

This annual grantof$350 is intended to provide50%ofthe costofa structural analysis and repairprioritizationofonebarn andwould serveas a firststep torehabilitation.

1.The evaluation ofabarn structure will beperformed byaprofessional familiar with barn construction and approved bytheKansasBarnAllianceBoard of Directors.

a.The evaluation will provide an analysis ofthepresent condition ofthestructure.

b.The evaluation will itemizethe repairs needed in orderofimportancetoallow for work to bedonein phases.

c.Theprioritized list willcontain approximate expenses foreach phaseofwork. These cost estimates arenot inanywayto beassumed to beguaranteed.Onlythe contractor chosen forthework cangivean accurate estimateof costs.

Theseparation of phases of workwill allow theowner to budget for thefuture or to applyfor grants if that is appropriate. It will also permit owner to determinewhat work might beundertaken byhimor herself.

2.Thegrant funds willbepaid directlyto theprofessional doingtheevaluation. Thematching

$350 contributed bythebarn owner will also bepaid to theperson doingthe evaluation.

3.Applicants arenot required to bemembers ofthe KansasBarn Alliance. However, preference will be given to members in the event the overall total grant award limit, determined annually by the board, is reached and eliminations need to occur. Winningapplicants will be awarded aoneyearmembership in KBA.

4.Criteriato be considered by grantcommittee(not necessarilyin this order):

a.Applicant shall betheownerofthebarn ormust have written approval ofowner.

b.Plannedusefor repaired barnshould bedescribed. Includebusiness plan if commercial useis planned.

c.Thepresentuseofbarnshould bestated.Photo documentation ofinterior and exteriorofthe barn should beincluded. Include at least 8 photos showingboth sides ofeach wall as

much as possible. Thesemaybeprinted photos orthephotos maybeburned to a disk.

d.Thehistory ofthebarn is to beincluded from thepresent ownerback to its original owner and builderifpossible.

Theaboveinformation should beincluded in a 350 word or less explanation of thereasons for thegrant request. (See#4 on page2 of Application.)

e.Ownershould be willingto have farmstead information entered on the Kansas Historical Society’s Kansas HistoricResourcesInventory(KHRI).

This is a record of pre-1950 barns and farmsteads and other properties.

It is not a listing on either theKansas Register or National Register of Historic Places.

f.Barn orfarmstead should have enough integrityto beapotential listing on

the National Registerof HistoricPlaces whethertheowner wishes to pursueit ornot.

Owner shall begiven completeinformation of theadvantages of being listed on theNRHPand thetax credits available.

g.Pleaseinclude contactinformation for2 references confirmingbarn owner’s commitment to rehabilitation ofthebarn thegrant is to beused for.

5. Completeall parts ofthe application and haveit postmarkedbyJuly 15, 2017.

Mail to: Kansas Barn AllianceGrant P.O. Box 86,

Concordia, Kansas 66901


$350 ‘ Let’sGet StartedGrant!’

GrantApplicationforStructuralEvaluationofOneKansasBarnDeadline:July 15,2017


Name_ Address

City andzip code

E-mail address

Home phone_cellphone








Include asignedstatementofpermissionfrom ownerifdifferentthan applicant.

Contactinformationforoccupantat barnlocation:




KansasBarnAlliance Grant Application(continued)

1. Brieflydescribe planneduseforbarnafterrehabilitation.


2Whatisthe present useof the barn?


3.Include atleast8 photosshowingallsidesof the barnexterior andinterior as muchaspossible.These maybeonadisk.

4.Onaseparate paper, pleasetell the historyof the barnasmuchaspossible fromtheoriginalconstructionandownertothepresenttimeandownerin approximately350 words.Please includethereasonforseeking thisgrant.

5.Pleaseinclude names andcontactinformationfor2references.



KansasBarnAllianceDirectors and/or theirrepresentativeswillmake personal visits tobarns thatarefinalists.

Mailto:KansasBarnAllianceGrantP.O.Box 86

Concordia,Kansas 66901

DEADLINE---July 15, 2017