למ''ס, שנתון סטטיסטי לישראל 2012 CBS, STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ISRAEL 2012


חינוך והשכלה)1(EDUCATION


Thischapterpresentsdataoneducationby level of education. The levels of education were adapted to the OECD or UNESCO. In addition, levels of education were assigned according to the ISCED2011 classification.

Level of education: A stage in the progression from elementary learning to more complex learning. The studies include all types of programs at that stage. The levels of education are: pre-primary education, primary education, secondary education (lower secondary and upper secondary education), tertiary-Type B education and higher education (OECD).

Pre-primary education (formerly: kindergartens):The initial stage of organized education. Includes educational institutions for children from age 3 till school age, according to the following division:

Aged 3-4 (Pre-pre kindergarten)

Aged 4-5 (Pre-kindergarten)

Aged 5-6 (Compulsory kindergarten)


(Level 0 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Primary education: The legal age for entrance to this level is 6 years. This level includes 6 years of schooling (Grades 1-6) (although there are institutions in which primary schools include 8 years of schooling).

This level provides students with basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, etc. Learning is systematic by distinct subjects (UNESCO, OECD).

(Level 1 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Secondary education (formerly: Post-primary education): This level includes lower secondary education and upper secondary education (UNESCO).

(Levels 2 and 3 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Lowersecondary education (formerly: intermediate schools):This level continues primary education and includes 3 years of schooling (Grades 7-9).

The teachers at this level have more specific fields of specialization, and teaching is more subject-focused than at the primary education (OECD).

(Level 2 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Uppersecondary education (formerly: secondary education): This level continues lower secondary education. Entrance age is 15 (to a three-year school that includes Grades 10-12), or 14 (to a four-year school that includes Grades 9-12). Study subjects at this level are more specific, and the teaching staff has higher qualifications than at the lower secondary level (OECD).

(Level 3 of the ISCED2011 classification).

Tertiary-Type B education (formerly: Post-secondary education): Studies towards a certificate (not towards an academic degree) awarded by a recognized post-secondary institution, which comply with the following requirements:

Entrance requirements are full secondary education (12 years of schooling or 11 years of schooling with completion of a preparatory course).

These studies focus on practical, technical or occupational skills, for direct entry into the labour market (OECD).

(Level 5 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Higher education: Academic studies towards a first degree, an academic diploma, a second degree, or a third degree, recognized by the Council for Higher Education. These studies take place in universities (including regional colleges under university supervision), The Open University, academic colleges and colleges of education. Studies at extensions of foreign institutions of higher education are conducted under the license of the Council for Higher Education, according to the requirements of the parent institution abroad


(Levels 7 and 8 of the ISCED2011 classification).


(See National Expenditure on Education,
1962-2010) (Financial data)

(Tables 8.1-8.2)

For definitions of level of education adapted to the OECD, UNESCO or the ISCED2011 classification, see the section "Level of Education" above.

In Table 8.1 the Secondaryeducationinstitutions include lower and general secondary schools; technological, nautical and agricultural schools; and secondary yeshivot.

In Table 8.2, the group of Secondary educationinstitutions includes the following

branches: lower and general secondary schools; technological, nautical and agricultural schools; secondary yeshivot; Jewish religious schools and rabbinic theological seminaries; Hebrew teaching and adult education; as well as other educational services.

The national expenditure on education includes "higher" yeshivot (for students aged 17 and over) and some of the "lower" yeshivot, in cases where the financial reports combine the data, and it is impossible to separate them.

Othereducationalservicesincludeprimarilycoursesforadultsandsupplementarycourses. Until 1983/84,thiscategoryalsoincludedprivatelessonsgiventostudents in schools (tomakeupmaterialand as supplementary lessons).As of 1984/85, theyareincludedintheitems “primaryeducation” and “secondaryeducation”.

National expenditure on education did not include expenditures for leisure-related studies, such as short-term courses for adults in art, dancing, gymnastics, etc., nor for driving lessons or maintenance grants for pupils. Also excluded were schools of nursing attached to hospitals.

Due to lack of data, educational services provided by the IDF and studies financed by employers, such as courses for worker, were not included.

However, expenditures of boarding schools attached to educational institutions and dormitories of universities, as well as research expenditures combined in university teaching budgets, were included- thisexpenditureisestimatedasapproximately one-quarterof the expenditureofuniversities.


1.Financial reports of the government, national institutions and the local authorities and explanatory notes to the proposed government budget.

2.The survey of expenditure and income of non-profit institutions conducted by the CBS and based on the financial reports of the institutions.

3.Processing of contractors’ reports to local authorities, and direct reports received from the Ministry of Construction and Housing on the areas of construction begun and completed of educational institutions.

4.Household Expenditure Surveys conductedbytheCBS.


Currentexpenditureincludesexpenditureoneducationalservicesdefinedabove, andcomplementaryexpendituresofhouseholdsforpurchaseoftextbooksandotherwriting suppliesthatwerepurchasedfromcommercialbodies. Theseexpendituresarepresentedasasingleitemandarenotclassifiedbyindustry.


Thegovernment, localauthoritiesandnon-profitinstitutionsprovidetheirservicesatreducedpricesorfreeofcharge. Sincetheyhavenomarketprice, thevalueoftheirserviceswasestimatedaccordingtoproductionexpenditures - labourcost (includingcalculatedestimatesofpensionsofgovernmentemployees), currentpurchasesofgoodsandotherservices (excludinginterestpayments) anda calculated evaluation ofdepreciation.

Purchasesbyhouseholdsfromcommercialbodiesaremeasureddirectly, byhouseholdexpenditures.



1. Government and national institutions

2. Local authorities - municipalities, local and regional councils

3.Non-profit institutions that are mainly financed by the government

4.Private non-profit institutions


The first three groups were also presented as the “government sector”

Intheclassificationbyoperatingsector, directexpenditurebythesectoronlabour, goodsandotherservicesanddepreciationwasrecordedirrespectiveofthefinancingsector.

Intheclassificationbyfinancingsector, thefinancingbyeachsectorisdefinedasthetotaldirectexpenditureongoodsandservices (exceptdepreciation), plussubsidies, grantsandothernettransfersandpaymentstoothersectors (excludinggrantingofloans).

Theanalysisofdevelopmentinthe field of financingismorereliablewhenbasedonthe average of a number of years, because dataforasingleyearareinfluencedbythetimingofrecordsandbyadjustmentstothereportingyear,as well as byrandomchanges.


Theestimatesatconstantpricesofthegovernment, localauthoritiesandnon-profitinstitutionswerecalculated separatelyforeachsector, eachtypeofexpenditureandeachlevel of education.

Thechangeinlabourcostsatconstantpriceswasestimatedaccordingtothechangeinworkunits. Otherexpenditureitemswereestimatedby deflating current expenditure by the price index, which takesintoaccount thespecialcompositionofexpendituresofinstitutionsineachsector.

Theestimatesatconstantpricesofbusinesssectorserviceswerecalculatedbymeansofquantitativeindicators, suchasthenumberofchildreninprivatekindergartens.

CapitalformationinbuildingsatconstantpriceswasestimatedusingthePriceIndexofInputinResidentialBuilding. Theestimateofcapitalformationinequipmentwascalculatedusingpricechangesintheindustriesthatmanufacturesuchequipment, andpricechangesinimportedequipment.

Estimatesatconstantpricesfor 1973/74-2005wereoriginallycomputedatdifferentbasepricesandafterwardsat 2005pricesbychainingthechanges. Consequently, groupsofexpendituredonotadduptothetotal.


Asof 1974/75, the coverage has been expanded and the methods of measurement have been improved. As of 1984/85, the estimates include a calculated estimate of depreciation and pension for government workers. The tables present estimates for 1974/75 and 1984/85 according to the previous format and definitions as well.


Comparedwiththeestimatesappearinginthe previous Statistical Abstract, three types of revisions were introduced in this edition:

1.Current revisions in estimates for 1995-2008, based on detailed financial reports or additional information.

2.As of 1995, there has been a change in the calculated expenditure on depreciation in the government, local authorities, and non-profit institutions, in current and constant prices.

3.Revisions in expenditures for private lessons in current and constant prices bought by households in the years 2000-2010.


Definitions and explanations

Theeducationalsystemincludes official education and education that is recognized but not official.

Official education: Educational institutions owned by the state or by local authorities, which are listed in the records as official schools. Official educationalinstitutions provide state and state-religious education, and relate mainly to primary and lower secondary education.

Education that is recognized but not official: Any educational institution that is not included in the definition of anofficial educational institution, and is listed in the official records as an institution that is not official.

Supervision: According to the State Education Law 1953, the educational system is divided into types of supervision: State, State-Religious and Other. All of the official educational institutions and some of the recognized educational institutions are under State or State-Religious supervision. Another type of supervision applies to ultra-Orthodox education and relates to institutions that are not under Ministry of Education supervision, including institutions that are recognized institutions but not official, and exempt institutions. In Hebrew primary education, most of the educational institutions that are not official are classified as "other" type of supervision.

Arabeducation:Moslems, Christians, Druze,andothersstudyinArabeducation. InthiseducationalsystemthelanguageofinstructionisArabic, anditincludes: at the pre-primary level,compulsoryandpre-compulsorykindergartens;andattheprimaryandsecondarylevels, allofficial schools and non-officialschoolssupervisedbytheMinistryofEducation, as well asgovernmentschools. The system does not include private institutionsinEastJerusalem (ChristianorMoslem) notsupervisedbytheMinistryofEducation, norUNRWA schools in East Jerusalem.Atthetertiarylevel, this systemincludesmainlyteacher-trainingcollegesandcollegesforpracticalengineersandtechnicians.

AccordingtoadecisionbytheMinistryofEducation, as of 1977/78 schoolsintheDruzelocalitiesweredefinedasthe "DruzeSector",and they were placedunderthesupervisionofaseparateadministrativeunit.Separate data is published on the Druze Sector. As of 1981/82,the "DruzeSector" alsoincludes the DruzeinstitutionsintheGolan.

Counting of schools. Schools in which studies are held at more than one level (such as primary and secondary), or which comprise more than one type of school (such as lower secondary anduppersecondary) were counted separately at every level or type of school, whereas in the "total" theywerecountedonlyonce. Inordertodrawthereader'sattention to this fact, the data in the "total"row areplacedinbrackets.

District: See Introduction to Chapter 2 - Population.

Enrollmentrates: Dataonenrollmentratesincludestudentsaged 6-17 who are enrolled in educational institutions supervisedbytheMinistryofEducation, as well as students enrolled in schools for apprentices supervised by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (excl. studentsinEastJerusalem and students that do not have an Israeli identity card), aswellasstudentsinrecognizedschools. Children aged 6 who are still enrolled in kindergartens, in both Hebrew and Arabeducation, are also excluded.

Studentdroppingoutofschool: A student may leave the school in which he studied in a certain year during the school year,orinthetransitiontothefollowingschoolyear. Asaresultofleavingthatschool, thestudentmayapplytoanotherschoolwithintheeducationsystemwhichisunderthesupervisionoftheMinistryofEducationorleavethesystemcompletely. Leavingtheeducationsystemisdefinedas "droppingout", whetherthestudentdropsoutofanyeducationalframework, orwhetherthatstudenttransferstoaneducationalinstitutionoutsidetheeducationsystemoftheMinistryofEducation.

Not considered students dropping out of school: Those who left the education system and stayed abroad for at least 100 consecutive days, and those who left the educational system and returned the following year.


(Tables 8.3-8.5)


Pre-primary education:The initial stage of organized education.Includes educational institutions for children from age 3 till school age, according to the following division:

Aged 3-4 (Pre-pre kindergarten)

Aged 4-5 (Pre-kindergarten)

Aged 5-6 (Compulsory kindergarten)


(Level 0 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Teachingjob:Theworkofakindergartenteacherthat constitutesoneorganizational-administrativeunit, including all the hours worked, and all the positions filled, by the kindergartenteacher. Akindergartenteacherworkinginmorethanonekindergarteniscountedinthetotalofjobsaccordingtothenumberofkindergartensinwhichsheteaches.

FullTimeEquivalent Jobs (FTE):Thenumberofhoursconstitutingafullteaching job, in pre-primary education - 30 hours per week.

Working hours: Teaching hours, administration hours, hours of educational guidance, and hours for filling other positions at the school.


Enumeration unit:In teaching staff statistics, the enumeration unit is “persons”, unlike “teaching job” statistics, where preschool teachers are counted according to the number of kindergartensin which they taught. A teacher working in more than one education level is counted at each level separately, but only once in the total number of teachers.

Teaching jobs, full-time equivalentjobs, and teaching staff: The data for 1990/91-2011/12are based on the perennial file of teaching staff established by the Central Bureau of Statistics on the basis of processing from the annual files of the Ministry of Education.

Children aged 2-5 in Pre-Primary Education:As of 1998/99, the data on official and recognized kindergartens are based on Ministry of Education files. The data on day-care centres are based on Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor files; as of 2004/05, the data are based also on files of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services.

The data regarding private kindergartens are based on a survey conducted by the CBS. As of 2006/07, the setting of private kindergartens has been changed, and is based mainly on the kindergartens appearing in the CBS Business Register.

In 2010/11, a survey was conducted among a sample of private kindergartens. The survey continued from January 2011 to August 2011, and included 1,396 kindergartens, of which 887 responded. Of509that did not respond, 378 were not kindergartens, 111 were not located, and 20 did not respond for other reasons.

Since 2010/11, the sampling method has been based on size strata in geographic units as follows: Every urban locality with 20,000 residents and over; and every district combined with smaller Jewish urban localities, Jewish rural localities and small Arab localities.

As of 2008/09, the table onchildren aged 2-5 in pre-primary education includes children aged 6 in kindergartens.


(Tables 8.6-8.16)


Primary Education: The legal age for entrance to this level is 6 years. This level includes 6 years of schooling (Grades 1-6) (although there are institutions in which primary schools include 8 years of schooling).

This level provides students with basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, etc. Learning is systematic by distinct subjects (UNESCO, OECD).

(Level 1 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Includesprimaryschools (officialandrecognized) andspecialschools, as well as ultra-Orthodox schools as of 1998/99. Primaryschoolsincludesix-yearschools (uptoGrade6) andeight-yearschools (uptoGrade8).

Teachingjob:Theworkofateacherinaschoolthat constitutesoneorganizational-administrativeunit;including all the hours worked,and all thepositions filled, by the teacherintheschool. Ateacherworkinginmorethanoneschooliscountedinthetotalofjobs,accordingtothenumberofschoolsinwhichheteaches.

FullTimeEquivalent Jobs (FTE):Thenumberofhoursconstitutingafullteaching job - in primary education, 36 hours per week in the Ofek Hadash (New Horizon) program, and 30 hours per week for regular jobs.

Working hours: Teaching hours, administration hours, hours of educational guidance, and hours for filling other positions at school.


Enumeration unit:In teaching staff statistics, the enumeration unit is “persons”, unlike “teaching job” statistics, where teachers are counted according to the number of schools and the number of education stages in which they taught at each school.A teacher working in more than one education level is counted at each level separately, but only once in the total number of teachers.

Teaching jobs, full-time equivalent jobs, and teaching staff: The data are based on the perennial file of teaching staff established by the Central Bureau of Statistics on the basis of processing from the annual files of the Ministry of Education and annual files of the system of recognized education that is not official (not including exempt institutions)for the period from 1990/91-2011/12.

Projection of students in primary education:

The table presents a projection of students in primary education for the period 2013-2017, by Hebrew and Arab Education, district, and supervision. The projections are based on statistical methods and professional considerations, and assume a continuation of “business as usual”. It is assumed that the conditions under which the education system functions today (e.g., in terms of class size, etc.) will continue in the future. Data on students in the education system, population estimates, and population projections were used to arrive at the projections.

Growth and Effectiveness Measures for Schools (GEMS): The data for Grade 2 are based on files of students in Grade 2 who took external GEMS exams in the 2007/08 and 2008/09 school years, whereas the data for Grade 5 are based on files of students in Grade 5 who took external GEMS exams in the 2008/09 school year. These files were prepared at the CBS on the basis of processing of the GEMS files received from the National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (for further details, see the paragraph on GEMS in the section “Secondary Education”).


(Tables 8.17-8.39)


Secondary education: This level includes lower secondary education and upper secondary education (UNESCO).

(Levels 2 and 3 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Lowersecondary education: This level continues primary education and includes 3 years of schooling (Grades 7-9).

The teachers at this level have more specific fields of specialization, and teaching is more subject-focused than at the primary level (OECD).

(Level 2 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Uppersecondary education: This level continues lower secondary education. Entrance age is 15 (to a three-year school that includes Grades 10-12), or 14 (to a four-year school that includes Grades 9-12). Study subjects at this level are more specific, and the teaching staff has higher qualifications than at the lower secondary level (OECD).

(Level 3 of the ISCED2011 classification)

Teachingjob:Theworkofateacherinaschoolthat constitutesoneorganizational-administrativeunit; including all the hours taught,and all thepositions filled, by the teacherintheschool. Ateacherworkinginmorethanoneschooliscountedinthetotalofjobs,accordingtothenumberofschoolsinwhichheteaches.

FullTimeEquivalentJobs(FTE):Thenumberofhoursconstitutingafullteaching job, as follows: in lower secondsecondary education, 36 hours per week for jobs in Ofek Hadash [New Horizon] program schools, and 24 hours per week for regular jobs. In upper secondary schools, the number of hours constituting a full time equivalent is 24 hours per week.

Working hours: Teaching hours, administration hours, hours of educational guidance, and hours for filling other positions at school.

Study track: In counting by study track, till 1998/99 each multiple-track school was included in each of the tracks it had, in order to note the total extent of each type of track. As of 1999/2000 only one-track schools were included in this count.

Persons aged 12-18 with criminal files: Persons aged 12-18 who committed criminal offences during the 2009/10 academic year, excluding no-prosecution files. The table presents a description of persons with criminal files, who have been charged with more serious offences (e.g., drugs, sexual, violence and property offences).

Studentsstudyingin courses for techniciansandpracticalengineers:Intechnological/vocationalsecondaryeducation, studentsaretrainedforoneyear (afterGrade 12) fora "technician" certificate, andfortwoyears (afterGrade 12) fora "practicalengineer" certificate. Althoughthesestudiesareconsideredtertiary-Type B, thestudentswereincludedaccordingtotheirplaceofstudy - i.e., amongthosestudyinginsecondarytechnologicaleducation.