10001a-10aThe leaving of any substance in the water that would affect the health of humans.
10001a-12aWhere would the funding come from - perhaps a permit fund?
10001b-2I simply believe that in human terms our health is most important. This coastline prides itself on the pristine condition. {probe} And I think it should stay this way.
10001b-3If this could be definite proven then -
10001d-6I do watch programs depending on quality like National Geographic.
10002a-1aEmphis [sic] on public.
10002a-1bIf less people population control.
10002a-1dI think crime is related to family planning. {probe}
10002a-1fI think taxes are necessary.
10002a-2cMost important.
10002a-2fI think prison s/b treated as rehab not zoos.
10002pg7I disagree. The entire eco-system is affected. I feel the totals numbers are not correct. They're vagueness is caused by the impossibilities that arise when trying to count non-grounded species.
10002a-10aBasically I would like to know how liable the polluting companies are for their actions. I feel it s/b 100%.
10002a-12aIs the excess of more ships in water going to cause more problems i.e. garage dumping, the burning of fossil fuel - general stress to the environment this doing more harm than good.
10002pg13I'm for it although this sounds like a cynical survey. Replace the word birds with human beings and the question would never have been asked which shows how over saturated California is in christian thinking (i.e., animals have no souls, therefore we can [vie] them all up.
10002b-2It would take action against a corporate system that tends towards token regard for the environment forcing them to act responsibly.
10002c-1It's very complicated to think of the oil spill as just an oil spill, because one could be larger and more damaging than an other.
10003pg10Don't you think a lot of this has to do with carelessness?
10003a-12Sounds good if everyone would stay sober.
10003d-18R has phone but couldn't remember number - I looked at her phone but number not on it. She said she was listed but no listing.
10003e-10Despite age & poor health R was amazingly alert & responsive. She followed along with everything I said, but could not remember new phone number when asked.
10006b-2Stopping the oil spills, stopping the killing of the birds, animals and the plants along the coast, that it kills.
10006c-4It doesn't make any difference - It would be worth $5 a year.
10006c-5Nobody tells me how to vote.
10006d-5They go more than once or twice a month in the summertime.
10006d-8Since 1938.
10006d-13I sure did and I'm gonna pay this year.
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10006d-16It's just about the same.
10006pg26House built in Aug. 1954.
10006e-10She mentioned concern over the oil spills be fore I even mentioned the program - Before the interview started. She was very glad to talk to me and had not gotten letter yet.
10007a-8I've heard of them.
10007b-1Common sense for 5.00 is [illegible]. But what happens down the road.
10007pg14The oil companies should be accountable.
10007b-2The fine [illegible] cost wouldn't be to much, but I really feel that the oil companies should foot the bill. {probe} The program sounds alright and would help nature and the animals.
10007c-4You said one time! I wondered!
10007d-15If I was convinced it was 100% true just $5.00!
10007e-10The respondent wasn't sure that it would only be for one year.
10008pg7They have no choice.
10008a-10aSo the saltwater plants recover in 10 years - even if the marsh is badly damaged. {probe} Are they going to increase shipping in the next 10 yrs or are they going to decrease ships going through area? {probe} Are there any new inventions on the horizon that would disperse the oil or contain it?
10008a-12aThe costs. I guess. How effective is it if weather is stormy or would it work effectively? {probe} I think it's a good idea.
10008b-2Well, it would do exactly as it says - Protect birds and wild animals from death and protect the marsh & keep the beaches clean. {probe} I suspect they can probably put the building to use for other purposes rather than [illegible] them go to waste - whether it's counting whales going by or some group could find a use for them.
10008c-1{probe} I haven't given it a thought. We're new to Calif. and not too familiar with what they've done. Not sure.
10008c-3Probably unless a bad storm was going on I'm sure it was [illegible].
10008c-4I would have thought more than one year.
10008e-10R was very definite in her responses and said she enjoyed the survey.
10009b-4I don't think it's worth it. {probe} Your questions are too biased. {probe} They don't tell the benefits. {probe} Just not worth the money.
10009c-1{probe} Who knows?
10010b-4(OS) If that much money has to be enburdened [sic] on the oil companies then the cost would have to come back to everyone who uses oil and every body uses oil!
10010e-10Very pleased to be invited to participate.
10011pg7What about otters?
10011pg8Why can't they do it now? The oil cos. have money - why give them 10 yrs?
10011a-10aFor every oil spill there's 10 miles affected?
10011a-12aWho pays for it?
10011pg14How do they know there aren't going to be enough spills to cause extinction?
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10011b-2It would make the oil companies more responsible. {probe} It would protect the wildlife and the beaches from further damage.
10012b-2It would help prevent short term for potentially long term harm to the environment. {probe} Harm from spilled oil.
10013b-4(OS) The $25 could go to something else - some other environmental program would be better - not this.
10014b-4(OS) There's no need for escort ships to be there. There's no danger of hitting things 40 or 50 miles out. Only entering harbor do you need escorts.
10014c-3It's just for clean up not for prevention - it's just going to work for clean up.
10014d-15I wouldn't vote for it if it were free! You could have center for 1 response only 1/2 the cost. You only need one.
10014e-10This 'R was an old Navy seaman. He's traveled in lots of ships.
10015pg12There are 2 response centers in Everett Washington. I was involved in the prevention center program there so I know how it works.
10015b-4The wildlife saved is 1% of the total wildlife. Oil companies should be totally responsible for the cost.
10015c-4California is funny - once they get a tax on the board they don't like to get rid of it!
10015pg26{Phone call interruption}
10015e-10Geologist says program would work but doesn't want to be taxed for it.
10016b-2Number one beside the animals and humans. I myself like to go to the beach. {probe} It would clean up all the oil and if for $5 prevent the death of animals and deep our water's clean I'm all for it.
10016d-10Almost has bachelor's, 2 classes!
10017pg5What would we be doing?
10017pg8Good idea.
10017a-10aBesides the double hull can't they partition off different parts?
10017a-12aThat's essentially the technology we have now. Vacuum it up fast. Aren't we going to run out of oil in 20 years.
10017b-1Especially because it has a "sunset".
10017b-2Well I think a lot more than the death of birds more concerned about a permanent scar on landscape that I feel is caused by oil spills.
10017b-3I don't think you can say that. If you lived there would be mad as dickens flydrocarbon smell harmful I'm sure.
10017c-4I thought you emphasized one year.
10017d-16Program is designed to use tax to start & fee to pay which would mean higher prices so this is a great way to do it, a jump start.
10017e-10R was very upset - son (older adult) had disappeared with his car for over 24 hr. He said come in. I told him he needed a distraction. The son arrived back with his during interview and R was visibly relieved. His son had recently had a heart attack. The son does not live with R.
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10019c-4A continuous tax probably.
10019e-10R was reluctant to do int. May be he called 800 number? Was not talkative at all. Just gave me answers fast.
10020a-12aWhat happens to the oil once it is on the escort ship? How successful has this program proved in past and how are they gauging success? How well did it work in Washington State? How many hulls do escort ship have?
10020b-2Every household is paying very small amount over next 10 years it would be a good habit to start. {probe} In 30 years if still doing it won't have to send researchers out. {probe} People would get used to it - cheap, would pay for itself. $5 is cheap. Program idea would start a good habit. Making prevention a normal part of life.
10020c-2These aren't a big number. Numbers might go up in 20 years as more oil is needed.
10020e-10Very good comments.
10022a-1aI'm an educator! So let's change that!
10022a-10No - you were through.
10022pg10Why did they give them 10 yrs? to do the double hulls? 10 yrs. is ridiculous.
10022a-12That sounds ideal!
10022a-12aWhat would the cost be?
10022b-2It would protect that wildlife.
10022c-3Nothing is completely effective so.
10022d-4It's an interest!
10022d-16That depends on what the higher prices are on. {RQ}
10022e-10R is a senior citizen & a retired educator. He had called the 800 number to refuse while we were in the study training. However, I called at the DU unaware of this & his wife became very cordial. She made the AP for the R & he did the IW when I returned.
10023b-2It would stop the oil spills. It will stop harm to the shoreline. {probe} What will happen to the ships in 10 yrs? {probe} What about the employees in 10 yrs? What will they do? {probe} No. {At first "probe", R looked as if he wanted to make another statements so I asked him if he did have any more to say & he kept talking. I asked until he said "no" as his statements were important to him.}
10023e-10R was not very talkative but interested in the iw. He was quick to catch on & understood the narrative very well. His mothers sat at a nearby table reading a newspaper but made no comments.
10026pg10{Small interruption - smoke in kitchen.}
10026b-2Well I have 2 grandkids - I would love them to see the birds, who knows how ling it will take for those birds to come back. {probe} It's not that much to pay - the younger generation should have something to enjoy. Sometimes they don't regenerate as fast as they think. {probe}{R shook head no}
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10026c-3You never know what else might pop up - a new ship that could cause more damage or something.
10026c-4But maybe more.
10026d-1Many times.
10026d-2Last couple of months.
10026d-16Both is bad - I'll say.
10026e-10The I'w was interrupted when R got up to go turn the fire off under a pan on the stove that her son had used. She returned quickly.
10028b-4(OS) It would be education and educational assistance instead of this program. {probe} No.
10028e-10R said his wife would have voted the opposite. Very interested that he was asked about a program and tax.
10029a-10aI want to know how much the State thinks they will spend for it. If it's going to cost taxpayers forget it. {probe} No, they make oil spill the oil companies are responsible.
10029a-12aIt's sound [sic] fine if escort ships are paid for by oil companies. {probe}
10029b-4(OS) Once the tax is set up you can never get rid of it. {probe}
10029c-1It's all speculation. It's like saying we'll have an earthquake tomorrow.
10029c-4Hard to say I suppose more than one year.
10029e-10Doesn't want any tax increase.
10030a-12If we do this our oil prices will go up. Cost more to get more to use it.
10030b-4We're retired and living on a budget.
10030e-10Very pleasant elderly white male. Concerned that this program will make prices go up. Had coffee and banana bread for me.
10031a-1aIf they stop Bilingual Education. Enough money when that program is over.
10031c-1Same if not less. {probe} 3.
10031d-5Zero we know better.
10031e-10R's husband very concerned about who was doing this survey - who was paying. Wife was chose. Husband said our views are different. He was in and out of kitchen, but didn't say anything till interview was over.
10032a-4I drive by but never stop.
10032b-1If it's $5.00. They hide things and then more. $5.00 is nothing but state always wants more.
10032b-4(OS) Because the state always says so much and they project, but then goes up double. Too many smart people see people vote and then they raise it and keep it up. {probe} No.
10032e-10Elderly Hispanic male - Had to be assure I wasn't selling anything. He feels once people vote for a tax raise, someone raises the bid for the project and we all pay more.
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10033b-2It would prevent oil from getting into oceans. {probe} It would also send a message to private businesses that people care about the environment!
10033e-10R for program. Daycare lady!
10034a-8All of them.
10034a-10aWhat's the impact on the rest of the wildlife? What is the commercial impact? What's the tourist impact!
10034a-12aWhy would the govt bear the cost instead of the oil companies?
10034pg12Why can't we accelerate the time frame for the double hull issues?
10034b-1I want more information about where the money is going before I commit to an answer. Why can't we make the oil company pay?
10034b-5I would conditionally vote yes i the oil companies can't be made to pay the cost!
10034d-15I need further info. that there is not a better way!
10034e-10R needs more info on program cost & who gets the money, etc! Before R could make a decision on the program. Respondent said R would vote "yes" if oil companies could not be made to pay the cost.
10035a-12aDoes the oil stay on the top?
10035b-1If it were a one time $25.00, I would vote for it.
10035b-2It saves the birds you talked about. {probe} It would keep the water clean.
10035e-10R was for program if the cost remained at $25.00 only.
10037a-12a{probe} DK.
10051b-2The beaches will be clean and the animals you showed me won't die. {probe} No.
10051d-12I honestly don't know - I never have asked. {probe}
10051e-10To make sure the R understood, I read the interview at a slower pace than I ordinarily would have. There was no language problem but R could not think or answer quickly.
10052b-4(OS) It's an overkill to escort tankers. This is useless to have this program. Other state programs are more important!
10052e-10R was captain of ship. R voted against program.
10053a-10aAm I supposed to be impressed with these numbers of birds? What about pelican? Why aren't they on here? They do get affected by it? {probe} They had problems in Valdez with sea otters etc. I can't see why they wouldn't be affected by that. So why do they say that they wouldn't. {probe}
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10053a-12aAs part of the recov pkg. would removing the rest of the oil off the tanker be done? {probe} Would they use any degt. [sic] that breaks up the oil and sends it to the bottom, that's no good because it affects the animals on the bottom {probe}
10053b-1I would have to find out first. Why can't these ships find there way along the coast. They have all the equip. to do this. They do it all the time, why would they need an escort ship? {probe} I would probably vote for this. 12,000 birds are a lot of birds. {probe}
10053b-2Protect the birds, keep the water clean. {probe}
10053c-1D.K. you don't hear much about oil spills off our coast but I suppose it would be a lot less if they did this.
10053c-4I thought that's what you said it would be for 1 yr. Then the oil co. would pick up the rest.
10053d-161 yr. I can't handle no more. I know these people they would they would have to specific it would be only a 1 yr. tax.[sic]
10053d-17I would like to say hardly any but I'm kinda of in between there.
10053pg27{House built before 1990}
10054b-2I think it does more harm than we really know. Beside harm done to birds it would do harm to a lot more things than just birds. I think it could possible harm our food. {probe}
10055a-10aThis talks about animals/plant life. How about the beaches themselves people can't use them. I'd be concerned about the plants alone all the shoreline and just the shore it's self. {probe} I guess they would be danger to private property also. Think it would effect the fisherman also their live hood if the fish left. {probe}
10055b-1Would this be for all people who pay CA. income tax. I'm concerned it might be a burden for some people. I would want to see tax applied in a fair way. I think the oil co. should pay for all of it. {probe}
10055b-2Keeping the coast clean. I'm concerned about the animals dying, the smell for people who live in the area. {probe}
10056pg8I already know the ans.
10056b-1Okay I've changed my mind if it's only $5.
10056b-2Protect general coast line. {probe} Mice that you don't kill the animals, not that important. {probe}
10056d-15Five dollars is fine but there are a lot more important things the people should be doing. Whichever agency is doing this should be apply more energy to those things that are more important to the people. Crime prevention, prisons, etc.
10057a-1eI don't think of that as where my state money goes. [Hard to tell if R was talking about "Reducing crime" or "Protecting coastal areas from oil spills"]
10057pg6I don't believe that. I think there are a lot more than that.
10057a-10aAre the oil co. paying any part of the cost of this survey? {probe} No.
10057b-4(OS) The oil co. would pass along the cost to us so we would be paying a lot more than that. This is no time to raise tax in Or. now. This is not high on our priorities list right now. If I lived in Sa Bara [sic] I would probably feel different about it. {probe} Orange Co is not impacted by oil spills. {probe} No.
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10057c-4It's more than one year because the oil co's. would pass along their part to the consumer. {probe}
10062a-2aIt doesn't work.
10062a-2dThat's a heck of a question. They are important.
10062a-3I think I have.
10062b-2Oil is California's lifeline - We need it to hold the economy up - We can't afford the expense of the oil spills. {probe} It will not prevent the spill, but help clean it up & prevent considerable damage to the wildlife, fish etc. that are affected. {probe} No.
10062c-1(OS) I have no idea - but increased oil traffic would no doubt increase the probability of spills. {probe} No.
10062c-4You had all ready told me it was a one time tax. {probe}
10062d-16That's a good question. {probe}
10062e-10Very interested in survey. R's father was in Coast Guard so he was extremely interested in oil spills and had seen the consequences of spills.
10063a-1Oh, I'll tell you alright.