Minutes of the Meeting of Clane Area Committee
held at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday 14th January 2003
in the Council Chamber, St. Mary’s, Naas.
Members present: Councillors P. J. Sheridan (Chairman), M. Fitzpatrick ,
T. McEvoy, and J. Reilly.
Also present: Mr. E. O’Sullivan, Head of Finance, Mr. A. C. Talbot, Meetings Administrator, and other officials.
CL1/0103 – Adoption of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 12th November 2002 and the special meeting of the committee held on 9th December 2002 were adopted on the proposal of Councillor Fitzpatrick, seconded by Councillor Sheridan.
Matters Arising from Minutes
The members asked that they be supplied with a complete rundown on the position concerning requests for public lighting for the next meeting. It was agreed that this be entered as an item on the agenda for the next Area Committee Meeting.
CL2/0103 – Blackwood Feeder
Councillor Fitzpatrick expressed dissatisfaction that no progress had been made on this issue. Mr. Talbot explained the reason for the delays; Ray Bonnar had left and no one had been appointed in his place to progress these matters. He will investigate whether funds from KELT or the European Union are available. However, he doesn’t see any progress being made here within the next two to three months. It was decided to investigate whether Community and Enterprise felt that they could make some input on this subject.
CL3/0103 – Lands at Derrinturn
Councillor Reilly stated that the situation concerning parking here was getting critical both for shopping purposes and at funerals.
It was resolved to request Mr. Tommy Maddock, Senior Executive Officer, Environment, to attend the next committee meeting in order to give an update on the situation.
CL4/0103 – Planning and Public Safety Directorate
Notice of Motion – Councillor Michael Fitzpatrick:
“That this committee consider the amendment to the County Development Plan to allow for the provision of suitable houses in family gardens rather than granny flats where space permits.”
Councillor Fitzpatrick outlined the reason for his submitting this motion: people generally wish for independence and don’t want to feel that they are in the way of a son or a daughter who has moved into the original house. Kevin Kelly, S.E.O. Planning, outlined the reason for the policy. A granny flat is part of the main house and can be re-integrated back into it when no longer needed as a separate dwelling. It is normally suggested that the son or daughter move into the main house and the parents build a granny flat. Councillor Fitzpatrick said that there is perception that planners suspect that people seek to build these separate homes in order to sell them on, but that in most cases this is not true. They would be too small and too close to the original house to be of such use. Kevin Kelly, however, stated that each case is looked at on its merits.
Following further discussion Councillor Fitzpatrick agreed to withdraw the motion and it was agreed that this matter should be referred to the Rural Development Committee for discussion.
Notice of Motion – Councillor Michael Fitzpatrick:
“That the Meath and Offaly Topic be added to the approved list for planning applications.”
Mr. Talbot read a report from the Planning Section in which it was stated that Section 18(2)(a) of the 2001 Planning Regulations allow a local authority to approve a list of newspapers which have a sufficient circulation in the area for this purpose. The Meath and Offaly Topic is not on the list at the moment. The list is revised periodically and this newspaper can be considered at the next revision. Councillor Fitzpatrick stated that he believed that this newspaper outsold other local newspapers in areas of northwest Kildare. It was agreed to contact the paper in order to obtain the circulation figures in Kildare to help decide if it should be added to the list of approved publications.
Planning Application:
01/2088 Seamus Doherty, dormer bungalow at Raheen, Rathcoffey.
Councillor Sheridan had asked that this application be brought before the committee for consideration. Kevin Kelly read from planning file and reasons for refusal. Councillor Sheridan asked if the person fulfilled the criteria for rural housing policy and Mr. Kelly agreed that from a brief examination of the file it would appear that it does. However, site location appears to be the main factor in refusal. Councillor Sheridan stated that the applicant had agreed on steps to improve sight lines with the road engineers, but planners do not seem to be agreeable to them.
Councillor Sheridan asked that the planning section examine how an applicant from this person could be facilitated, as it was a genuine case of a person wishing to remain living in his local area.
Courtown Estate, Kilcock:
Kevin Kelly informed the meeting that a staff officer in planning had been assigned to deal with the issue of taking in charge of estates in general. Correspondence had been received from the developer in this case late last year, seeking to have the estate taken in charge as provided in the 2000 Planning Act. This application is currently being processed.
Councillor Fitzpatrick raised the issue of Councillors having to queue with members of the public at the counter in planning if they wished to raise a routine query.
He sought that a dedicated person be assigned to deal with such inquiries. It was agreed to refer this matter to the Protocol Committee. In the interim Kevin Kelly undertook to make a list available giving names and telephone numbers of people in the planning section and their area of responsibility in order to assist the councillors if they wished to query an issue.
Councillor Sheridan raised the issue of the locking of a gate during business hours at premises near the Post Office in Clane. This action shuts off car parking spaces which are part of the planning conditions for the development.
Mr. Kelly said that the planning section was aware of the situation and that if an amicable solution cannot be arrived at, legal action will be considered.
The councillors enquired concerning village renewal schemes at various locations within the Clane electoral area. Mr. Kelly and Mr. Des O’Connor, Senior Engineer, spoke. Much had been achieved in 2002 on various locations and it is hoped to continue in 2003. However, no allocation of monies for 2003 had yet been received and so detailed work plans could not be drawn up. The councillors agreed that the work so far carried out was very beneficial but emphasised that it should be looked upon as only the beginning of a process.
CL5/0103 – Transportation and Environment Directorate
Meeting with Edenderry Area Committee of Offaly County Council.
A phone call had been received from Michael Roche, Director of Services, Offaly County Council advising that the Edenderry councillors would not be able to attend as arranged at this meeting. He further advised that the Edenderry Area Committee would be meeting on 3rd March in Edenderry and invited the Clane councillors to meet them at that time.
Councillor Reilly spoke of the congestion which he believes will occur if the R402 is upgraded without measures to ease traffic flow in Edenderry and which will also affect Carbury. He would oppose going ahead with this scheme without these measures. He was disappointed with the attitude of Offaly County Council and their seeming reluctance to meet with Kildare County Council to discuss the issue.
However, the councillors agreed to the proposal to meet the Edenderry councillors on 3rd March.
Correspondence from Fiona Behan, Kildare Area Local Services:
Ms. Behan had written to the various councillors concerning an incident in which a wheelchair she was pushing had been caught by a lorry mounting the footpath near their premises on the Dublin Road in Clane, luckily without serious consequences. In general she fears for the safety of the adults with learning difficulties who use their centre.
The meeting had before it a report from Noel Dillon, Roads Design, in which he stated that remedial works cannot be carried out until the Clane Inner Relief road is completed as the road is currently too narrow to widen the footpaths while maintaining H.G.V. access. Following the opening of the bypass, the road at Manzor’s pub could be narrowed and footpaths widened. He would not recommend installation of barriers due to the danger of a person being crushed while walking outside it.
Councillor McEvoy said he was aware of the incident being referred to in the letter. It occurred further up the road, nearer to the old school, than Mr Dillon seemed to believe. He had been lightly touched by a lorry at the same location a few months ago. Councillor Sheridan said that Mr. Manzor was a public spirited person and should be approached to see if he would be willing to give a small piece of land to facilitate the widening of the footpath immediately and this was agreed.
Correspondence received from Ms. Deirdre Costello, Principal, Scoil Bhride, Clane.
Ms. Costello explained in her letter that due to congestion at the school gates the G.A.A. club opposite had offered to allow the use of their car park for dropping off children and she sought the employment of a school crossing warden to allow the children to cross the road at this location. Una Murphy, Road Safety Officer, informed the meeting that she had attended at this location on the morning of the meeting and that some items need to be clarified. In order to get a school warden approved surveys of use and a minimum number of pupils have to be established. She had begun the process and expects to be able to give a recommendation before the next meeting. It was agreed to leave this item on the agenda for the next meeting.
Councillors’ Questions.
Councillor Michael Fitzpatrick:
(a)Update on provision of public lighting at Blackwood.
The committee had before it a report from John O’Neill, Area Engineer, in which he stated that a contract for this work was given to the E.S.B. in October 2002 and a number of reminders had issued. When last contacted the E.S.B. stated that they had a backlog of work but that they expect to commence here in a few weeks. It was agreed to supply Councillor Fitzpatrick with a copy of the report.
(b)Provision of speed ramps at Coill Dubh Village.
The committee had before it a report from Noel Dillon, Roads Design, in which he stated that this request had been added to the list of such requests for 2003. Councillor Fitzpatrick clarified that the request refers to roads around the village rather than those actually within it. Mr. Talbot advised that there had been quite a number of such requests at various locations within the county and that it may not be possible to do them all immediately. The committee asked to be supplied with a list of all such requests for the Clane area so that they might examine them and may wish to suggest priorities. Councillors sought that an allocation for this work be given to each electoral area, but Des O’Connor said that it would probably be better to look at it on a countywide basis. Councillor Reilly suggested that metal strips, similar to those along the canal bank in Naas be tried in places, as they seemed to be capable of being put down and taken up quickly if unsuitable.
(c)When will major repairs be carried out to road from Johnstownbridge to Dunfierth?
Mr. Talbot read a report from the area engineer in which he stated that normal maintenance is ongoing on this road and that it is in this year’s surface dressing programme for work during the summer. Following queries from the councillors the area engineer undertook to supply each of them with a copy of the five year plan for roads maintenance so that they may know when roads are scheduled for dressing, etc.
Councillor Tony McEvoy:
(a) What is the update on traffic calming and other matters at Scoil Dara, Kilcock, as discussed at the May meeting and might they be ready for the opening of the new extension in March?
Mr. Talbot read a report from the area engineer in which he stated that flashing lights were agreed for this location and that the school had agreed to make a contribution to the costs. He undertook to contact the school authorities to arrange for this payment and the rest of the cost will come from his, and the road safety officer’s, budgets. As soon as the school’s contribution comes through he will be able to carry out the work speedily.
(b) What is the update on steps to provide a bus pull-in at the frontage of Central Park, Clane, as discussed at the May and July meetings and might a corresponding pull-in shelter be provided on the opposite side of the road, outside the diesel pump, for buses going to Dublin?
Mr. Talbot read a report from roads design section in which it was stated that a scheme of costings is being prepared. Funding will be sought from the Dublin Transportation Office for this scheme. No physical work can be carried out until the Abbeylands bypass road opens as roads cannot be narrowed for wide footpaths and bus bays and access maintained for HGVs at the same time. Des O’Connor said that he would be hopeful of getting a grant from the D.T.O. to carry out the work as such measures make people more friendly towards using public transport.
(c) Might the area in front of the Telecom and sewage pumping stations on the Naas Road out of Clane be paved to facilitate safe walking and car parking for the graveyard as well as upgrading the appearance of the area?
The area engineer informed the meeting that it would be difficult to create any parking spaces here as there were three entrances in the vicinity which would have to be kept clear. He will contact the people concerned and do up a sketch if possible. Councillor McEvoy admitted that there was a problem due to the entrances but said that any solution, which would facilitate parking at the cemetery, should be considered.
Councillors’ Motions
Councillor McEvoy
“That the committee agrees funding be sought in the estimates to upgrade the footpath from the K.A.R.E. Centre to Manzors where a wheelchair was recently dragged by an artic.”
This motion was dealt with under the discussion concerning the letter received from Ms. Fiona Behan, Kildare Local Area Services. Plans for widening footpaths etc. had been drawn up for this area but cannot be implemented until the Abbeylands bypass is opened.
“That the committee agrees to the urgency of incorporating effective flood prevention measures in the construction of the roundabout on the Naas Road exit from Clane.”
The members had before them a report from roads design in which it was stated that the culvert had been designed taking into account a report from a firm of consulting engineers on expected flaws in the Butterstream. It further stated that no funding from this project had been allocated towards the upgrading of the culvert downstream of the roundabout. Members requested that a representative from roads design attend the next committee meeting to clarify some queries they had arising from this report.
“That the committee agrees to the provision of 6 lights at Firmount Cross together with the relocation of the speed limit signs.”
There was no report available for this item and so it was agreed to defer it to the next meeting of the committee.
Councillor Emmet Stagg
“With reference to the attached correspondence from Fiona Behan of Kare Adult Local Service, that the kerbing be raised in this area and any other measures required, including the provision of a barrier, be put in place as a matter of urgency.”
Consideration of this matter took place in conjunction with the discussion on Ms Behan’s correspondence earlier in the meeting. Design and costs need to be prepared, but nothing can be done until the Abbeylands relief road is built. It was agreed to supply Councillor Stagg with a copy of the report from the roads design office.
“That remedial action be taken to prevent the regular flooding of the Clane/Kilcock road at Crosskeys near the Power Seeds premises.”
The members had before them a report from the area engineer stating that the only viable solution is to divert some of the water under the road to a drainage ditch, heading away from the road. This would require agreement with the landowners and he is contacting them in order to carry out the work immediately. A contractor was also due to carry out repairs to the stretch of road damaged on the week of the meeting. It was agreed to supply Councillor Stagg with a copy of the report.
“That street cleaning be extended to weekends in Kilcock Town.”
The meeting had before it a report from the area engineer in which he stated that due to budget considerations no extension in the present services is possible at the moment. The members noted the report and asked that a copy be forwarded to Councillor Stagg.