Instructions for applying for the Compliance Supplement Pool
If you wish to request a CSP allowance allocation under 40 CFR 97.143, send the request to NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2009. CSP allocation requests submitted after this date will be rejected.
If you have one or more units that qualify for a CSP allocation because the units have made NOx early reductions as provided under 40 CFR 97.143(b), append to your reply a document (preferably in PDF format) that includes, for each unit for which the submission is being made:
(1) the plant code (ORISPL);
(2) the unit ID number (as listed in the certificate of representation covering the unit);
(3) for each year 2006, 2007, and 2008 (a) the annual NOx rate of the unit in lb/mmBtu and, if the unit was in an averaging plan under 40 CFR 76.11 for any year 2006, 2007, or 2008, (b) the actual Btu-weighted annual average emission rate for all units in the averaging plan for the years in which the unit participated (See 40 CFR 76.11(d)(1)(ii));
(4) a demonstration, based on the data in (3)(a) above, that the unit achieved NOx emission reductions in 2007 and/or 2008 (as applicable);
(5) for each year 2007 and/or 2008 (as applicable), the calculation showing the number of allowances that the unit is entitled to receive under 40 CFR 97.143(b)(2), i.e., the difference between 0.25 lb/mmBtu and the NOx rate of the unit, multiplied by the unit's actual annual heat input, divided by 2000 lb/ton, and rounded to the nearest whole number using conventional rounding; and
(6) a contact name and phone number.
If you have one or more units that qualify for a CSP allocation because the unit's compliance with the 2009 CAIR NOx annual emission limitation will create undue risk to the reliability of electricity supply in 2009 (as provided under 40 CFR 97.143(c)), append to your reply a document (preferably in PDF format) that includes for each unit for which the submission is being made:
(1) the plant code (ORISPL);
(2) the unit ID number (as listed in the certificate of representation covering the unit);
(3) the calculation of the amount of allowances requested for 2009, not to exceed the minimum number of allowances needed to remove undue risk to the reliability of the electricity supply;
(4) a demonstration meeting the requirements of 40 CFR 97.143(c)(2); and
(5) a contact name and phone number.
U.S. EPA will send an email confirming receipt of your request for a CSP allowance allocation. If you have any questions or comments, contact Robert Miller at U.S. EPA at 202-343-9077.