Throughout the rest of the school year, you will be working on a Visual Journal as HOMEWORK.
This is an opportunity for you to practice and improveyour drawing skills.
Like the old saying goes, ‘Practice makes perfect’ and there are no miracles in the art room!
Do some work every day and you’ll find things are getting easier.
These Visual Journals will be given during class and submitted the following time we meet.
It may not happen EVERY class, but it will happen frequently while we are in the middle of projects.
This is now YOUR time and YOUR ideas- make it happen!
- The Journal will be checked THE FOLLOWING CLASS, unless stated otherwise.
- Please pay attention to when they are due.
- You may do this Visual JournalIN your sketch book.
- If you have another sketch book on the side you wish to work in, that is perfectly acceptable.
- You also might want to think about getting another sketch since some of you are filling yours up.
- DATEEACHDAY you work. And SIGN your artwork!
- If you do more than one drawing a day, that is fine.
- PLEASE DO NOT draw multiply drawings and pass it off as a weeks worth of stuff.
- I should see EFFORT in each drawing and not just sketches or unfinished work.
- Also, have a VARIETY of work. Don’t just obsess over one style or technique!
- The point of this is to practice EACH DAY a little bit and you can advance/practice the skills you are having issues on from class.
- You may draw WHATEVER you like, but you MUST use the TECHNIQUES we have practiced in class.
- You may OBSERVE or use IMAGES to help inspire you!
- You may also use whatever Medium,(A.K.A. Art Making Materials). You can also COMBINE Mediums.
- Pencil/ Colored Pencils
- Marker/ Colored Pencils
- Watercolors/ Colored Pencils
- Sharpies/ Pencils
- Micron Pens
- Paint/ Sharpies
- Non-traditional Materials/ Paint
- OR whatever combination you would like to try.
- If you are interested in Anime or Animation, PLEASE try to utilize what we have learned in class to make the designs STRONGER. For example, SHADE (use Value) and COLOR MIX.
- PLEASE HAVE VARIETY IN YOUR WORK! We want you to be well-rounded artists that can do anything! Challenge yourself with techniques and skills that are new to you!
*This is a way for you to work outside of class in a place you find comfortable.
*You can work without time limits.
*BE creative and have fun with it!
*This is YOUR work, YOUR ideas and YOUR time to practice!