Robert A. White, S.J. writings
Editorial: Is there progress in media freedom in Africa? African Communication Research,
4, 221-224.
Are Tanzanian journalists accepting bribes? Scribes: Journal for the Advancement of
Journalism, January-June, 4-8.
What makes community radios successful? Scribes: Journal for the Advancement of
Journalism, July-December, 18-25.
(with Denis Mpagaze). Tanzanian journalists’ ambivalent perception of their ethics: A
“Jekyll and Hyde” occupation, African Communication Research, Vol 3, No. 3.,
Why the media are (relatively!) insignificant in Africa, Media Development, forthcoming.
The moral foundations of media ethics in Africa. Ecquid Novi” African Journalism
Studies, 31, 42-67.
C. Christians, T. Glasser, D. McQuail, K. Nordenstreng and Robert A. White. (2009)
Normative Theories of the Media. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Awarded the Luther Mott prize as the outstanding book of the year 2010 in the field
of journalism and mass communication. Awarded second prize in the Tankard Awards in 2010 as the outstanding book of the year.
Research on communication for development in Africa. African Communication
Research. Vol 2, 203-252.
New research methodologies in media and religion. African Communication Research, Vol
2, 167-203.
Teaching communication ethics in the African context: A response to globalization.
Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 29 (2), 188-209.
The role of media in democratic governance. African Communication Research, Vol 1,
(with Stephen Ogongo) The shaping of news values of young journalists in Kenya.
African Communication Research, Vol 1, 159-184.
Review Article: Ten major lines of research on grassroots, participatory
communication in Africa, Vol 1, 11-46.
“Le role des médias dans la croissance de la foi religieuse”, 333-350, in Guy Marchessault (ed)
Témoigner de sa foi, dans les médias, aujourd’hui. Ottawa: Les Presses de
l’université d’Ottawa, 2005.
Book Review: Mark Devenney. Ethics and Politics in Contemporary Theory: Between
Critical Theory and Post-Marxism. London: Routledge, 2004, x + 193pp. ISBN 0-
“Is Moral Consensus Possible or Desireable in a Global Society: The Ethics of Multicultural
Dialogue” , 33-56, in Johanna Sumiala (ed) Pyha media (Sacred Media). Jyvaskyla,
Finland: Atena Kustannus, 2005.
With Patrick Alumuku, “Radio Comunitaria para o Desenvolvimento na Africa”, Anuario
Internazional de Comunicacao Lusofona, 2005, pp 53-64.
“Is Empowerment the Answer: Current Theory and Research on Development
Communication” Gazette, Vol 66/No 1 (February 2004)
Book Review: François Flahaut. Translated by Liz Heron. London: Verso, 2003, x + 192pp
In Ethical Perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network. Vol 10(2003) 3-4,
p. 239-240.
“Quale comunicazione interculturale in società civili frammentate? Una proposta per il
dialogo”, 105-123, in Gabriela Habich (acd) Politiche di confine nel Mediterraneo. Catanzaro: Rubettino, 2004.
“Major Issues in the Study of Media, Religion and Culture”, 197-217, in Peter Horsfield,
Mary Hess and Adan Medrano (eds.), Belief in Media: Cultural Perspectives on
Media and Christianity. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2004.
Book Review. Christopher Bertrand. Rousseau and the Social Contract. London: Routledge,
2004, x +214 pp. ISBN 0-415-20199-3 in Ethical Perspectives: Journal of the
European Ethics NetworkVol 11 (2004) 2-3, p. 207.
Book Review. Sara Owen-Vandersluis. Ethics and Cultural Policy in a Global Economy.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, x+233 pp. ISBN 0-333-98197-9 in Ethical
Perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network. Vol 11 (2004) 2-3, p.209-210.
“L’omelia: far presente la potente parola di Dio”, Credere, - Comunicare la fede/Comunicare
nella fede – anno XXIV, n 6 (novembre-dicembre, 2004), 33-44.
“The Relation of the Internal and External Communication of the Church”, Communicatio
Socialis, Vol 36 (2003), No 2, 130-138.
“The Emerging Communitarian Ethics of Public Communication”, 285-292, in Jolyon
Mitchell and Sophia Marriage, Mediating Religion: Conversations in Media,
Religion and Culture. London: Continuum, 2003
“ Theologizing to communicate God’s love”, 19-32, in Jose Palakeel,(ed.) Towards a
Communication Theology. Bangalore: Asian Trading Company, 2003.
“Teorie sui media e la religione: Evoluzione in 150 anni”, 364-379, in Roberto Cipriani &
Gaspare Mura (acd), Il fenomeno religioso oggi. Roma: Urbaniana University Press, 2002.
“Television – The Parallel School”, 175 -196, in Horyzonty, (publication of the School of
Philosophy in Krakow, Poland), Vol 1 (2002), No. 2
"Il dialogo con la tecnologia" in, 117-122, Uomini o macchine? Il valore della vita
e il potere della tecnologia nella cultura, nella comunicazione sociale e nel
cinema del Terzo Millennio. Roma: Ente dello Spettacolo Editore, 2002
"L'etica del ciberspace" in Internet: La città planetaria - Il Secondo Rinascimento, n, 87-88,
gennaio-febbraio, 2001, pp 100-115.
"Etica e comunicaçao para o desenvolvimento", Revista Brasileira de Ciências da
Comunicaçao, no 2, vol xxiv (2001), pp 123-134
"La comunicazione pastorale", 163-181, in Tommaso Stenico (ed.) Era mediatica e nuova evangelizzazione. Roma: Libreria Editrice Vaticano, 2000
"Communication Creates Community: The Role of Community-Oriented Media", pp 227-240,
In Scrinivas R. Melkote & Sandhya Rao (eds.) Critical Issues in Communication:Looking Inward for Answers. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001.
"La comunicazione pastorale", 187-210, in Claudio Giuliodori e Giuseppe Lorizio (eds.)
Teologia e comunicazione. Milano: San Paolo, 2001
"The New Communication Emerging in the Church", Catholic International, Vol 12, No 4
(November 2001), pp 18-25.
"Introduction", in Thomas Farrell (ed.) Walter Ong's Contribution to Cultural Studies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pp xvii-xxiv.
"Le nuove sfide della comunicazione diocesana" in Quaderni della Segreteria Generale
Conferenza Epispocale Italiana, Anno IV, No. 7 (Febbraio 2000) 27-34.
"New Approaches to Media Ethics": Moral Dialogue, Creating Normative Paradigms and Public
Cultural Truth"in B. Pattyn (ed.) Media Ethics. Leuven - Belgium, Peeters, 2000, 47-67.
"Seven Characteristics of the Good Public Communicator: Protecting the Quality of Democratic Communication", ibid, 283-304.
"Il racconto narrativo come contesto chiarificatore di valori e creatore delle culture"
in Rivista quadrimestrale di Informazione in Psicologia, Psicoterapia e Psichiaria, 10/11
(1999/2000), 38/39.
"Radio in a Multimedia Approach" in Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH & Pierre Belanger, SJ,
Radio Presence: A Collection of International Stories and Experiences.
Brussels: UNDA
"Conditions for cultural negotiation in civil conflicts", 87-102,
"Media deregulation, free press and cultural pluralism in Africa: Toward a communication policy",
pp 477-499, in Luke Uka Uche
(Ed.) Mass Communication, Democracy and Civil Society in Africa: International
Perspectives. Lagos: Nigerian National Commission for UNESCO, 1999.
"The Need for New Strategies of Research on the Democratization of Communication" in Theoretical Approaches to Participatory Communication.
ed. by Thomas Jacobson and Jan Servaes. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1999.
pp 229-262.
"The Role of Media in Generating Alternative Political Projects", in Ingunn Hagen & Janet
Wasko (Eds.) Consuming Audiences? Production and reception in media research.
Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1999, 209-228.
"Pastoral Planning for Church Renewal" in Pastoral Planning for Social Communication Ed. by Victor Sunderaj. Quebec: Paulines Publications, 1999.
"The Mass Media and Evangelization", in La missione senza confini. Ambiti della missione ad gentes. Roma. Vivere In 1999, 391-400.
"A Communitarian Ethic of Communication", in Intercom, Revista Brasileira de Comuniçao, Vol XX No 1.
"Is a universal communication ethics possible: Review of the book, Communication Ethics and Universal Values by Clifford Christians and Michael Traber (London: Sage Publications, 1997) in Media Development, Vol XLV (1998), No 1, pp 58-60.
"Religion and Media in the Construction of Cultures" in Rethinking Media, Culture and Religion, ed by Stewart M. Hoover and Knut Lundby. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. pp 37-65.
"Los medios masivos y la Evangelización" in Evangelización y medios de comunicación, C. Borobio, ed. Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. pp 83-99.
"The Role of Film in Personal Religious Growth" in New Image of Religious Film. ed by John May. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward. pp. 197-212.
"Autovalutazione dell'omelia", Dizionario di Omiletica. Torino: Elle Di Ci.
"La cultura nell'epoca dei mass media e dei nuovi media: Ricadute formative", Orientamenti
pedagogici - rivista internationale di scienze dell'educazione, 263 Anno XLIV No 5,
Settembre-Ottobre, 1997. pp 965-977.
"Major Issues in the Inter-Relationship of Cultural Identity, Dependency, and Alternative
Communication", in Gaston Roberge (ed) Essays on Communication.
Calcutta: Chitrabani, 1996. pp 22-28
"Communitarian Ethic of Communication in a Postmodern Age", Ethical Perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network. Vol 3, No 4, December 1996, pp 207-218.
"Democratization of communication as a social movement process", in The Democratization of Communication, ed by Philip Lee. Cardiff: University of Wales Press,
1996. pp. 92 113.
"La Iglesia y la esfera pública en la sociedad pluralista", Comunicación y Pluralismo. Maria Teresa Aubach (Coord.) Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 1996. pp. 87 102.
Review, "Communication, Culture and Hegemony: From the Media to the Mediations, J. Martin Barbero. in Critical Studies in Mass Communication. Vol 12, No 4 (December, l995) pp 483-84.
"From Codes of Ethics to Public Cultural Truth: A Systemic View of Communication Ethics", European Journal of Communication. Vol 10, No 4 (December, 1995), pp. 441 460.
"Secularizacion y pluralismo religioso: ..cambios...o continua el mismo sincretismo religiosidad popular? Una nueva perspectiva de análisis", Dialogos de la Comunicacion. Revista de la Federación Latinoaméricana de Facultades de Comunicación Social. No 41, marzo de l995. pp 37 52.
"Warwuki Sukcesu: Parsy i Radia Katolickiego" (Conditions for Success: Catholic Print and Radio Media), Kultura i media, No 1, 36 61.
"Prawo do informacji prawo do komunikowania" ("The Right to Information, The Right to Communicate: Five Challenges for Public Media Today.") Ocipe, Warszawa,
Series Editor: "Communication and Human Values" series (Sage Publications)
Cees Hamelink, Thc Politics of World Communication. London: Sage Publications, l995
Peter D'Agostino & David Tafler (eds) Transmissions: Toward a Post-TV Culture. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, l995.
"IAMCR series"
Farrell Corcoran & Paschal Preston. (eds) Democracy and Communication in the New Europe: Change and Continuity in East and West. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton
"Un'omelia di questi tempi", Mass Media, Anno XII, No S (Novembre Dicembre 1993), pp. 13 21.
"La Comunicación: Significado y Modalidades", en La Iglesia y los Medios de
Comunicación Social: Un reto sin respuesta?. Coord, Jeremiah O'Sullivan Ryan. Caracas: Universidad Católica Andres Bello, 1993. pp. 229 262.
"Media Reception Theory: Emerging Perspectives", in Comunication et Nouvelles Technologies. Sous la coordination de Claire Bélisle. Lyon: Programme Rhone Alpes de Recherches en Sciences Humaines, 1993. pp. 102 119.
"L'etica della formazione professionalc", Annali della Scuola Superiore della Pubblica amministrazione, Anno Accademico 1992 1993. Roma, 1993. pp. 188 198.
"The New Order and the Third World", in The Global Media Debate: Its Rise, Fall and Renewal. Ed. by George Gerbner, Hamid Mowlana, and Kaarle Nordenstreng.
Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Company, 1993. pp. 21 34.
"The 'Public Sphere' As An Integrating Concept for Development Communications, in Mass Communication Research on Problems and Policies. Ed by Cees J. Hamelink and Olga Linné. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Company, 1994. 249 266.
"Communication: Meaning and Modalities" in lhe Church and Communication. Ed by Patrick Granfield. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1994. pp. 19 39.
"Comunicazione e informazione", Capitolo 1 del libro di testo, Corso a Distanza sull'informazione. Roma: Figlie di San Paolo, Casa Generalizia, 1994.
"Models of Religious Broadcasting". Media Development. Vol XLI (1994), No 3, pp 3 7.
"Participatory Development Communication as a Socio Cultural Process" in Participatory Communication: Working for Change and Development. London & New Delhi: Sage Publications. pp 95 116.
"Democratization of Communication: Normative Theory and the Sociopolitical Process", in Conversations on Communication Ethics. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Company, 1994. pp.141 164.
"Audience 'Interpretation' of Media: Emerging Perspectives", Communication Research Trends, Vol 14 (1994) No 3, pp 140.
"The Mediations of Religious Media and Communication", Paper delivered at the Conference on "Media, Religion, and Culture", Faculty of Theology, University of Uppsala, May 20-25, 1993.
"New Cultural Strategies for Cultural Identity in Latin America", Media Development Vol XLI (1993), No 3, pp 46-48.
"La Iglesia y la esfera pública en la sociedad pluralista", conferencia presentata al Ier Congreso Internacional sobre Comunicación y Pluralismo, bajo los auspicios de la UNESCO y la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, España (25 27 Noviembre 1993)
"Twenty years of evolution in the Church's thinking about communication", Communicatio
Socialis, Vol 25 (1992), No 3, pp 248 259.
"Nuevas estrategias de cambio: reformas de los medios en América Latina", Chasqui, La Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicacion, No 43, Octobre 1992. pp. 68 72.
"La Iglesia y las comunicaciones en América Latina: la promesa de Aetatis Novae", Chasqui, La Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, No 43, October. pp. 75.
"Democratization of Communication: Normative Theory and Sociopolitical Process", in Conversations in Communication Ethics. Ed by Karen Greenberg. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Company, 1991. pp 141 163.
"La trasmissioni religiose alla radio e in televisione oggi. Rassegna internazionale", I programmi rcligiosi alla radio e in televisione, a cura di Franco Lever. Torino: Editrice Elle Di Ci, 1991. pp 23 58.
"Mass Media and the Religious Imagination. Geloof en Communicatie: Audiovisuele media als vindplaats van religiositeit en spiritualiteit. ed by Harry M.W.J. van de Wouw. Driebergen, Nederland: Katholiek Mediacentrum, 1991. Pp 25-40.
"Cultural Analysis in Communication for Development: The Role of Cultural Dramaturgy in the Creation of a Public Sphere", Development, (Journal of the International Society for Development) 1990: 2. pp 23 31.
"Thc Communication Process of Inculturation: An 'Inside' View", Communicatio Socialis Yearbook, Vol IX (1990), pp. 172 194.
"Participatory Radio in Sandinista Nicaragua", Media Development, Vol 37 (1990), 4. pp. 10 l5.
"Social and Political Factors in the Development of Communication Ethics" in Communication Ethics and Global Change. Ed. by Thomas W. Cooper, Clifford G. Christians, Frances Forde Plude and Robert A. White. New York: Longman, Inc., 1989. pp 40 65.
"Radio Participativa en Nicaragua", Chasqui: La Revista Latnoamericana de Comunicación, No 32, 1989, pp. 47 53.
"Educational Broadcasting", issue of Communication Research Trends, Vol 9 (1988- 1989), No 4, pp 1 16.
"Popular Theatre~, issue of Communication Research Trends, (with Jacob Scrampickal) Vol 9 (1988 1989), No 1, pp 1 24.
"La Teoria de la Comunicación en America Latina", Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación Tecnologia, y Sociedad, Número 19, Septiembre Noviembre 1989, pp. 43 54.
"Networking and Change in Grassroot Communication", Group Media Journal, June 1989, pp 17 20.
"Mass Media and Culture in Contemporary Catholicism: Thc Significance of Vatican II" in Vatican II: Assessment and Perspectives, Vol III, Ed. by Rene Latourelle. New
York: Paulist Press, 1989. pp 580-611.
"Servicio Público en los Medios Sociales de Comunicacion", in Televisión y Democracia in América Latina. Editora, Ana Rosa Tealdo. Lima, Peru: Instituto para América Latina. pp 21 38.
"Políticas nacionales de comunicacion y de cultura" in Cultura transnacional y culturas populares. Editores, Nestor García Canclini y Rafael Roncagliolo. Lima: Instituto Para América Latina. pp 111 143.
"La iglesia y la comunicación en America Latina: Treinta años en busca de modelos Teoria
y praxis de la iglesia Lationamericana en comunicaciones sociales. Editor, Pedro Briseño Chavez, ssp. Bogotá: Consejo Episcopal Latinoaméricano (CELAM). pp. 129 174.
"Progress Toward a New World Information and Communication Order: A Third World Perspective" in The Third Channel, No 6 (1988), pp 783 796.
"NWICO Has Become a People's Movement", Media Development, Vol XXXV (1988), No 1, pp 20-25.
"New Perspectives on Media and Culture", Communication Research Trends, Vol 8 (1987),
No 2, pp 1 16 (with William Biernatzki)
"Television as Myth and Ritual" & "The Mass Media and the Religious Imagination", Communication Research Trends, Vol 8 (1987) pp 1 16.
"Dans le tiers monde, s'approprier la medias, Projet, No 207, Sept Oct, pp.136 143.
"Iglesia y publicidad en América Latina, Publicidad: la otra cultura. Editor: Rafael Roncagliolo. Lima: Instituto para America Latina. pp 213 255.
"The New Communications Emerging in the Church", in Communications, Media and Spirituality. Ed by David Lonsdale, SJ and Philip Sheldrake, SJ. (The Way Supplement, No 57, Autumn 1986) London: Heythrop College. pp 4 25.
"Formation for Priestly Ministry in a Mass Mediated Culture", Seminarium, Vol XXXVI, No 4, pp 805 828.
"Christians Building a New Order of Communication: Reflections on the
Contribution of the Church to the Development of the NWICO", Group Mcdia Journal, Vol V, No 3, pp 3 9.
"The Significance of Recent Developments in the Field of Mass Communicaitions", Massacommunicatie XII, Vol. 3-4, pp 112 125.
"Frank Ugboajah: A Founder of Communication Studies in Africa" in Communicatio Socialis Yearbook, Vol VI.
Politicas Nacionales dc Communicación y Cultura: Lo autoritario y lo democratico en el contexto de América Latina. Serie comunicaciones. Santiago, Chile: CENECA (Centro
de Indagacion y Expresión Cultural y Artistica).
"Building a New Order of Communication" in Communication for All: The Church and the New World Information and Communication Order. Philip Lee, Ed. Indore, India: Satprahshan Sachar Kendra Press and Maryhloll, New York: Orbis Books.
"Violence in the Media" Communication Research Trends, Vol 5, No 4, pp 1 16.
"Youth and Rock Music", Communication Research Trends, Vol 5, No 1, pp. 1 12.
with James McDonnell, "Priorities for National Communication Policy in the Third World", The Information Society Journal. Vol 2, No 2, pp 5 33.
"Religion as a Social Force in Democratising Communicationn, paper commissioned by UNESCO, Paris, Division of Free Flow of Information and Communication Policies, March, 1983.
"The Latin American Association for Radiophonic Education", Media in Education and Development, Vol 16, September 1983. pp. 122 128.
"Community Radio as an Alternative to Traditional Broadcasting", Media Development, Vol XXX (1983), No 3, pp 4 9.
"Mass Communication and Culture: Transition to a New Paradigm, Journal of Communication, Vol 33, No 3, Special Issue, "Ferment in the Field", pp 279 301.
"Communication Strategies for Social Change, in World Communications Handbook, ed by George Gerbner and Marsha Siefert. New York: Longman Inc, 1986. pp 279 293.
"Christians and the New World Information and Communication Order", The Wide World of UNDA, Vol X, No 5 6, pp. 1 11.
"Improving Children's Television", Communication Research Trends, Vol 4, No 3, pp. 1 12.
"Concentration of Media Ownership", Communication Research Trends, Vol 4, No 1, pp 1 12.
"Critical Views of Advertising", Communication Research Trends, Vol 3, No 3, pp. 1 12.
"New Approaches to Media Education", Communication Research Trends, Vol 3, No 2, pp. 1 12.
Review of "Community Conflict and the Press", by Phillip J. Tichenor, George Donohue and Clarice N. Olien. (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1980) in Rural Sociology, Vol 47, No 1, pp 184 187.
"Contribution of the Church to the Movement Toward More Democratic Communicationn, in Communicatio Socialis Yearbook, Vol II (1982 1983), Sat Prachar Press, pp 31 54.
"The Church and the Now Communication Order", The Wide World of UNDA, Vol IX, pp 8 9.
"The Language of Film and Television", Communication Research Trends, Vol 2, No 4. pp 1 12.
"Television's Influence on Cultures", Communication Research Trends, Vol 2, No 3, pp 1 12.
"Censorship in the Media", Communication Research Trends, Vol 2, No 2, pp 1 12.
"The Church and Communication in Latin America: Thirty Years of Search for New Patterns", Communicatio Socialis Yearbook, Vol I (1981), Ed by Tomy Luis, svd Indore, India: Sat Prachar Press, 1981. pp 92 115.
"The Word and the Electronic Media", The Way, Vol 20, No 1 (January, 1980) pp 24 35.
"Motivaciones y factores sociales en el uso de la tecnologia de las comunicaciones en la Educación, Revista de Educación, No 263, Enero Abril, 1980. pp. 31 SS.
"Youth-oriented Motivational Structure for Distance Education", About Distance Education. (Cambridge: Internatonal Extension College), No 8, April 1980.
"'Comunicación popular': Language of Liberation", Media Development, Vol XXVII, No 3, pp 3 9.
"Criterios para el desarrollo de la radio regional para el desarrollo social" in La emisora regional para el desarrollo, ed by Antonio Cabezas and Rosario Amable. Quito: CIESPAL.
"Bias in the news", Communication Research Trends, Vol 1, No 4, pp 1 12.
"Broadcasting Policy and Media Reform", Communication Research Trends, Vol 1, No 3, pp 1 12.
"The New International Information Order", Communication Research Trends, Vol 1, No 2, pp 1 12.
"The Ethics of Mass Media", Communication Research Trends, Vol 1, No 1. pp 1 12.
"Alfabetización: Causa o Efecto del Cambio Social", in Education en América Latina. Mexico: Centro de Estudios Educativos, 1979.
Educación básica y cambio estructural. Bogotá: Acción Cultural Popular.
"The Popular Promotion Model of Development and Mass Communications in Honduras", in Radio for Education and Development: Case Studies, ed by Peter Spain, Dean Jamison and Emile McAnany. Vol 2. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, Working Paper 266.
A Structural Model of Rural Developmcnt: The Church and the Peasant in Honduras. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms (Diss No 78 1679).
An Alternative Pattern of Basic Education: Radio Santa Maria. Paris: UNESCO, 1976. (Spanish and Prench editions also)
New Directions for Mass Communication Research. Jescom Research Unit, Rome, 1976.
with Donaldo Ochoa, "Teleducación y cambio social en Honduras", in Teleducación y cambio social en América Latina. Editor, Hugo Osorio Melendez. Santiago, Chile, 1975.
"The Value themes of the Native American Movements", Current Anthropology, Vol l5, No. 3 (September 1974), pp 281 303.
"The Lower Class Culture of Excitement Among the Contemporary Sioux" in The Modern Sioux. Ed by Ethel Nurge. Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press, 1970.
"Mexico: The Zapata Movement and the Revolution", in Campesino Movements in Latin America. Ed by Henry Landsberger. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1970.