Welcome To Our Little Lounge

For your convenience we provide a service to care for and supervise your child during your manicuring services. We are not a full service center or licensed day care facility. In order to make our facility work more efficiently and with safety in mind, the following must be followed.


Little Lounge is available for children from 5 months through 6 years of age.


Tuesday-Friday 10am-7pm

Saturday 10-6pm

Closed Sunday & Monday


Staff has submitted to a background check, in addition to being CPR Certified.

First aid supplies are always on hand for minor injuries and we always keep track of where you — the parents — are in the salon, so you can be found immediately if there's an issue with your child.

How to Participate in Little Lounge

The first hour fee is $5 per child. Each additional 15 minutes is $1.00.

Any Lounge or De-luxe service provided includes complimentary care.

Before you visit

-Please have your child’s diaper changed or have your child use the restroom before entering Little Lounge. Our staff members will not be able to change your child and will let you know right away if changing is needed.

-We ask that children wash their hands before entering Little Lounge.

-Please share with us any specific information about your child’s needs (teething, allergies, stages of toilet training or any other concerns for that day).

-If your child seems anxious, freighted or is crying, try to remain supportive. Children adjust quickly after a parent leaves. Sometimes it will be necessary to stay with your child in the room until s/he is settled. We will make every effort to make your child feel more comfortable.

-If your child is inconsolable after 15 minutes, we will ask you to return to Little Lounge.

-Unfortunately, if your child is inconsolable and not able to participate in Little Lounge, and you cannot complete nail services due to circumstances, cancelation fees for services will be applicable. We understand this is an unforeseen situation, but Lacquered reserves specific time for your appointment.

What to bring

-You are welcome to pack a water container for your child. Please clearly mark the container with your child’s name. Glass is not permitted.

-Socks are required to be worn at all times. No shoes allowed in Little Lounge.

A change of clothes: For babies please bring at least one change of clothing.

A diaper bag: Bag should be labeled with your child’s name and the contents listed above inside.

Do not bring any toys or electronic games from home. We have plenty of toys and activities to engage your child.

No Food allowed in Little Lounge.

On your First Visit

-Upon your first visit, you’ll be asked to complete a childcare waiver & emergency contact form for your child. This form will need to be updated annually.

-On each visit, check your child in by signing the clipboard with your child’s name, your first and last name, and the services you will be getting. The sign-in clipboard is kept near the entrance. Be sure to include any special instructions on the sheet.

-You must remain in the salon while your child is in Little Lounge.

-The same parent/guardian must both drop off and pick up the child. A parent/guardian must be listed on the emergency form.

- When you first check in, you and your child are given a sticker with matching numbers. When you come pick up your child, we make sure your numbers match up, as well as visually verify that the same parent who dropped the child off is the same one to pick up.This way, you are theonly person who can retrieve your childfrom Little Lounge.

-If you have not picked up your child after one hundred and eighty minutes or by the time the room closes, our staff will try to locate you by checking the salon. If we cannot locate you after taking these steps, we will begin calling the person(s) listed on the Emergency Information Form. If you cannot be located in the facility, and after all attempts have been made to contact the parent and emergency contact, we will contact the Sacramento Police and Child Protective Services.

-For safety reasons staff may need to postpone entry due to ratio. You may be asked to wait to enter Little Lounge if we are at maximum capacity.

Behavior Management

Our staff will do everything possible to make your child’s experience a pleasant one; however, we will need to come find you under the following circumstances:

-Illness (fever over 100, excessive coughing and/or opaque mucus, vomiting, diarrhea or other contagious disease).

-Inconsolable crying over separation from parent lasting more than 15 minutes.

-Continued disruptive behaviors, the following procedures will be taken:

-The child will be redirected to another activity.

-The staff will remind child of the rules.

-If the behavior escalates to an unsafe level, the child will be asked to sit quietly until s/he calms down.

-If the child continues to display unsafe or disruptive behavior (such as biting, hitting or causing injury), you will be asked to pick up your child immediately.

-If your child has a special diagnosis, be sure to let us know how to best work with your child. If you have a doctor’s plan that we can use, that is very helpful, and we will keep it in your child’s file.

Health & Safety

In the best interest of your child’s health and safety and the well being of other children and staff, we stress the following:

-If your child is contagious i.e. diarrhea, pink eye, opaque runny nose, fever, cough, etc., we ask that you not bring your child that day for 24 hours after the symptoms are visible.

-If your child has allergies or medical conditions that may cause them to appear to have any of the above mentioned symptoms, we ask that you provide a doctor’s note for your child’s file prior to them being admitted back to the Little Lounge.

-Children must be on antibiotics for at least 48hours before returning to Little Lounge. If you are unsure about your child’s health, please do not bring them.

-We cannot administer any medication to children.

-If your child becomes ill or begins to exhibit symptoms of being ill, we will notify you and ask you to take your child home.

-If your child displays symptoms of a contagious illness soon after visiting Little Lounge, be sure to contact us, so we can post an exposure notice to alert other parents.

-If your child is too sick to go to school, they are too sick to be in Little Lounge. For the health and safety of all children in Little Lounge, our staff members have the right to deny access to any child who exhibits symptoms of being sick. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

In the event of an emergency that requires us to evacuate, our staff is prepared and has a plan to keep your child safe. We will follow these procedures to return your child to you in a safe, calm and timely manner.

-Staff will clear Little Lounge and take all the children with them.

-Staff and children will go to XXXXXX

-Meet us at the designated go-to spot to pick up your child.

-If you come to Little Lounge at this time, we will not release your child, but will ask you to walk with us. This will help with timeliness of evacuating everyone and will avoid confusion.

-Children will be asked to walk single-file using a safety rope. Children who are unable to walk or walk quickly will be carried out.