The Ordinary Meeting of the

Dalbury Lees Parish Council will be held on

Monday 13th November2017

in The Village Hall,

Dalbury Lees

at 7.30p.m.


7 Bonsall Drive



DE3 98Q

Mobile: 07771 902856

3rd November2017

The meeting of the Dalbury Lees Parish Council to be held at 7.30 pmon Monday 13th November 2017 in the Village Hall, Dalbury Lees.

Yours sincerely

Margaret Fox

Margaret Fox

Parish Clerk


  1. To receive apologies for absence
  1. Declarations of Councillors’ Interest (Members are asked to sign the Declaration of Interest sheet and their proposed action – to stay, leave or speak and leave before a decision is made - see 3c for members declaring prejudicial interest).

3. Public Speaking

  1. A period of not more than ten minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any other matter.
  2. If the Police and/or the Police Community Safety Officer, a County Councillor or District Councillor or MP is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter and answer questions.
  3. Parish Council members declaring a prejudicial interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the Code of Conduct relating to agenda items shall do so at this stage.

4. To determine which items, if any, from Part 1 of the agenda should be taken with the public excluded.

5. To approve minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Dalbury Lees Parish Council held on Monday 4th September 2017.

6.Chairman’s Comments


Grangefield Farm, Dalbury Lees, Ashbourne, DE6 5BH.

Licensing Hearing at10.00am on Monday 13th November 2017.

Planning decisions – None.

8.Allotment field registration/Trust Deed.

9.Allotment field - email dated 17th October from Cllr Timmins.

10.Village Green Grass Cutting.

11. Pavement/Gutter clearing.

12Notice board Maintenance.

13.Neighbourhood Watch.



16.Etwall Area Neighbourhood and Area Forum feedback.

17.DLPC year prompt.

18. Report of the Clerk.

a) Councillor vacancy.

b) The Police Commissioner will attend the Annual Parish Meeting in May 2018.

c) Mr H Sharratt will not be renewing Allotment Plot 4 but will still retain Plot 5.

d) Tax to HMRC cannot now be paid at the Post Office and needs to be sent direct to HMRC.

e) Winter Service Scheme 2017.

19.Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

DALC Circular No. 10/2017General Circular.

DALC Survey; Councillor from Derbyshire in the final 8 of NALC’s Councillor of the Year Awards; HR responsibilities and Appraisals; Big Lottery Fund – Awards for All; Win up to £40k match funding; General Data Protection Regulations; Portable appliance testing (PAT) – Half day workshop; the Litter Innovation Fund; Reminders – Events and Training Diary.

DALC Circular No.11/2017General Circular

DALC AGM; Nominations for President & Vice President 2017-2018; DALC Survey; Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) training days; Councillor Essential Training course.

DALC Circular No.12/2017General Circular

Our Day; NALC Response to Local Government Finance Plans; Updated Legal Topic Note; NALC Larger Councils Conference, London; How to Discuss Retirement Options with Staff; NFP Workshops – bid writing; Clerk Essential Training; Freedom of Information training.

20. Finance.

a)Accounts for Payment

Cheque No / Payee / Description / Amount
100590 / Mrs M Fox / Salary/expenses / £ 164.00
100591 / HMRC / M Fox tax (2 months) / £ 41.00
100592 / B Gell / Grass cutting / £ 295.00
100586 / DLMHT / Room Hire / £ 24.00
Total / £ 524.00

Paid since the last meeting, Cheque 100587 (15/9/2017), £10.50 to Cllr G Williams for Waxoyl U/Seal and brush for Notice Boards, Cheque 100588 (16/10/2017), £120.00 to B Gell for Village Green Posts and clearing footpaths and Cheque 100589 (16/10/2017) £136.00 to B Gell for Allotment field gate work.

b) Income – Refund from Severn Trent Water of £50.77. Account has been changed from domestic to commercial and is now with Water Plus.

Cheque for £385.00 Rights of Way payment from DCC received from S Freeborn.

c) Income/Expenditure/Budget - Review of Precept and budget for next year.

d) Grant Thornton External Report received back. Notice of Conclusion of Audit needs to be put on Notice Board and Web Site.

21. Items for Information only.

a) Correspondence from James Benstead, Social Media & P R Specialist, SDDC.

b) Clerk/RFO vacancies.

c) New Derbyshire Connect Dial-a-bus Shopping Service.

d) Amber Valley Pre-Submission Local Plan will be published 2nd November for 6 weeks consultation.

e) Derbyshire County Council – Adult Care Newsletter.

f) South Derbyshire Partnership – Strategy Refresh Launch, 15th November 2017.

g) Earth Anchors Notice Boards.

Confidential Item

22.German Poles Trust.

23. Date of next meeting – Monday 15th January 2018.