order labs and/or imaging studies, prescribe medications and offer alternative treatments.

As an organization we have (and we continue to):

Operated a mobile medical team

Provided free Naturopathic Medicine to patients in shelters

Created volunteer and post-doctoral opportunities for Naturopathic Physicians

Provided health education to our community

Operated a disaster relief response team

Provided emergency medicine training for Naturopathic Physicians

Innovated new treatments for patients

Supported international Naturopathic programs

Conducted clinical trails


Dr. Brandie Gowey, NMD is a conservation biologist, botanist and Naturopathic physician. She graduated with distinction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1999 and received her NMD degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2007. She has received several prestigious awards including “Alumni of the Year for Service to Community” from the SCNM Alumni Association, and was named “Woman of the Future” during her undergraduate years. She founded NI in 2007 while still a medical school student in the hopes of bringing naturopathy to patients globally. She is our innovator and visionary, having starting up all of our programs herself, from the ground up.


NI is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and a workplace free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. Discrimination against or harassment of employees or applicants on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law is strictly prohibited.

If you are aware of a situation you believe involves unlawful discrimination or harassment of any kind, you should follow the reporting guidelines set forth below in the organization’s policy against harassment. NI will permit no retaliation of any kind against an employee who makes such a report or participates in an organization investigation of alleged discrimination or harassment.

Disabled employees may be entitled to an accommodation to allow them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. If you believe you may be entitled to an accommodation, you should direct your inquiry to your supervisor and/or Human Resources Department.



The protection of confidential business and patient information is vital to NI. Confidential information includes all information relating to the business operations of NI or the business operations of NI’s customers or the personal information of NI’s patients. Such information must not be used for the benefit of any person or entity other than NI (or its customer in the case of information belonging to the customer), or disclosed or revealed to any third person or entity. These obligations apply to every NI employee and volunteer both during and after employment with the organization. Upon termination of your employment or volunteer services with the organization, you must deliver to NI all originals and all copies of all documents, materials, or media (whether in paper, electronic, or other forms) embodying or reflecting confidential information. As a condition of employment, you will be required to execute a separate confidential information and non-solicitation agreement. No patient records, charts, demographics, insurance, or any other information related to patient care may be removed or copied from any NI office and/or electronic files and/or hard copy files. All new employees are expected to sign a confidentially and non-solicitation agreement upon employment. Failure to sign this policy will terminate employment immediately.


NI complies with all HIPAA policies and procedures, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information. For specific ruling and literature on HIPAA, go to It is the employee’s responsibility to have a full understanding of this law. If there are any questions, contact Dr. Brandie Gowey.


NI will not tolerate harassment of its employees in the workplace or in the performance of their duties, whether by other employees or non-employees, on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, or any other basis, nor will NI tolerate harassment of its employees for engaging in any conduct protected by federal, state, or local law. Harassment can include unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that is based upon or directed towards any of the above characteristics or conduct of any NI employee.


Sexual harassment has been defined generally as including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, or visual conduct that is based on sex whenever (1) the employee is required in some way to submit to or tolerate the conduct; (2) the employee’s reaction to the conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting that employee; or (3) the conduct has the effect of interfering with the employee’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Sexual harassment is not limited to demands for sexual favors. Other types of inappropriate conduct may constitute sexual harassment. Examples might include:

  • Sexually-orientated kidding, teasing, or jokes;
  • Repeated offensive sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions;
  • Continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature;
  • Graphic or degrading comments about an individual or his or her appearance;
  • The display of sexually-suggestive objects or pictures; and
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Hostile or intimidating conduct that is based on gender.


If you believe that you have been the victim of any form of harassment, or if you have reason to believe that someone else has been the victim of harassment, or if you believe that there is a situation involving NI’s business that might constitute harassment, you should immediately report the matter. At your option, you may report the matter to your immediate supervisor or to the Human Resources Department or to both.


NI will investigate all complaints and reports. While it cannot guarantee complete confidentiality, the organization will maintain confidentiality and the privacy of the individuals involved to the degree practicable without compromising the investigation. Where warranted, the organization will impose disciplinary action against those found to have committed or participated in any inappropriate conduct. Such disciplinary action could include termination of employment.

NI will permit no retaliation of any kind against an employee who makes a complaint or report under this policy, nor will the organization permit retaliation against an employee who participates in an organization investigation.


NI is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all its employees, not only on grounds covered by applicable law but on other grounds, as well. The employment of relatives or individuals involved in a dating or other romantic relationship has the potential to raise issues of favoritism, which in turn can have an adverse effect on employee morale. If you are related to another NI employee, or start a dating or other romantic relationship with another NI employee, you are required to inform the Human Resources Manager about the relationship.

NI has no interest in legislating what sort of personal relationships you choose to have. For the above reasons; however, NI does have an important interest in ensuring that the workplace is free from actual or perceived favoritism and/or conflicts of interest. Accordingly, NI reserves the right to take whatever action it deems to be in the best interests of the organization and all its employees in response to any situation involving the employment of relatives or individuals involved in a dating or other romantic relationship.


NI encourages its employees to communicate about workplace problems. If you are having some sort of job-related problem, talk to your supervisor about it. If the problem is significant to you and remains unresolved after discussing it with your supervisor, you may contact the CEO. While not all problems can be resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, many problems can be resolved before they turn into larger problems.

Similarly, we encourage you to voice suggestions you might have for improving how NI conducts its business. Such suggestions are welcome and may be made to whomever you believe is best situated to consider the suggestion.

Concerns regarding unlawful discrimination or harassment should be handled as outlined in the ‘harassment’ section of this handbook.


NI is committed to maintaining and building upon our reputation for integrity and excellence. This applies with equal force to our internal options and to our dealings with customers, vendors, and other third parties. NI will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We expect and require our directors, officers, employees and volunteers to conduct business in accordance with all such laws and regulations and to refrain from any dishonest or unethical conduct of any kind whatsoever.

If you encounter a situation that raises uncertainty in your mind about whether something is legally or ethically proper, you should immediately address your concern with your supervisor and/or the CEO.



All new hire employees will begin their time at NI on a 90-day trial basis. Upon completion of the 90-days, a formal offer of employment or a separation agreement will be offered. For those employees that accept employment, new hire training and formal employment will begin.

Employees are those deemed to be in contract, for employment, with NI. This can be full-time and/or part-time.

Full-time is deemed as: 30.75 or more hours per week

Part-time is deemed as: 30 or less hours per week


NI generally maintains job descriptions for all positions within the organization. In most circumstances, your job description identifies the main requirements of your position but does not cover every task, duty or responsibility you may be asked to handle. Job descriptions do not limit what sort of responsibilities you might be asked to undertake. Even your main responsibilities might change at any time. This sort of flexibility is critical to NI’s success and applies to all employees and volunteers, top to bottom.

Although NI tries to keep job descriptions up to date and accurate, changes to job descriptions sometimes lag behind the reality of changes in the workplace. Please familiarize yourself with your job description and help NI keep your job description up to date and accurate with respect to the main requirements of your position.

If you have any questions about your job description, discuss them with your supervisor or the CEO.


You are either classified as exempt or non-exempt under federal wage and hour law. If you are exempt, the overtime provisions of federal law do not apply to you and generally your base compensation is fixed without regard to hours actually worked. If you are non-exempt, you are paid for all hours actually worked and you will receive additional pay for all hours over 40 worked in a particular workweek.


As of March 1, 2011, NI physicians see patients Monday through Thursday 8am to 4pm, with fit-in appointments before and after those hours. Special and marketing events will require hours outside normal business hours. Staff will be expected to work their 30 or more hours a week and will provide their hours to the NI headquarters for scheduling meetings and patients. If an employee needs to change their hours they will be expected to give 30 day notice, and must obtain approval from the CEO prior to execution of their hours.

If a physician or nurse does not have scheduled patients, and they are within their office hour time, they will be expected to help with marketing or fundraising events. Physicians may also designate one day a week as office hours for studying and researching patient cases.

Resident physicians will be expected to be on-call on designated evenings and weekends.


NI is closed for some of the major holidays (with a few additional days); however, this time is NOT paid time off for part time employees. For salaried employees, this IS paid time off.

NI will be closed on the following holidays:

Memorial Day

4th of July

Labor Day

Thanksgiving and the day after

Christmas Eve through New Year's Day (one full week)


Full-time, salaried employees are allowed two weeks (ten days) off paid vacation within their first year of employment with NI. They may use this as either vacation or sick leave. After the five days are used, employees are not paid for any additional time taken off. Employees must have worked and completed their first ninety days before they can begin utilizing their paid time off.

Full-time, salaried employees are allowed two weeks (ten days) off paid vacation once they have been with NI for one (full) or more years. After the ten days are used, employees are not paid for any additional time taken off.

To secure time off, all employees must arrange time off 24-hours prior. This is to ensure clinical services are maintained despite their absence. If employees do not arrange time off 24-hours prior, they will be asked to report to the NI Board for review.