Speech delivered by Mr Marc Franck, chargé d’affairesa.i. of the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Vietnam, on the occasion of the launching ceremony of the Market Surveillance System (MSS); project VIE/026 –Capital Markets Development
Hanoi, 19 March 2013
Ms Nguyen Thi Lien, Vice Chairman of the State Securities Commission,
Representatives of the Ministry of Finance,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is anhonour to represent the Luxembourg Government at today’s launching ceremony of the Market Surveillance System, an important achievement of our bilateral development cooperation partnership with the State Securities Commission and project VIE/026 – Capital Markets Development in Vietnam.
Our project is part of an ambitious programmeconcluded between our two Governments to strengthen the fast developing finance and banking sector in Vietnam, and more specifically the capital markets in Vietnam. Project VIE/026, which started in May 2008, has achieved its objectives and is now drawing to a close with today’s launching of the Market Surveillance System.
This first-ever information technology system at the SSC will be key for promoting good governance within this fast developing and ever changing sector. The Market Surveillance System will ultimately benefit all the different stakeholders and allow Vietnam’s capital markets to operate and develop in a transparent way, in compliance with international rules and regulations and attract the international attention it deserves.
The project will end in June this year and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the State Securities Commission for their commitment and excellent partnership during these past few years.
Let me also underline that June might mark the end of project VIE/026 but, at the same time, it will mark a newbeginning with the launchingof a new and very ambitious project in the finance and banking sector in which the SSC will play an important role.
I would also like to mention that in June, Vietnam and Luxembourg will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. During these celebrations, special attention will be given to the banking and finance sector. Together with the Ministries of Finance and Planning and Investment, we will organize a forum on the Vietnam /Luxembourg partnership in the banking and finance sector: past and present achievements – future cooperation perspectives and challenges.
Ladies and gentlemen: this will be an excellent opportunity to showcase the achievements of project VIE/026 to an international audience.
Let me again thank all of you who, over the past few years, have worked hard to achieve the ambitious objectives which our two Governments set out in 2011.
Thank you very much.