December 13, 2016 Board Meeting December 12, 2016
DECEMBER 12, 2016
The regular meeting of the Spring Arbor Township Board was held Monday, December 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with the following members present: Supervisor Dave Herlein, Clerk Julia Stonestreet, Treasurer Colleen Gibbs, Trustees Bob Drain and Caleb Runyon. Absent: James Buck and Troy Ganton. The supervisor led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment: Public Comment opened 7:02 p.m. Julie Alexander, County Commissioner, gave us information concerning her last day as Commissioner and First day as our New House of Representative. Comment closed at 7:12.
Reports: Chief Ratkiewicz reported on the month’s activities and additional training in December.
Expenditures: Motion was made by Runyon and seconded by Drain to approve the following expenditures for November: General Fund expenditures totaling $63,232.69; Fire Department Fund expenditures totaling $26,683.99; Street Light Fund expenditures totaling $3,597.80; Building Inspections Fund expenditures $5,694.98; Sewer Fund expenditures totaling $83,799.68; Water Fund expenditures totaling $3,844.16.; Current Tax Collection Fund totaling $17,629.13; Historical Fund expenditures of $385.00 Roll Call: 5 yes. Motion was made by Gibbs and seconded by Drain to approve the payment of outstanding invoices totaling $106,107.23. Roll Call: 5 yes. Approved.
Minutes: Motion was made by Stonestreet and seconded by Drain to approve the minutes of the Special Board meeting of October 20, 2016. Approved. Motion was made by Gibbs and seconded by Drain to approve the Regular Board meeting minutes of November 14, 2016. Approved
Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Runyon and seconded by Drain to accept the following items under the consent agenda consisting of the financial reports for November 2016; general ledger report of revenues and expenditures for November 2016; the Zoning/Building and Permits report for November 2016; the Public Safety Report of November 2016; the Planning Commission meeting minutes November 9, 2016; the Senior Center Advisory Board meeting minutes of November 9, 2016.
The Financial Reports showed the following balances as of November 30, 2016:
General Fund Cash 45,169.79
Certificate of Deposit 622,141.03
Fire Operations Cash (82,416.20)
Certificate of Deposit .00
Street Light Fund Cash 26,115.25
Street Light Fund MM .00
P.I. Fund Cash 6,495.64
P.I. Fund MM 95,399.34
Building Inspection Fund Cash 8,978.65
Building Inspection Fund MM 85,071.89
Trust and Agency Fund .00
Historical Fund Cash 561.26
Historical Fund MM 11,709.90
Sewer Fund 1,022,954.27
Water Funds 133,001.69
Current Tax Collection Fund 10,054.50
Ganton Memo of Understanding 10,005.53
Total $2,295,242.54
US Post Office lease: Supervisor Herlein that the Post Office building needs a new door and ADA compliant power openers. A motion was made by Gibbs and seconded by Drain to approve the expenditure of up to $3,500 to have this work completed. Roll Call: 5 yes. Approved.
JDOT and Local Roads: Supervisor Herlein reported to the board that he continues preparing for a millage to be on the May 2017 election. We will have to have the information from JDOT and the Bond people by January so that we can move forward with a May election.
Parking lot and Grounds Equipment: Supervisor Herlein asked the board to approve an expenditure of $725 to purchase a new salt spreader to replace the worn out spreader. A motion was made by Gibbs and seconded by Drain to approve the expense. Roll Call: 5 yes. Approved.
Annual Board Meeting Dates Resolution: Clerk Stonestreet asked that the board approve the annual resolution to set the Board meeting dates for 2017. They will be the second Monday of the month with the exception of October which will be the seconded Tuesday of the month. A motion was made by Drain and seconded by Runyon to approve the 2017 Regular Board Meeting dates resolution. Roll Call: 5 yes. Approved.
Annual Trunk Line Resolution for Memorial Parade: Clerk Stonestreet explained the Trunk Line Resolution is approved annually so that we can begin the process to get permission to close M-60 for the annual Memorial Day Parade. A motion was made by Drain and seconded by Runyon to approve the annual Trunk line resolution. Roll Call: 5 yes. Approved.
Resolution of Appreciation: Stonestreet asked to board to approve a resolution to the Township Election Workers for all their work in this very busy election year. Motion made by Runyon and seconded by Stonestreet. Roll Call: 5 yes. Approved.
PUBLIC/BOARD COMMENT: Clerk Stonestreet reported that Richard Roth, a Planning Commission member, passed away on December 10.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Julia Stonestreet
Township Clerk
Approved at the January 9, 2017 regular board meeting
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