ASCLS-OHIO suggested bylaws changes approved by the ASCLS-OHIO Board of Directors
Present Bylaws / Proposed Change / Rational for RevisionArticle XI – Official Representation A. Representatives to ASCLS House of Delegates. The president, president elect or immediate past president, and the highest ranking student official of this Society shall serve as entitled delegates to th3e ASCLS House of Delegates. Designated delegates/alternates to fill the specified quota for the ASCLS House shall be elected by the voting members as established by the Board of Directors. / Article XI Official Representation A. by inserting between “…past president,” and “and highest ranking student” the words “New Professional” so that the article will read “A. Representatives to the ASCLS House of Delegates. The president, president-elect, or immediate past president, New Professional, and the highest ranking student official of this Society shall serve as entitled delegates to the ASCLS House of Delegates…” / ASCLS requires that the delegate entitlement of each constituent society be increased by a total of 1; this additional delegate is designated as a member belonging to the New Professional designation.
Article VI – Board of Directors. E. Quorum. Two thirds of the board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board; …. / Article VI Board of Directors. E Quorum Strike “two thirds” and insert “one half” so that the sentence would read: “One half of the Board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board…” / So that it will be easier to obtain quorum for a meeting.
Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition The number of voting members of the Board of Directors shall be eleven (11) – the President, President-elect or Immediate Past President (varies with president’s year in office), Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) senior directors, three (3) junior directors and a student director. / Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition Strike “three (3) junior directors” and insert “two (2) junior directors” so that the sentence will read “the President, President-elect or Immediate Past President (varies with president’s year in office), Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) senior directors, two (2) junior directors…” / To prepare to add a new professional to board but keep the number of board members the same, this will reduce the number of junior directors.
Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition The number of voting members of the Board of Directors shall be eleven (11) – the President, President-elect or Immediate Past President (varies with president’s year in office), Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) senior directors, three (3) junior directors and a student director. / Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition Insert between “three (3) junior directors and a student director.” the words “a new professional” so that the sentence will read “three (3) junior directors, a new professional and a student director. / Adding new professional as a board member. If item two of the suggested changes is adopted then the article will be changed to “two (2) junior directors, a new professional and a student director.”
Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition The number of voting members of the Board of Directors shall be eleven (11) – the President, President-elect or Immediate Past President (varies with president’s year in office), Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) senior directors, three (3) junior directors and a student director. Each director, except the student director, shall serve a term of two (2) years. / Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition
Insert between “except the student director” and the words “and new professional” so that the sentence reads “Each director, except the student director and the new professional, shall serve a term of two (2) years.” / Amending to indicate length of term of office for the new professional.
Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition The number of voting members of the Board of Directors shall be eleven (11) – the President, President-elect or Immediate Past President (varies with president’s year in office), Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) senior directors, three (3) junior directors and a student director. Each director, except the student director, shall serve a term of two (2) years. A senior director may be eligible for re-election but may not serve more than two consecutive terms as senior director (or a total of three terms). The position of junior director is limited to one two-year term (unless elected to an initial one-year term, then is eligible for an additional full two-year term). A senior director, at the time of election, must have been a professional or emeritus member of the Society for two (2) years immediately prior to election or previously held an elected position as an officer or board members. A junior director, at the time of election, must have been a professional or emeritus member of the Society for one ((1) year immediately prior to election and must not have previously held an elected position on the Board of Directors. The term each newly elected director, except those filling vacancies, shall be in accordance with the sine die adjournment of the ASCLS House of Delegates. In a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors and in accordance with the Bylaws of this Society, the voting members shall elect by majority vote the appropriate number of directors each year at its annual session.
One (1) student member may be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors to serve as a voting director for a term of one (1) year. The student director may be reappointed for an additional one-year term. Qualifications for the student director shall be determined by the Board of Directors. / Article VI Board of Directors B. Composition Add a new paragraph: “A new professional may be appointed by the President, with approval of the Board of Directors, to serve as a voting director for a term of one (1) year. The new professional is defined by ASCLS as ‘FYP member and all professional I or II members with less than 5 years experience in the practice’” / Defining the new professional, who appoints and term of office.
Article V – Meeting C. Procedure
Each duly certified voting member of this Society in attendance at the annual Business meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote. The quorum of the ASCLS-Ohio business meeting shall be the physical presence of a majority of the certified voting members registered for the meeting and at least two (2) officers. / Article V – Meeting C. Procedure
Strike “majority of the certified voting members registered for the meeting” So that the sentence shall read “The quorum of the ASCLS-Ohio business meeting shall be the number of voting members in good standing present at the meeting, and one officer and one additional Board Member.” / To clarify how the voting membership quorum is determined for the annual meeting.