Supplementary materials and methods
Amino acid sequence alignment of the Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis GR with sequences of GR from other organisms
In order to identify conserved (or almost fixed) amino acid domains between GR genes, amino acid alignment was done by using EBI tools ( Residues that are identical (∗) or similar (∙ or ∶) in all five sequences are marked beneath. Gaps are indicated by dots. Bold underlines below the sequences indicate regions of residues important for GSSG binding. Dot box and bold box is the region surrounding the redox-active disulfide bridge and the fingerprint motif of NADPH binding, respectively. The Arg (arginine) residues involved in NADPH binding are indicated by open squares. Abbreviations and sources of the sequences: Human (AAP88307), Escherichia (Escherichia coli; BAE77794), Saccharomyces (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; NP_015234), Yeast (AAA92575), Brassica (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis; AAF67753).