Mrs. Breeding’s Newsletter
Oct. 21st-25th
Dates to Remember:· Oct. 22nd –Academic Night 5:30-7PM
· Oct. 30th & 31st – Early Release at 12 PM/ parent/teacher conferences
· Nov. 6th – Picture Day Make-Up
· Nov. 21st – Turkey Trot
· Nov. 25th-29th – Thanksgiving Break / Homework:
· Students will need to read and complete the “Just Right” reader along with the activities that go with it. These activities will be kept for teacher files.
· A Reading Log will also be sent. Please read a minimum of 10 minutes per night with your child. The “Just Right” reader can count as part/all of the reading.
· A “daily” math worksheet will be sent home as well.
· Students will also have Words Their Way (spelling) homework along with an assessment on Friday.
· All homework needs to be completed and turned in on Friday.
· If completed each night, homework should take a maximum of 25 minutes, including the 10 minutes of reading.
Halloween Participation – Oct. 31st
Students will be permitted to dress up on Halloween, October 31, but must follow a few guidelines. Please be aware of the need for consideration when selecting costumes for your children. Children cannot have costumes that will be overly frightening to other children. Costumes cannot include any weapons or replicas of weapons. As an example: a child may dress as a pirate, but he or she may not have a replica or pretend sword. A child may dress as a cowboy or cowgirl, but he or she may not have a replica or pretend gun.
What are we Learning About?
1. Reading
· Describing characters in stories and explaining the reasons for their actions/feelings.
· Retelling Stories – beginning, middle and end, correct order, important details, setting, and characters
· Short “e” review
· Cluster (blends) with “s” – ex: stamp, snake, skate, spell
2. Writing
· Personal Narrative Unit of Study – focusing on details and small moments to improve writing, begin “mini book” personal narratives
· Vocabulary – personal, narrative, collection
· Lowercase “c” and “o” handwriting
· Correct punctuation, capitalization, and good spelling (readable)
3. Math
· Story (Word) Problem focus, particularly subtraction
· One-to-one correspondence – counting up to 40 by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
· Fractions, Today’s Number, Coins, and time, Place Value
· Comparing numbers-Greater Than/Less Than and Even/Odd
· Combinations of 7, 8, 9, and 10
4. Science – Predict and ID changes in materials caused by heating and cooling such as ice melting, water freezing, and water evaporating
5. Social Studies – Maps – reading and understanding, directionality / What can I do at home?
· Reinforce what we are learning in the classroom by reading to your child and having them read daily.
· Always practice retelling a story in the correct order and including all important details.
· Students should be writing words that are legible and easily read (even if they are not spelled correctly). Begin encouraging more sentence writing utilizing correct punctuation.
· Students should be sounding out simple unknown words while reading.
· Complete nightly homework to extend lessons from class.
· Use technology to make at-home learning more fun! Brain Pop, Jr., Starfall, ABC Mouse, and lots of other programs are great to keep kids engaged and learning!
Important Reminders
· Remember to have your children to school on time as often as possible. We begin instruction immediately after announcements (around 8:05 AM). Thank you for all your support!
· Brain Pop, Jr. Login information:
o Login – SWE1234
o Password – SWE5678
· Bring in your plastic bottles and cans for recycling!
Word Study
“S” Blendsst: stamp, star, stove
sp: spill, spider, sponge
sk: skis, sky, skirt
sm: smoke, smock, smile / “Instant” Sight Words
First 9 Weeks
*These sight words will not necessarily be on spelling assessments, but first graders are expected to be able to read them instantly (without hesitation). Please practice these words a minimum of 3 times per week if your child does not know them by sight already:
List A:
am / there
Sight Words
*The “blend” Words as well as the sight words in this box will be on the assessment on Friday!
Reading Words of Wisdom: Children learn an average of 4,000 to 12,000 new words each year as a result of book reading. (Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!)