Myth of Her – Sound Lab (Terms and Conditions)
Project Phases & Timescales:
Friday 10thNovember 2017Midday- Expression of interests received via the online application.
Fri 17th November 2017 - Reviewed and initial selection by Colette Dutot.
Week commencing Mon 20th November 2017 - Meeting in your school involving your team, Head Teacher & Colette Dutot.
End of November 2017 - Celebration on the SMH website/ Twitter.
Pre project set:
- Early Dec 2017: Sharing of videos – ‘Meet the artist’ for the children and for the teachers/ head teachers, ‘Hello’ video or audio recorded by the school, from each class to the artists. All videos/ audios to be uploaded in accordance with safeguarding policies of all parties via the SMH You tube site.
- Wednesday 13th December 2017 - final submission date for data to Colette Dutot*.
- Monday 8th Jan 2018 - meeting with Colette Dutot and the school project lead (Head teacher/ Class teacher) & school staff member involved in the workshop day.
- Thursday 18th January 2018 or Friday 19th January 2018 - Workshop Day.
- Access from 4pm the day before the workshop to set up the initial equipment in the two creative spaces.
- Day of workshop timetable:
- 7.45am load artist’s equipment into your school into the performance space
-8.30am meeting with the class teacher/ head teacher, artists and SMH team
-9.15am performance followed by Q & As in hall.
-9.45 – 10.30amY3 class 1 for workshop 1
-11.00 – 11.45am Y3 class 2 for workshop 2
Each class will be divided into two and explore sound or poetry/lyrics. Each workshop will be supported by a member of the school team, the artist and a member of the SMH team.
-1.30 – 2.30pmbringing together of the music and lyrics prior to a presentation and sharing with Myth of Her.
-3pm evaluation with all parties.
-3.45pm removal of equipment from your school.
NB Minor adjustments for break-times/lunch will be agreed in Nov/Dec.
- Two different allocated spaces for the whole day with no movement.
- One large hall for performance and music exploration with 2 tables for the whole day with no interruptions. This will be the performance/sharing space at the start and the end of the day.
- One large class space very close to the large hall – desks to be arranged in a large group formation for lyrics/poetry exploration. The close proximity of the rooms is very important due to the organic nature of Myth of Her.
- Safeguarding: Sarah Sayeed has an Enhanced DBS raised by SMH, the number and date of issue will be provided by SMH. Anne Eltard has a translation of the Danish equivalent which will be risk assessed against. All members of the SMH team have Enhanced DBSs, the number and date of issue will be provided by SMH. The photographer will have an Enhanced DBS.
- SMH celebrates music through capturing projects and performances. SoundLab will be captured by still photography on the day of the workshop. It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that all children have been granted photo permissions for this to take place. The photographer will accommodate needs around safeguarding LAC/ vulnerable individuals, with agreement in advance. These images will celebrate the work on the SMH Flickr account which can be shared with your families/on your website whilst helping to secure future funding/expansion of this project. For an example of how SMH uses imagery, please see our Flickr or YouTube accounts:
- *Data requirements for each class broken down into: boys/ girls/ FSM/ SEN/ PP/ SEN + PP as per Arts Council England agreement. This data will be used to secure future funding for phase 2 and 3. Please note without this data, your school will not be able to take part.
- As a school, we understand that both artists are traveling over to Sheffield for these two days. In particular, Anne Eltard will be flying in from Denmark and any disruption to the project due to European travel is outside of the control of SMH. Any adjustments, due to weather/ travel interruptions will be discussed with the project lead and Colette Dutot should this scenario arise. We hope not!
- You understand that as a school, if you withdraw from this project SMH you may be charged up to £500.