Team Training for Team-Initiated Problem Solving(TIPS II)
Curriculum Scope and Sequence
Purpose of the Training
To provide teams with skills necessary to implement TIPS with fidelity. During this training, teams will strengthen effective “meeting foundations,” practice the TIPS problem solving process, complete the TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist, and leave the training ready to use TIPS at the next meeting.
Materials Needed for Training
- Participants will need laptops that can read USBs (e.g., no iPads) if an electronic form of the USB has not been shared previously.
- Internet access is optional.
- Handouts, folders, or binders (details of contents provided at end of this document)
- USB containing files to download – each participant will be given a USB with copies of all needed files to download to his or her laptop.
- Post-it-notes for tables
- Candy
This full-day training includes many activities including opportunities for viewing videos and role-playing behaviors/skills for effective problem solving.
TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist (TIPS-FC)
The TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist is introduced during the initial section of the training and serves as a reference for effective and efficient problem solving. Teams complete the TIPS-FC during the mini-Meeting they facilitate at the end of the day.
Using Embedded Videos
Videotaped sections of a ‘staged’ meeting are utilized during the applied portion the training. These videos illustrate various features of the TIPS problem-solving model and includes scenarios within which participants can observe teams and individuals in action.
Number of Participants
The number of participants at a training has implications for the number of trainers particularly during activities. As a general guide, one trainer per five teams is ideal.
Training Materials and Resources
Each participant will have a notebook or folder that includes:
- Training agenda
- Handout of training power point
- Rate your TIPS Skill Acquisition
- TIPS Meeting Minutes
- TIPS Meeting Minutes Guide
- TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist (TIPS-FC)
- Meeting Minutes Criteria for Fidelity
- Data scenarios (Jasmine and Paul) to use during training
Each participant will receive a USB to copy that contains the following folders:
- Handouts for use during the training and future application
- Forms for future use including coaching checklist, TIPS-FC, TIPS Readiness for Training Checklist, TIPS Coaching Problem Solving Guide
- Resources including a Solution Matrix, Roles and Responsibilities on Teams, ICEL Factors to Assist in Brainstorming, and Helpful Tips for Minute Takers using Word
Each trainer needs all above materials and:
- USBs for copying files to be distributed to teams
- LCD projector
- Speakers
- Response Cards (5 colored index cards per person in red, green, yellow, purple, and blue)
- Post-it-Notes
- Internet if using on-line data sources during team meeting
- Optional – ask teams to bring LCD projectors to use during team meeting at the end
- Chart paper for “screens” for team meetings if walls are not light colored
- Candy
Scope and Sequence
The training format is organized in sections related to the TIPS model components. There are seven sections in the full Team Training for TIPS Curriculum including: 1) TIPS Overview, 2) Structure of meetings using TIPS as a problem-solving model and TIPS Meeting Minutes, 3) Problem Solving, 4) Meeting Foundations, 5) Building Your team to use TIPS, if time permits 6) Brief Team Meeting, and a 7) Wrap Up of the Training. Each section is formatted to provide direct instruction of main ideas, critical discriminations and skills, andinteractive participation. Interactive discussions are provided during each step of the training and can be enhanced by the use of a response card system (colored index cards that participants raise at different points to identify their answers to questions posed by the trainer). The response card system engages participants and also alerts the trainer to the participants’ levels of skill or knowledge acquisition.
Section1: Overview
Purpose is to provide team members with an outline of the workshop agenda, materials, and activities and a brief overview regarding the need for a problem-solving model. This section ends with a short video segment of a TIPS meeting and then introduces the TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist.
Section 2: Structure of a Meeting Using TIPS as a Problem-Solving Model and Alignment with the TIPS Meeting Minutes
Purpose is to provide an overview of the flow of a TIPS meeting and how it mirrors the format of the TIPS Meeting Minutes form. This section ends with an activity that strengthens participants’ awareness of where content belongs on a TIPS Meeting Minute form.
Section3:Problem Solving
Purpose is to provide instruction around the six problem solving components. Teaching examples are based on the academic and behavior data sets (Jasmine and Paul)that are followed across the training from Problem Identification to Summative Evaluation steps. Meeting videos that depict the use of each related TIPS skill also are embedded in the training power point.
Section 4:Meeting Foundations
Purpose is to strengthen team Meeting Foundations including roles, responsibilities, and meeting logistics.
Section 5: Building Your Team
Purpose is to provide teams time to identify their needs for effective and efficient implementation of TIPS.Teams will determine roles and responsibilities, schedule for meetings, and logistics of meetings (e.g., location, resources needed).
Section 6: Brief Team Meeting
Purpose is to provide the team coached practice during a brief team meeting to apply TIPS Meeting Foundations and problem solving strategies. Teams also will complete the Fidelity of Implementation Checklist for the brief team meeting at the end of this meeting.
Section 7: Training Wrap Up
Purpose is to review objectives of team training, answer questions, direct participants to additional resources, and provide either a paper training evaluation form or a link to an electronic survey.
Section / Objective(s) and Activities / Power Point Slides / EstimatedTime Allocation / Materials Used/Produced
1.0 / TIPS
Overview /
- Prepare participants to be able provide a brief verbal overview to other the TIPS Model and the TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist (TIPS-FC)
- Review research conducted to examine the efficacy of the TIPS model
- TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist
- Video Segment
2.0 / TIPS Meeting
Structure /
- Understand the flow of the TIPS meeting
- Become familiar with TIPS Meeting Minutes
- Understand critical features of TIPS Meeting Minutes
- Response Cards
- TIPS Meeting Minutes
- Video segment
3.0 / Problem Solving
3.1 / Identify Problem with Precision /
- Use data to define a school-wide primary summary statement
- Use data to define a precise problem statement
- Use data to identify current (and previous) levels of performance
- Response Cards
- Video segment of TIPS team identifying a precise problem statement
3.2 / Application /
- Review of common graphs and data collection systems
- Use data provided (Jasmine - academic and Paul - behavior) to define a precise problem statement (15-minute activity)
- Review potential responses for activity
- Jasmine and Paul initial data sets
- Precise problem statements entered on TIPS Meeting Minutes
3.3 / Identify Goal for Change /
- Use data to identify goals
- Complete interactive activity defining needed components for goals
- Define goal for previously developed precise problem statement
- Apply content to practice example data – Jasmine and Paul (10 minute activity)
- Review potential responses for activity
- Response Cards
- Goals identified for sample problem (Jasmine or Paul) entered on TIPS Meeting Minutes
- Align with TIPS Fidelity Implementation Checklist
3.4 / Identify Solution and Create Implementation Plan with Contextual Fit /
- Understand domains for problem solving that lead to solutions based on precise problem statements
- Be able to build action plans based on implementation needs for selected solutions
- Apply content to practice example (10-minute activity)
- Review potential responses for activity
- Response Cards
- Solutions identified for previous problem
- Solutions and action plan entered on TIPS Meeting Minutes for on-going monitoring of Jasmine or Paul
- Align with TIPS Fidelity Implementation Checklist
3.5 / Implement Solutions with High Integrity /
- Understand the two sources of data needed for evaluating impact of solutions and their application to problem solving
- Develop a prototype of a fidelity data collection system for school
- Apply content to practice example using Jasmine Paul scenario (10 minutes)
- Review potential responses for this activity
- Build options for fidelity and evaluation data at school sites
- Fidelity measures for Jasmine or Paul entered on TIPS Meeting Minutes
- Align with TIPS Fidelity Implementation Checklist
3.6 / Monitor Impact of Solution and Compare against Goal /
- Be able to evaluate fidelity and outcome data gathered
- Video segment of solutions and evaluation planning during a TIPS team meeting
- Align with TIPS Fidelity Implementation Checklist
3.7 / Make Summative Evaluation Decision /
- Be able to make decisions about next steps based on data gathered
- Using outcome and fidelity data provided, apply content to practice example (10-minute activity)
- Review potential responses to activity
- Outcome data packets for Jasmine and/or Paul
- Evaluation of outcomes entered on TIPS Meeting Minutes for Jasmine and/or Paul
- Impact of solutions and next steps entered on Modified TIPS Meeting Minute worksheet
- Align with TIPS Fidelity Implementation Checklist
4.0 / Meeting Foundations /
- Understand critical elements recommended to run an effective and efficient meeting
- Response Cards
- Video segment of observable characteristics of Meeting Foundations
- Align with TIPS Fidelity Implementation Checklist
5.0 / Supporting Your Problem Solving Team During Implementation of TIPS /
- Identify team members for each role (primary and back-up)
- Be able to identify key elements in a meeting that align with TIPS Fidelity of Implementation
- Know how to find additional supports, resources, and coaching assistance if needed
- TIPS Meeting video
- Completed Team Member rosters with primary and back-up people identified for each role
- Meeting schedule for school year developed
- Completed TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist for meeting held today
- Completed training evaluation form
6.0 / Brief Problem Solving Team Meeting Using TIPS /
- Begin working as a TIPS team
- Agree on group norms
- Set up meeting schedule (if not already done)
- Problem solve meeting logistics
- Use own data (if accessible) to define a precise problem
(set up)
20-30-minute meeting /
- Blank TIPS Meeting Minutes
- LCD projectors and chart paper (to use as screens if walls are not light colored)
- Access to school data (electronic or hard copy) if possible
7.0 / Wrap Up /
- Questions and Answers
- Review resources available
- Evaluate training (provide link to electronic survey to save time during training)
- Evaluation form or discuss link to electronic survey
Scope and Sequence for Team Training for Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)--