2007-2011 WIU/UPI Agreement
(revised December 20, 2007)
(revised October 29, 2007)
(revised September 20, 2007)
(original: October 19, 2001)
Except for instances when "program needs shall supersede a department's rotation plan" {19.1.2(2)}, the following policies and procedures shall determine the allocation of summer session appointments:
1. A department rotation plan shall ensure that tenured/tenure-track employees in the department have equal access to departmental summer session employment during a summer session. Departmental summer session employment assignments shall include all standard summer school course offerings and all summer 1.0 or 2.0 course offerings, on both the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses. No faculty member shall teach two summers in a row unless all other faculty on the roster have passed on the teaching opportunity, actually taught a summer course, or unless there is program need {19.1.2(3).
2. Faculty expertise will be considered in making summer assignments. The qualifications of the faculty member will be defined in terms of general training, past teaching experience, or research expertise. These qualifications will be determined by the chair of the department.
3. Internship supervision during the summer shall be assigned by the department chair on the basis of faculty expertise, availability, and student interest. These assignments will not affect the summer rotation plan.
4. Eligible Faculty:
a - Eligible faculty are tenured, tenure-track, Associate and temporary full-time employees in the department.
b - Associate and temporary full-time faculty are eligible for summer employment after all tenure and tenure-track faculty who opt to teach are fully employed. Associate faculty shall be given priority over temporary employees {19.1.2(4)}.
c - Faculty on terminal contracts are not eligible.
d - Faculty with extended university contracts (more than nine months) will remain in the rotation.
e - There are no special provisions for summer assignments for faculty who have indicated that they are planning to retire.
5. Summer Assignments:
a - Tenured/tenure track employees shall be given priority over Associate Faculty followed by temporary employees in the award of summer session appointments. The standard summer assignment is a three semester hour class (graduate or undergraduate) or its equivalent. Persons completing at least a 3 ACE assignment will rotate to the bottom of the priority listing for teaching standard courses. Associate Faculty followed by temporary employees then shall be added to the bottom of the list each summer after new tenure track employees.
b - Faculty who accept a 1.0 or 2.0 semester hour assignment will retain their place in the rotation list until they have been assigned at least 3.0 semester hours. At that time they will rotate to the bottom of the list. Associate faculty followed by temporary employees then shall be added to the bottom of the list each summer after new tenure track employees.
c - Intersession courses (those coming between spring and summer session or between summer session and fall semester) will be considered part of the summer schedule.
d - Assignment of Duties: "An employee who receives a summer session assignment shall receive a firm contract for the appointment by no later than 30 calendar days prior to the date the appointment is to begin. For a class with insufficient enrollment 30 days prior to the first day of class, the Academic Vice President may either cancel the class or, if sufficient enrollment is anticipated, the employee may choose to remove himself/herself from the assignment or to accept a contract issued at the time the class is sufficiently enrolled" {19.1.3}.
e - A faculty member who teaches a low enrollment course and is paid at the reduced rate specified in Article 29.11.3 will not have such courses counted toward his/her accumulation of summer ACEs.
6. Assignment Allocation Priority
a -Faculty shall be selected in this order:
1) top name from list of faculty who teach anthropology
2) balance of positions from list of faculty who teach sociology
b - If ties exist, they will be resolved by giving preference based on years of service at WIU, then rank, then years in rank.
c- Faculty who choose not to teach when their turn comes up hold top position in the relevant Rotation Plan for the following summer.
d - A faculty member will be placed at the bottom of the summer rotation listing if an already scheduled summer course must be canceled due to the voluntary withdrawal of that faculty member and there is no other faculty to teach that course in that person's place. Withdrawal due to circumstances beyond the faculty member's control is not considered a voluntary withdrawal.
e - Faculty who teach ISP courses, have a summer assignment funded by an external grant or contract, or a non-university funding source, retain their Rotation Plan rankings.
f - New Faculty and re-hire faculty who were not on staff the previous year are added to the end of each list, but placed just ahead of faculty who taught the previous summer to his/her starting employment. A department chair, or other full-time administrator, returning to faculty or faculty who are no longer on 10, 11 or 12 month contracts will retain their position in the rotation lists.
g - Because the summer session budget is based in part on previous summer enrollment, course assignments are made to maximize enrollment potential while also providing a basic program.